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RE: The Founding of Dodge City - Cow town

in #history6 years ago

Thanks again for an interesting topic, Jonboy!

Parties marauding around there attacking anything that moved basically.. because they were Pissed!

Now, I was not there. I'm not related to anyone who was, and I'm not part Native American. However:

I still cannot absorb how badly the story of the Wild West's settlement overlooks the plight of the Indians in that process of intended genocide! The history books just skimm lightly over the details of the losing side, but glorify the "great men" like Buffalo Bill, who was nothing but a killer of animals.

Sorry, but all that imagery twanged a chord in me. I truthfully don't know if killing the Indians for fun and profit bothers me the most, or if it was killing a few million Bison, paying the Indians with alcohol to collect the bones so they could be shipped back East to be used as fertilizer.

Something about shooting into a massive herd of animals and leaving them dead and dying to rot for a year before harvesting their bones just doesn't strike me as a good thing.

Good on you for the posting! If I lived nearby I'd love to join you at your favorite beer joint so I could tell you what is wrong with the way we did things back then!


howdy there @willymac! yes sir I know. I pounded the government hard when I did my series on the Caddo Nation which lived right in my neighborhood for a THOUSAND years until the feds forced them off their ancestral lands.
and that's why I wanted to let everyone know in this post what happened to the Indians food supply and what the feds did to the buffalo, because alot of people don't know and it's not in the history books.

slaughtering the herds and leaving them to rot was disgusting. bytheway the bones were also used to make China as well as fertilizer.

thank you sir for your kind words and I couldn't agree more about the way the feds made huge blunders over and over again.
I'll take you up on that beer though if you're ever in the area!

After reading that last night, I kept thinking about how a generally peaceful people who were tied ancestrally and emotionally to their land must have felt to have been forced off and moved somewhere alien to them and their beliefs.

Like moving the Cherokee from the mountains of Appalachia to the flatlands of Oklahoma. That must have been horrible for them!

Nothing to be proud of, so no wonder that part is barely mentioned in classrooms. Teaching American history is a lot like raising mushrooms.....

History written by the losers would be a lot more enlightening.

Yep, a Texas beer would be good!

I always wanted to be a Texan!

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