
Denying the Holocaust is Illegal in certain places

Not even denying, the simple questioning of the official story can be illegal. That's very fishy, truth fears no investigation. If I thought so many of my kind were killed, I'd want to know every single little thing about what happened.

I don't understand why regular people also go off the deep end when holocaust denial is mentioned. I've brought it up in college classes before and people literally gasped out loud.

I upvoted you, not because I agree with what you say but because you did say it. I have read a lot about the holocaust and I have no doubt it happened, were we might be led astray is with the number of victims, and I doubt it mostly from a logistic point of view, just think of the man power Germany would have had to waste on guarding six million people, I bet you just feeding the guards at these levels of people would have been a nightmare, and six million people even on starving rations would be a big toll also, and this at a time Germany had to feed it's army, which was huge and were already losing ground so I think the aryan myth would have taken a second plane.
As for Hitler being a Socialist, frankly I have never read a book that says that, he believed in capitalism and his tendency was towards something more akin with fascism than anything else. Fascism has nothing to do with socialism, except if you equate Socialism with corporate welfare. In fact if you read about the beginning of the 1930's you find few people in Europe who were outright against his policies.
The way the Japanese Americans were treated was definitely crap.

Thanks. I still haven't done much research on Hitler or the Nazis and what they really did and believed, but I plan to at some point when I find the time. As far Hitler being capitalist maybe, there's a video of a speech he gave where he says something like "Jewish/American capitalism is bad" but I suppose he may not have meant capitalism in general but rather "Jewish capitalism". And like I said in the article I am a denier of the gas chambers, I do not totally disregard the possibility of a mass death method they may have used such as simply shooting them with guns or perhaps dropping bombs. When you say you are sure the holocaust happened do you mean you fully believe there were gas chambers?

Frankly i haven't given that much consideration, but in the end dead is dead so I don't think the method is so important, I can only hope that whatever method was used, it would have been the fastest, I think you understand what I mean.

Jews in general have an ideology which gives them a collective identity rather than an individual identity. Because of this they will always defend other jews regardless of right or wrong and regardless of the facts.

Great article about the Holocaust (and the fact that merely questioning bits and pieces could get us thrown into a rape cage)... the irony that we both share the same name ;P

I have done a fair bit of research into the 'Holocaust' (capital 'H' since 1945) myself including reading/watching some of the same material you sourced. A particularly good book (I thought) on the subject is called "Debating the Holocaust" by Thomas Dalton. It used to be available on Amazon up until a few months ago but freedom of speech only goes so far don't ya know ;-)

The authors website is with the contents, introduction and chapter 1 being viewable on the site.

Such is the emotion and passion that this topic brings about in people, I didn't want to post anything on Steemit about it in case my reputation took a hit or I was voted down. Glad to see someone has more balls than me (and your rep doesn't appear to have suffered either).

Eisenhowers holocaust is the bigger story here. It along with the Holodomor has been strategically ignored and overlooked by the powers that be in Hollywood. Alfred Hitchock was recruited by Churchill to give the victors its spoils so to speak.

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