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RE: The Wannsee conference: A beautiful scenery with a disgusting background (warning: disturbing images inside)

in #history6 years ago

The truly terrifying part is that this could happen tomorrow!

I am not convinced that as a species we have learned enough lessons that should be obvious to us. If this was not reason enough for us to completely shift direction and change our path, nothing will be, right?

We need to stop waiting for the previous generation to make appropriate atonement or the next generation to make things better. every single person on this planet has enough common sense to know that...

  • Love is better than hate.
  • Sharing resources is better than stealing them.
  • Tolerance is better than bigotry.
  • Children should be protected at all costs, not just children either!
  • Peace is infinitely preferable to war.
  • World leaders are selling us ALL down the river.
  • Genocide is the most abhorrent thing who can conceive of a reason anybody would come to it as a conclusion?

Every last one of us has the upmost responsibility to say ...

"Not in my name"

If our governments, leaders, owners do not accept the way we know the world should be run with compassion and love, then they must be removed. Can we even conceive of something this heinous and catastrophic ever being allowed to happen again? (Take note of the 2 words that I have boldened.)

@karinxxl I have to be honest, I wish I had not stumbled across this just before going to bed BUT that is exactly the point isn't it? this should be required reading for us every single day to ensure this level of hideous barbarity never be allowed to flourish in the world ever again. It would've been easy to not read further, to look the other way because it is unpalatable but that is hypocrisy of the highest order and stands against everything I just wrote!

I don't suggest we dwell in it but accept it as part of mankind's past that cannot ever be repeated and learn from it as we try and come together and build a happier, peaceful, tolerant world.

Seems a strange thing to say (I know you will understand my meaning) this was a fabulous post that serves as exactly the kind of reminder that I keep referring to. Thankyou.


Thank you so super much for your opinion @stevenwood ! You are right, the whole idea of this post was to be gruwesome, to create awareness that these types of horrors are not that long ago nor not that far away.

That being said, what I fear is that in the end i think human race will go under to its own demise because of ego, because of the feeling of being better than another. Because some person/ group believes that they are better and the rest should go down.

I really think this is what will happen in the end. And yes, we should never accept it. But consider the consistantly repeating of the message making it 'truth' in a lot of peoples minds, consider the peer pressure from a group, and consider the danger you might bring yourself in when you refuse.

I dont think humans need a lot of input to do horrible things, as history proves that we are easily capable of this (not just wo2, but think vietnam, syria, afghanistan, congo etc etc etc). And therefore it is a good thing to see these types of images to remind us that we should act normal and love and support each other

I am an eternal optimist even when evidence to the contrary shows itself repeatedly, I choose to hope for more from my fellow travelers on this path.

Those of us who feel enlightened (for want of a better way of putting it) have a duty to do as Gandhi said;

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Sometimes a smile can return doubled and this can have a ripple effect, I realise how simplistic this sounds but we have gotta start somewhere, right? When colleagues and workmates mention their belief that we should (as mainstream media suggests) go and bomb the latest nation that is deemed a threat I question how exactly they think bombing cities, towns, homes and schools is gonna help exactly?

If people begin to think and question these paradoxical ideas more with a rational mind a new consciousness can be born into existence. This should lead to better informed people questioning the powers that be more and deciding this is not the path that we the people wish to pursue in our name.

I am sure a compassionate approach from nation to nation will win more hearts and minds than a missile every-time!

Full on agree bro! It all starts with ourself and our surroundings!!

Letting it happen is also being guilty

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