in #history8 years ago

My how the times have changed!

Recently, I heard a rumor that Lobster used to only be used as a food to feed prisoners and poor people in the United States. Though initially it sounded almost too bizarre to be true, in this bizarre world we live in, I figured that I had better check it out.

As it turns out, the rumor was true! Here is a little history behind the story of lobsters as a food source in America.

These days a live lobster will go for easily $5 a pound, according to the Main lobster industry, though they can easily spike 20 percent or more in a single season, as they did in 2012, climbing as high as $14 depending on how many fishermen can catch.

However, when the colonists first arrived on the shores of New England, they faced the opposite problem: an overabundance of the shellfish. An unimaginable overabundance. Lobsters used to wash up on shore in drifts two-feet tall. One 17th century British historian by the name of William Wood visited Newfoundland and noted, "Their plenty makes them little esteemed and seldom eaten [except by the Indians who] get many of them every day for to baite their hooks withal and to eat when they can get no bass."


That same article went on to say the following as well.

The lobster also quickly earned a reputation for being a vacuous bottom feeder, willing to put anything—no matter how barely edible—in its craw. People ate so much lobster they got sick of it—though it doesn't help that they only cooked lobsters dead back then, not alive as we do today.


Of course the Lobster is a bottom feeder and will gladly feast upon any dead carcass in the sea, or whatever else it can find. For some time now, I’ve even referred to them as “The Cockroach of the Sea.” Mostly, I use that term around those who really enjoy eating Lobster (and I do as well), but, when compared to this portion of the history of the Lobster as a food source, I may not be that far off. According to the Old Testament dietary laws, Lobster was one of the unclean animals that the Hebrews were forbidden to eat.

Despite its feeding tendencies, and its history, I’ll continue to enjoy eating Lobster when I can. If, however, I take @mama-pepper out for a Lobster dinner, I won’t pretend that I am feeding my prisoner.

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The long-term purpose of this account is to help provide the necessary funds to live a self-sufficient lifestyle at home with my family.


I learned something new. Thank you for this very informative post. Out here in Idaho, a fresh lobster dinner runs about $30 for an average size lobster. Just a tail will run about $20.

this make me hungrey..can you follow me please I have no followers thank you

Looks good. Lobster's are awesome

I have one in the freezer, haven't a clue what to do wth it will probably wait until its out of date then throw it out, I really want too try it but haven't a clue

Just drop it into boiling water, and wait for it to turn red on the outside.
Inside should be white when fully cooked, and the tail should be very tasty with butter.

If it may go to waste anyway, you've got nothing to lose giving it a try. Could make a good post!

I heard about cockroach of the sea referring to shrimp and prawn. Guess lobster is their relative to deserve the title.

Maybe the Giant Cockroach then.

I love the roaches of the sea.
I can't wait to get back to Marathon and snorkel my share.

Absolutely. There's good news and bad news for claw meat lovers.
The bad: our Florida lobsters lack a nice big claw of meat.
The good: Easier to snorkel and grab and much warmer water.

So I'll have to drive over to Florida for you to take me snorkeling for Lobsters?

That is cool ! Hard to believe , I love lobster !mmmmm !😋💙🦂

Pity the poor tourists that were caught at Kaikura NZ after the latest big earthquake, they were forced to eat free crafish for two or three days. Then they got flown out and returned to normal food.

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