Napoléon in letters - The Man behind the Myth, the dramatic romantic

in #history7 years ago

Everybody knows Napoléon - nobody knows Napoléon. What is history? A story about past events and dead people told by the victors and in Napoléon's case by his enemies.

Napoléon in Berlin, 27th October 1806

Who was this man really? The only way to learn the truth about history is to find out the truth about the people who took an active part in it. And you can only learn the truth about a person in a personal conversation. This is rather difficult when the person is dead but not impossible. Private letters and diaries are a great source and give an unadulterated insight into the head and heart of someone.
In this post I will introduce to you two letters by Napoléon to Josephine, showing his dramatic romantic side. I start with my personal favorite:

Dear Josephine, 17.07.1796

I have received your letter, my adorable friend; it has filled my heart with joy. Thousand thanks for the trouble you have gone through to notify me about your condition; surely you will be better today, yes I am certain, that you are well. I urgently advise you to horseback ride; it will not fail its beneficial effect on your health.

Since I left you, I have been sad; only around you I am happy.
In my mind, I am constantly thinking about your kisses, your tears, your enticing jealousy;
and the magic of the incomparable Josephine kindles the radiating flame of my heart and my senses again and again.
When will I finally, free of worries and duties, be able to spend all my time with you, having nothing else to do, but to love you,
not having to think about anything else than the fortune, to tell and prove it to you?
I will send you your horse, but I hope that you can follow me soon.
Some time ago I believed to love you, but since I have seen you, I feel that I love you
even a thousand times more. Ever since I have known you, I daily adore you more,
that proves the falseness of La Bruyère's maxim: Love comes at once.
Everything in nature goes its course, gradually unfolding itself.
Oh! Let me, I beg you, at least see some of your flaws! Be less beautiful, less graceful, less tender, less good;
particularly never be jealous, never cry; your tears madden my senses, heat up my blood.
Believe me, there is not a single thought in me, that did not belong to you, not one idea, I did not lay before you.
You have a rest now. Recover quickly and follow me, so that at least, we can say before we die: we lived so many happy days!
Million Kisses, even for Fortuné, despite his nastiness.

P.S Fortuné was Josephine's yapping little lap-doggie.


To Joséphine, 17.10.1796

Before yesterday I spent all day in the field. Yesterday I guarded the bed. Fever and severe headaches prevented me from writing to my adorable (lady)friend. But I have received your letters, have pressed them unto my heart and my lips, and the pain about your absence and the far distance vanished. In that moment I saw you beside me; not capricious or irritated, but soft, tender, with that honorable goodness, only inherent to my Joséphine. It was a dream; and it shall not surprise you, that it healed me from my fever. Your letters are so cold like 50 years, they resemble those which one writes after 15 years of marriage. One reads in it the friendship and the feelings of this winter of life. Pfui! Joséphine! That is very bad, very nasty, very malignant of you! What else do you have left to make my ruin complete? Not love me anymore? O! That already happened. Hate me? Good! I wish it; everything degrades except the hate; but indifference with a heart of marble, the eye cold, the gait flaccid!
Thousand thousand kisses, as sweet as my heart. I am a little better, I take off tomorrow. The English are clearing the Mediterranean sea. Korsika is ours, good news for France and the army.

I found these books, a total of three, at a flea market.

If you like to know more about Napoléon's romantic side, enjoy my video:

Thank you and cheers!


You made the top five :) congrats ! so happy for you

here's the link if you haven't seen it yet:

Wonderful, thank you so much!

You're welcome, keep doing great things :)

I don't know if you saw but this post was highlighted in Curation Weekly :)

No I didn't. That's great, thank you so much! I appreciate it :)

You're welcome so much. Thank you for making such awesome content :)

Napoleon was a genius, ahead of his time! He improved the infrastructure of Paris and truly wasn't just a savant de guerre!

Sorry, in German: Ich hab's mir wirklich fast komplett reingezogen, das werde ich aber leider nicht immer schaffen. Memoiren und Briefe eröffnen uns tatsächlich eine ganz andere Sicht und sind außerdem meist sehr kurzweilige und ergreifende Lektüre. Du hast wirklich eine beeindruckende Bühnenpräsenz. Schönen Charakter geschaffen. Mit dem alten Fritz hinten, der über alles wacht... PS: War Louis-XIV.

Da bist du aber weit gekommen, wenn du den Fehler bezüglich des Louis entdeckt hast ;) Ich muss schon sagen, du bist wirklich ein Kämpfer, so lange bleiben die Wenigsten aufmerksam. Hut ab, ich bin beeindruckt! Und vielen Dank für das Interesse. Den alten Fritz habe ich für schlappe 20 Euro auf dem Flohmarkt erstanden, gemalt von einem ehemals geflüchteten Sudetendeutschen und verkauft von seinem Sohn. Geschichten überall...

hey @nacktepoesie I checked out your stuff and really freakin enjoyed this one especially sooo

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How exciting, I am so happy you found something you like. Of course, please share, I feel honored and appreciate it a lot. I also followed ocd. I will check him out later and see what other gems I might find there. Thank you, vielen Dank.

Bitte :)

Thank you so much I am excited for the other curators to see it and hopefully the rest of the Steemit community :)

@ocd is a team of 18 of us so there's a lot behind the scenes. I wrote the first seven Daily Posts and then a new team member took over today to write the next weeks.

Anyway, congrats again thank you so much for all you do :)

That sounds very interesting and your project promises great success. Wondrous things are about to unfold and we are at the beginning of it all ;) Toi Toi Toi!

Wow thank you for those words I will pass them on to the team :)


Always interesting to see another perspective on familiar faces from history!

yes, there are always more sides than one to every story. the first letter Napoleon was a young man and it shows. His writing proves he has little experience of women. He's making progress by the time he's thirty though! 😂Proves he just as human as all of us.
Very interesting. Video is sexy. Upvoted!

Yes, indeed, after all he was just a man. Thank you and I am glad you liked it :)

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