Quotes about Donald Trump

in #history6 years ago

Donald Trump

the president of the USA is a character who has already marked history, and for good reasons. Although, many detractors have; What can not be denied is that it has achieved a series of measures that have managed to solve several problems within the US and has achieved historic steps on a world scale that have set a precedent and have been able to take events to the next level. Who does not like it, Trump is a great president. Here, some quotes about this great character.

Every voice on the Left bleated about how they feared protests and riots by angry Donald Trump supporters if and when he lost the election, yet it is the Leftists themselves destroying property and blocking roads. Everyone can see where the hate is coming from. Everyone. Milo Yiannopoulos

Trump represented a movement of dissatisfaction, the dissent, unhappiness, division cultivated by years of identity politics and the bullying of arrogant, insufferable, intolerant social justice warriors who used the last two terms to punish anyone who reminded them of Daddy. Greg Gutfeld

There's nothing that can shock me anymore, but at this point, Trump's made it very clear how his temperament is, how his personality is, what his level of intellectual depth is when it comes to policy, and he's made it abundantly clear that he's utterly unqualified to be president - no matter what your political views are. John Legend

One of the remarkable things about Donald Trump is that he didn't just beat the Progressive establishment - he also beat the Conservative establishment. Two political tribes that dominated Washington for half a century were defeated in the space of one election campaign. Milo Yiannopoulos

Donald Trump does not touch alcohol, which is really respectable. But think about that. That means every statement, every interview, every tweet - completely sober. Hasan Minhaj

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