
yeah alcoholism was a big problem back then and the main drug at that time was
laudanum which was a type of opium.

Yea...doctors used to prescribe laudanum at the drop of a hat. Did you ever see the T.V. miniseries based on the John Jakes' novels titled "North & South?" There's a sad sequence where an abusive slaveowner kept his wife tied up and drugged much of the time with laudanum.

no sir I remember seeing the ads for it but for some reason I never did cath any of the episodes but that sounds horrible what that guy did, just purely fiction though right?

Yea. Fiction. It really is an amazingly well done miniseries. If you ever get a chance, take it in. Treats the South fairly too, which is RARE these days.

thank you sir it sounds great, I'll do that!

what do you dang Yankees care if the South is treated fairly??

There are MANY states rights people here in northern Maine. There are even many people who fly the stars & bars up here.

well that's encouraging, are you isolated from the rest of New England though? like an island that is holding out by herself?

Yep. Very much so. Although Coos County, NH is he same way.

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