From Crash Worship, To Life Worship.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #history7 years ago

Crash worship, lives up to it's name. Like a fiery multiple car pileup in a Pentecostal church, at midnight, in the mid 1990's. A dozen drummers, and musicians playing instruments that appeared to have been cobbled together from random bits of junk. Two light weight mock ships, twelve feet long possibly more, carrying two naked women apiece, the women being armed with roman candles and milk cannons, the ships were set adrift, crowd surfing, as though on the sea, they had a mock sea battle, firing roman candles at each other, and
spraying the crowd with milk.

Fire, fire everywhere, the torch bearers came out, into the crowd, and cleared areas for the fire jugglers by prodding, milk and wine soaked, dancers with lit torches. One fire breather was hanging off the balcony spewing forth his best fiery exhalations.

There were people crowd surfing with bags of wine. Strong men, carrying a door-sized
platform with a naked woman on top with huge mounds of fresh fruit stacked before and
behind her, advanced through the crowd, and the woman passed fruit out to the crowd as they moved. All the while a furious beat was pounded out, a rhythm demanding it's hearers to dance as though pursued. The closest thing I've seen to it is a Santeria ritual, times ten. At the end of the 'show', the whole group, still playing, got up, marched down off the stage, and out the front doors to the theater, into the middle of the street, and played until the cops came and shut them down. I wasn't too disappointed, I had tickets for the following night, and we all came back and did it again.

Crazily enough, this was all indoors, except for the end. They also had several fire breathers and fire jugglers, and showed a great propensity for the theatrical use of fire to the extent that four walls and a roof would permit. I stood within three yards of gouts of flame licking at the twenty foot ceiling. A fire marshal would have had a heart attack.

There was much more besides, I'm sure not all of it was strictly legal. It was the craziest thing I've ever witnessed, that I bought tickets to see. In retrospect this was clearly an occult ritual of some sort, or at least borrowed heavily from such. I didn't see anything that was violating anyone's rights, but one of their album covers has a simple drawing of a naked girl with goat horns, and the girl doesn't look mature. It is a simple drawing. Maybe you can tell me if you think a crazy punk band is a front for a satanic pedo cult. In 1996 I thought it was just a bizarre party, and there was no underage admission.

If video exists of the shows I attended, I have not found it. This is not that specific show, but another, several nights later, in the next state. This show was on an abandoned train trestle,

Crash Worship – ¡Espontáneo! [FULL ALBUM | HQ SOUND]



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