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RE: Butch and Sundance: Harry Plunges Full Bore Into Crime

in #history5 years ago

Howdy Melinda! thank you for reading and for the kind words. Yeah the movie didn't show anything about the early years or either of their prison times so you aren't forgetting anything. It's been at least 30 years so I need to watch it again too so I can talk about any more blatant mistakes they made! lol.
Also, I'm trying to keep the posts at 1,000 words because the researchers say that's the limit of most people's attention span.


I'm sure 1000 words is sad but true, but even more so here where everyone has many more posts they want to visit and a limited amount of time I looked on YouTube and the movie seems to be available there for a couple dollars, but there are lots of free clips from the movie if that helps

I'm sure 1000 words is sad but true, but even more so here where everyone has many more posts they want to visit and a limited amount of time I looked on YouTube and the movie seems to be available there for a couple dollars, but there are lots of free clips from the movie if that helps

Howdy tonight Melinda! Thanks for checking on the movie, it's so old that I figured it might be free but I guess not. A couple bucks is fine but I hate giving my card number for a one time deal. Yeah I'm probably stretching the posts with the 1,000 words, probably should go down to 800.

I buy everything online, even my groceries and don't think twice about putting in my credit card number. I guess I forget that that's even a concern for some people. I will certainly appreciate your kind of caution if I ever get scammed! Credit card companies these days are so good about keeping an eye on what they might think are fraudulent charges against your card and canceling it immediately and putting a new card in the mail for you for the next day that I just trust the they have the power to take care of things!

Well I'm a little paranoid that's for sure. Mrs. J had her number stolen a few years ago and it took awhile to get that thing straightened out so she doesn't want me using any cards anywhere for anything! lol. But your view is a reassuring one and I'm sure they're safer than they've ever been.

They have a very good idea of where I spend my money and how much my purcheas are. When Jim and I would travel we would call and tell them the states the card was going to be used in. Or if he was using his credit card to make a major purchase he would call and get it approved with them first. my card has never had a fraudulent charge against it, but his did twice. He would get a call from the credit card company saying your card has been cancelled someone just made a $22 purchase using your card in New York City and we will have a new card with a different number FedExed to you tomorrow.They really were on top of things.
Not a very productive day for me here. Netflix just released a new season of Grace and Frankie and I simply can't resist that.

howdy tonight Melinda! That's very interesting about the credit card company, what one was it? Because that sounds like extraordinary service!
What is Grace and Frankie, never heard of that one. But does netflix have the Butch and Sundance movie?

Netflix does not have Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Amazon Prime does have it in HD for $2. 99 to rent it $4. 99 to purchase it
Grace and Frankie is Lilly Tomlin and Jane Fonda and Sam Waterston.
After finding out that their husbands are not just work partners, but have also been romantically involved for 20 years, the two women try to cope with the circumstances together. This is season 5. It is hugely popular with all of my friends! An old lady chick flic!
The credit card company might have been Chase. I canceled it after Jim died.

ok, well I might have to pay a little, but I'll have to get permission from Mrs. J first and that might be a no go. lol. oh well. So this is a current season of Grace and Frankie? dang, I'm surprised I haven't seen ads for that with those big name stars in it!
That sounds very interesting indeed and those are all great actors.

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