
My pleasure buddy! Yep, just one/day, but if you miss a day, then just do two the next. Jaynie keeps a pretty close eye out, so aim for one per day :)

thanks so much. what do you do today? are you going to post something this week?

You're welcome. Brian's had a couple of pretty rough days, so I stay off of steemit when that happens. He seems 'better' today, so now I've got the overwhelming task of catching up and creating a post!

I don't know how you can catch up but I'm rooting for you!

almost there haha Now it's time to do a post of my own :)

I just went to your post awhile ago. you call THAT a post???
lol, just teasing. it wouldn't load the photos so I gotta go back later to more professionally judge the content and quality! hey do you know anything about Curie? because every one I know is getting upvoted by Curie, I went and asked a question on their discord but got no answer and I hear that you just have to wait and get noticed by them or her or whatever it is.

haha @janton, blame your computer, not my post lol

ok, curie, that's a whole other beast than anything on here. They upvote incredible quality, and a few people (me included) can curate for them...meaning forward posts to them and they still decide if it's worth an upvote. Then there is c-squared, an offshoot of curie that still upvotes all kinds of posts and doesn't have such strict standards.

What was the question you wanted to ask?

well that explains alot right there. I went on their discord group and asked a question but is there something more to do in order to get in with them or do they just pick random posts that get curated to them?
and I've never heard of c-squared how does one get them to notice you?

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