
I've been through Sweetwater. I may have stuck around once or twice, for a meal or something. I grew up in Texas. Born and raised in Dallas, so I've been all over the state, mostly north and east Texas. Though, I confess, now living in Pennsylvania since 2006, it's been years since I've been anywhere near Sweetwater. When I was there last, it seemed to be as staid as it ever was. :-)

I'm sure it hasn't changed a bit! The giant growth is all around the larger cities of course. Even our little town of Caddo Mills is exploding with new developments that have hundreds of condos in them, it's amazing. Over a thousand people a day moving here, mostly from CA and NY.

What took you to Pennsylvania, career?

From California and New York? That's interesting.

My wife brought me here, courtesy of Uncle Sam. I was a National Guard officer and spent 2005 in Iraq. While I was gone, my wife moved us up here to be closer to the grandchildren. She grew up around here. We're near Gettysburg.

I see, well thank you for your service sir blockurator. Yes, with so many people from liberal states moving in they think Texas will turn blue in a few years, things are changing and the Texas culture that has always been will mostly be a fond memory.

I'd love to visit the battlefield there someday.

We'd love to have you!

I'll make it

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