Era of Good Feelings

in #history7 years ago

The "Era of Good Feelings" a term coined by a Boston newspaperman Benjamin Russel, covered a time between 1817 to 1825 and was a time in American History where mostly everyone was behind the only party in town the Democratic-Republicans.

The Democratic-Republican hegemony over American politics had its beginnings during the War of 1812. During the war the Federalist Party wanted a end to hostilities at all cost even if it meant secession from the U.S. The Federalist big wigs got together at Hartford, Connecticut to hammer out a plan for secession, however, wind of this got out to the press and to President James Madison who attacked the Federalist as being traitors. The Federalist blew it with their "I'm taking my ball home" attitude and support for the Federalist fell like a car flying off a cliff.Representation of the Federalist Party after the Hartford Convention.

Notice the dust.Representation of the Federalist Party after the Hartford Convention. Notice the dust.

After the signing of the Treaty of Ghent and the Andrew Jackson victory at the Battle of New Orleans, the War of 1812, a war that most historians would consider a war was over and the nation celebrated. The Federalist Party cease to be an effective political force and the Democratic-Republicans were riding on easy street. During a celebration in Philadelphia the first lady Dolley Madison baked a cake with a sugary cream center that everyone dubbed a "Zinger" the name stuck and Dolley Madison formed Dolly Madison Bakeries and started mass producing her Zingers.

A Zinger circa 1818. Photo courtesy of John TitorA Zinger circa 1818. Photo courtesy of John Titor

As the country ate the soft moist sugary cakes everyone started feeling optimistic and when James Monroe was elected President it seemed like the good times would last forever and they would have to if it wasn't for a few things like James Monroe and his notorious forgetfulness.

The 5th President of the U.S. James Monroe particularly hated art and having his portrait done. After the completion of this piece he ordered it to be put in the White House shed. Where it would remain until 1852 when during a spout of boredom President Millard Fillmore found it after finding the long lost White House key to the shed.

During the Era of Good Feelings several crises struck a few being Andrew Jackson's single handed conquest of Florida, the panic of 1819, and the Missouri Compromise of 1820 (which Henry Clay manged to do by orating alot).

An artist representation of the great Orator and Compromiser Henry Clay

During this time a rift was beginning to be created within the Democratic-Republicans, the two biggest sides could be seen as the Jacksonians, those who supported Andrew Jackson and everything he did and John Quincy Adam's Neo Federalist (Nationalist) movement. As the squabbling within Democratic-Republican Party continued the party crashed itself and the nation's sugar buzz it got from the delicious Zinger cakes began to wear off. The resulting Sugar Crash of 1824 began killing anything that resembled good feelings (except for the owners of Dr.Tim Fanigan's Brain Tonic & Elixir who saw massive profits). The upcoming election from four different candidates of the same party gave the country an even bigger headache finally ending the Era of Good Feelings. Most Historians now agree that if it wasn't for the country's unfathomable desire for Zingers the good times could have lasted a little longer.


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