GENERALS OF NAPOLEON (12 bis) - MURAT - "The Dandy King" (second part)

in #history8 years ago

With Bernadotte, Murat is the only other general of Napoleon to become king. But it didn’t turn out the same way as for the king of Sweden.

You can read the first part here: 


When he is offered the crown of Naples, Murat sees it as a demotion. However, it turns out to be quite the match: Murat is back in Italy, among a people he loves and who loves him in return for his good look, his magnificence and the memories of his exploits against the Austrians. He immediately starts working to drag his kingdom into the modern age. Due to years of neglect by the corrupt and tyrannical Bourbons dynasty, Naples is a backwater and a quasi-feudal state. Murat applies the Code Napoleon, creates a modern administration, breaks up feudals big estates and crushes banditry. 

                                                                [The king Joachim Ist visiting an hospital in Naples.]

He also has in his sight the island of Sicily where the previous king of Naples has taken refuge, under the protection of the English navy. As long as they are there, Murat’s legitimacy and security is under threat. However, if he is able to kick the English out of the island of Capri (October 1808), a timid invasion is easily kicked back at Messina (Septembre 1810).


Moreover, Murat must face the temper of Napoleon, who looks dubiously at the efforts of his subordinate and does his best to remind his former Marshall (he had to relinquish the title to become King) who is calling the shots. But Murat does not want to be only a Vice-king and wishes to really achieve something for “his” people, going as far as lending an ear to the Carbonari who see Murat as their best hope to reunify the Italian peninsula under his lead.


When the Campaign of Russia starts, Murat joins eagerly at the vanguard of the Grande Armée. Due to the scorched-earth tactics of the Russians, he is unable to be as decisive as before, the Russian army avoiding any confontation except at the battle of the Moskowa. When the campaign turns sour and the retreat begins, Napoleon entrusts the remains of the Grande Armée to Murat - which is far from a treat. Murat considers that the situation is hopeless and thinks in nothing else than saving his own kingdom: he passes the hot potato to Eugene de Beauharnais on January 1813 and rushes back to Naples.

In Naples, his wife Caroline has started to negotiate with the Austrians and the English, and it seems at first that a convention could be signed. However, as soon as the Emperor whistles again, Murat is back on his horse on the side of the Emperor. He makes prodigies again during the Campaign of Germany but the defeat at Leipzig definitely tells him that the cause of Napoleon is lost: back in Italy, Murat eventually signs an agreement with the Austrians to save his throne in January 1814. 


Murat could now settle back, put his feet on the desk, and start building his dynasty in concert with the old courts of Europe. After all, that’s exactly what Bernadotte is doing right now in Sweden! But Murat still feels his legitimacy under threat: the English are still not recognizing him and the rumour has it that the Austrians would like to find a way to restore the Bourbons. He is tolerated… But for how long?

This is why, as soon as Napoleon is back in France, he tears up the agreement with Austria and on March 1815, he sends the Proclamation of Rimini in order to rally the Italian patriots in his favour, and immediately marches north to surprise the Austrians. But it’s too soon and too little: his army is crushed at the battle of Tolentino and the English are landing in the south to cut his retreat. Forced to flee, he is back in France on May 25th, 1815. 

There is still time to take part in the Belgium Campaign on the side of Napoleon, but the Emperor shows nothing but disdain for the fallen king and refuses to call him up to lead his cavalry (choosing instead Ney). 

What the news of Waterloo arrives, he finds shelter in Corsica, where he is immediately acclaimed and feted, and starts thinking about reconquering his former kingdom. He mounts an expedition and sets off on September 1815. However, he is forced to land in Calabria, at Pizzo, and finds no one but hostile locals, who still resent the harshness of his measures against bandits. He is jailed and less than two weeks later, an order from Naples condemns him to the firing squad.

He faces the ordeal with the same courage as the Marshall Ney, refusing to be blindfolded, telling to his executioners: "Soldiers! Do your duty! Straight to the heart but spare the face.”

                                                            [Tombstone of Murat in Pizzo, Calabria]

Sad end for the grandiose horseman of the Grande Armée, the dandy king who only lacked determination to challenge the crowned heads of Europe the same way he smashed them on the battlefields.



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