Today in History: Princess Diana tragically dies in car accident

in #history5 years ago

One of the most revered and recognized royals in the world at the time and likely still to this day. Diana was one of the only members of ANY royal family that I was aware of as an American. In the USA we tended to not be overly concerned with royals of any sort, but Diana's kindness and charity brought her to the forefront of attention globally. It's hard to imagine that she was only 36 years old.

The year was 1997


Her outreach to those less fortunate changed the image of the Royal Family in that prior to her involvement they were widely regarded as "high society stuffy" (my words - hope that means something to you,) but Diana seemed approachable and more down-to-earth. Among the many causes that she championed were creating awareness of AIDS, bringing attention to leprosy (it was believed then and probably quite a bit today that leprosy can be spread by touch, which it can't), and she pressed for a woldwide ban on landmines.


while there is no denying that many of her public appearances are staged, because they aren't just going to let the Princess wander around some landmines, her involvement made a dramatic difference

She was also an incredibly devoted mother, and was credited with bringing her children with her around the world in a manor that was unprecedented with the Royals up to that point. Unfortunately, the troubles she had in her married life became a very public matter and the paparazzi stalked her relentlessly. Most people attribute the constant paparazzi presence as being a primary factor that lead to her death.

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It was inside the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in France that Diana met her untimely end. I intentionally didn't post a picture of the accident because that would be a bit disrespectful... dontcha think? It is widely believed that driver Henri Paul lost control of the vehicle while trying to outrun the rabid photographers.

There are a number of conspiracy theories out there about the crash being "planned" and this is attributed to Mohamed Al-Fayed, who publically stated this as fact. I don't want to get into that and i suppose it doesn't really matter now.

Her televised funeral on the 6th of September was the most watched program of any sort in the U.K., ever. It was televised in the USA as well and for Americans to care about the Royal Family, not just on a state level, but on a personal level, was something I don't recall ever happening previous to Diana.


I'm sure many of you remember Candle in the Wind, which was rewritten by Elton John and performed before the funeral service. As famous as that song was, the funeral was the only time that this exceptional song has ever been performed live.


Oh! No! I still remember that day very well. I was at a friend’s house for birthday party. We heard the bad news in the afternoon. We were all very shocked and speechless! We thought the news was probably false but after an hour on the tv news, we were almost tearful and very sad!
She could have many years ahead if only she didn’t want to get married again!
We have no power over our karmic destiny somehow!

yeah, it of course is a sad day when almost anyone dies but this one in particular was pretty sad for the entire world.

I can hear the song in my head right now. I think that it is nice that even though you didn't know her (nor did i) that we were sad when we found out about it.

Maybe the next history lesson can be something a bit more upbeat :)

Involvement most likely killed her

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I heard the news superficially.

Maybe it would be good to know more about your actions. What a relationship it has with conspiracy theories!

I do remember when that happened. A sad loss for the world.

yeah. I remember being sad despite the fact that she had very little impact on my life in the USA. A true tragedy for sure.

I remember when this happened. Not being very globally or social conscious at the time, I don't really think it had much of an impact with me. I would have been three years out of high school and I just didn't pay attention to stuff like this too much. It actually seems like it happened much longer ago than that. To think that there was only about four years between this happening and 9/11 is crazy.

Yeah, i hate to be a statistic and i believe this has changed due to internet being so pervasive in our day-to-day lives, but back in high school and for most of college, i wasn't very globally aware about really anything.

I can remember it. I saw it in the televison. She was a great Lady.

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