Why isn't the Golden Gate Bridge painted gold?

in #history6 years ago

The Golden Gate Bridge- located here in beautiful California and opened in 1937, this bridge sees a lot of cars. And when I say a lot, I mean over 100,000 vehicles PER DAY:


But the REAL question arose from always awesome Steemian: @ironshield


@goldmatters just did a post on the Golden Bridge in Vietnam and that's painted gold. So why not the GOLDEN Gate Bridge?


Even @goldmatters doesn't understand:


After 0 peer pressure and volunteering to do a post on this...


I immediately started my research. The Golden Gate Bridge appears to be painted a red-orange color, but the technical term for its color is "International Orange." Which in swatch form looks something like this:


According to the architect who chose this color, International Orange "blends well with the span's natural setting as it is a warm color consistent with the warm colors of the land masses in the setting as distinct from the cool colors of the sky and sea." I mean, I guess that does look kind of nice...


This color also makes it easier for passing ships to see. In fact, the U.S. Navy wanted to change it to this to make it even EASIER to see:


I think that's pretty cool because then half of it would be covered in gold! The Golden Gate Bridge also isn't painted gold because it's a reference to the Golden Gate Strait- not the actual precious metal:

Army Captain John Fremont named it "Chrysopylae" around 1846, which is the Greek word for "Golden Gate." It's generally thought that the name stems from a harbor in Istanbul named "Chrysoceras' (meaning Golden Horn)


So was the Golden Gate Bridge directly named after gold?


Was it named after something with the word "golden" in it?


Therefore, it should 100% without a doubt look like this :)

Information sourced from http://goldengate.org/


Someone should begin to seriously petition for this!!!

I love it!



Very AWESOME. Thank you. Now THAT's a golden gate bridge! @ironshield

Needs to look like that all the time!

yes it does...

Haven't seen a post on the GOLDEN RULE?

I think the golden rule is never think twice about buying Mene... but I'll have to check ;)

Wow less than 1 one day turnaround from the crack Goldmatters research team!! Thanks for volunteering to do this piece @goldfashioned!!! AWESOME POST. @nomadicsoul

Now let's go paint it gold and spray paint the Mene logo on all sides :)

Agreed except I heard someone wasnt a big fan of heights.....

Haha, wonder where you heard that from... better not have been Goldmatters Jr.

F8E88C9D-3689-4D52-8833-B2C0AE8DDBA5.jpeg I’ll go to jail to protect sources....

It was Goldmatters Jr.

Hi Goldfashioned. Get Mene to sponsor the bridge and get the color changed. It would also be a deterrent for jumpers as the gold color would cheer them up and reconsider jumping.

I love this idea!!

I wondered the same thing the first time I saw it, LOL!

Did you know by the time they finish painting from one end to the other, they have to restart painting again?

Its a full time job keeping that paint in a good condition, as Dory would say "Just keep painting, Just keep painting..."

So I guess if I tried to paint it gold the painters would just paint over it... then we would paint over their color and it would just be a never ending cycle lol.


I wish I could be the one selling them paint! Just a slight shade more golden each time. @ironshield

They would never notice the difference until they finish- you are a true MASTERMIND. Then with that money you could buy Mene ;)

Ohhhh Myyyy lol, only bad is you would first need a job with the state in that department..... and the fact they have used the same supplier since they started lol

This post has received a 3.94 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @goldfashioned.

Thanks booster

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