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RE: The Odd Pairing Of Frank And Tom Mix

in #history5 years ago

Hey, @janton.

re: Tom and Frank

Opposites generally attract. It's all moot now, but it's cool that Frank didn't try to go for a career in Hollywood. Nothing for him to really gain there, except better pay, I suppose, and maybe less physical danger.

re: Quaid

My wife is not quite 6.5 years older than I am, but we were married when I was not quite 23, and she was just going to turn 29. Little bit of difference when one is so much older than the other.

To each their own, though. Not really fair to go after Quaid unless you think the woman is defenseless and can't understand what she's getting into. I mean, as much as he could be called out for dating much younger women, she could be called a gold digger.

I don't know. It's their life, and the rest of us could do well to mind our own business. I don't see either of them being confused for role models. :) Who knows what they actually feel for one another. Maybe we'll find out in a year or two, kind of like Dennis and Santa.

Which, by the way, Santa is the female version of Saint or even Holy in Spanish.


Howdy sir Glen! Yeah you guys have no gap to be considered unusual. I came to the same opinion, let people do what they want. She's old enough to know what she's doing and he's rich enough to go after young women! lol.

In 20 or 25 years he'll be gone and she'll be rich and still young enough to have a good life.

I agree about Frank and acting. He never lied, he didn't like politics and he didn't like anything fake so that never would have worked. Gladys was probably pushing him to try though. lol.

Tom Mix was making $7,500 a week which was obscene for those times as you know.

Work is steady with no major issues?

Hey, @janton.

From what I can tell, I appear to be in good stead at work. It's hard to tell at times, because other than the owner, no one really says anything about how I'm doing unless I bring up something. And that doesn't always seem appropriate, and makes me feel like I seem like I'm worrying over it, which, I'm not really. My main intent is to know what others feel like I need to improve on and then either do it, or somehow show I'm already doing it.

I probably left a coin box open at a new place a couple of weeks ago when I went to collect that sat that way for 10 days or so until a toddler started playing with it. It's not a normal compartment and doesn't lock well. Regardless, I thought I had it locked, because I've been pulling on every door and lock multiple times before I left, but either someone worked it free, which I think is possible, or I didn't quite get it latched properly.

Nothing was said other than the owner reported it and I saw it as an unassigned service call. Since I was back in the area, I went ahead and made sure it was secured.

Howdy sir Glen! That is a pretty strange outfit but good in a way because you are totally on your own! Almost totally, besides going in to get supplies, right? And it sounds like you're doing a great job and maybe the raises will keep coming for awhile!
Your wife is fine with it now? That's the important question. lol.

I am pretty much on my own as far as route work goes. I don't have someone shadowing me that I know of, though I do believe that the general manager and sometimes the owner ends up places that I service. And there are other employees that end up fixing things that I couldn't. I'm not sure how much attention they pay to what's going on, but I believe some may.

I'm not sure if I got a raise for this check or not. I haven't seen my paystub yet, just the net that was direct deposited. I had calculated about $130 less, though, so who knows. My calculations and theirs as far as hours ago, even though we're supposedly going off the same thing, has been off more than not. So I don't know if they're catching up pay that I should have gotten, or what. :)

My wife is okay with me working. Now she wants me to keep doing more housework. :)

So the work isn't getting boring yet? It doesn't sound like it. Your wife wants you to do more housework because you used to do more when you were working at home?

Oh, I don't think so. There's enough variety going on. It can get frustrating, though. I thought I might be past having key problems, but today there were two locks I couldn't get into that I used to be able to open. One was on an empty small toy dispenser. I basically torn the key trying to turn it in the lock. I didn't break it, thank goodness, but it's just dumb, when I've been careful not to tighten the locks too tight, and yet somehow this one won't budge.

Someone likes to stick toothpicks and other stuff in some of these locks and so that also makes it tough to try to get a key in so it can turn the lock.

My wife just wants more and more done. You get done with one thing, there's a million other things behind it. Kind of like an iceberg. :)

Sir glen! Do you try to do more houswork like she wants or do you just don't worry about it?
What happens when you have a lock that's had a toothpick shoved in there and you can't open it?

I have my fits and bursts, but by and large, I do what I feel I can and should, and then try to spend the rest of the time that I'm not working or sleeping on STEEM. Haven't been doing such a great job in the post publishing category (or any other for that matter) for at least the last couple of weeks.

Yesterday I didn't get home until around 8 pm. I was going to write a post and then decided I was too tired to get into it and went to bed.

re: toothpick

So far, I haven't known what to do. I've only managed to remove a part of something (not even sure it was a toothpick) from a padlock, so I was able to get into that. The other time a padlock had a toothpick stuck in it, they used bolt cutters.

I found someone had jammed some wooden pieces (not really a toothpick) into a coin slot and that managed to jam it up enough as quarters were put into it. So, they're making the rounds and expanding their vandalism empire. :)

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