
Thank you @flameburst, well, since I am not from US and have just collected the information from internet, I can provide below additional details for you.

Robert F. Kenbedy was instrumental as an advocate and chief counsel of Senate Labor Rackets Committee, he fought against corruption and as mentioned in the post, his advocacy for Civil Rights Movement is best known for fight against organized crime and mafia.

Joe Biden is not just one of the seniormost US senators, but also well known for his work as chairman of Foreign Relations Committee, where he was instrumental in creation of Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement act and Violence against Women Act and as mentioned in the post, he is well known for negotiations with Republicans, because of which many reform acts hot passed without much opposition.

Edwin Hubble, we all know has contributed to the world as an astronomer not just with his space telescope, but also instrumental in inventing objects beyond milky way.

Tipu Sultan, as mentioned, is considered as national hero in India, since he was one among countable few who could resist the heavy troops of British and their rule in India. He was also known for his technological and millitary inventions during 18th century itself especially in India.

Bo Derek, I couldn't get much info except that she has entertained us in her movie "Tarzan, The ape man". Atleast some people like her for her beauty and the entertainment she has provided.

I hope I am able to answer your question with this small additional information for each of the guys mentioned in my post.

That's a pretty impressive response to my query. Thank you for taking the time! Personally I'd give a tick to Kennedy and Hubble. Biden and Sultan would have blood on their hands. Bo Derek is just famous for being pretty. Nuff said there.

Yes, Kennedy and Hubble are pretty clean and honest. Tipu being a king, might have to kill people and finally he was also killed because of some internal people. Not sure about Biden, but wiki doesn't have any information about him being corrupt or something like that. Bo Derek, yes she is limited to entertainment.
Yes, this was the longest reply I had written

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