Everything went according to plan, but fate decreed otherwise...

in #history8 years ago

A small selection of the inventors, whose life tragically cut short when tested their offspring!

Henry Winstanley

Renowned architect and engineer. He invented and built the first lighthouse. To check the reliability of the structure, he was there during the storm. The result was disastrous. The lighthouse fell and killed the inventor. With him died in the rubble, five more people.

Inventor Alexander Bogdanov

The famous Russian inventor and science fiction writer, physician, economist and philosopher. He was obsessed with the idea of rejuvenation with the help of a blood transfusion. Alexander Bogdanov blood transfusions to many people. Among his patients was also Lenin's sister. Soon he decided to go on a big risk. He poured himself a person's blood, who suffered from tuberculosis and malaria. The result of this experiment died of infection from blood.

Cooper Phipps

Known for the Navy captain who became famous thanks to the invention of a rotating turret for ships that came up during the war in the Crimea that occurred in 1853-1856, respectively. After he patented his creation and his head went into the construction of personal watercraft. It is thanks to this construction in September 1870 inventor rolled onto his ship. As a result, he not only lost, but also more than 500 crew members.

Karel Soucek

Renowned Canadian stuntman who became famous thanks to the invention, called "capsule" and jump in it from the Niagara Falls. After that he survived the jump, but got a few injuries. In 1985, he found a sponsor who financed the drop from the top of the Houston Astrodome in Texas. a waterfall was built for this project. Unfortunately, the trick did not work. Stunt landed at the edge of the pool, although it was planned landing in the pool. The collision caused the capsule burst and shrapnel wounds Soucek. The next day stuntman died. Currently, the ill-fated capsule can be seen in the State Museum of New York.

Franz Reichelt

Franz Rayhelt was an Austrian tailor, better known as the creator of the strange "Parachute Cloak." He argued that those who wears it can gently land on the ground, and even make short flights. To prove his theory, in practice, he conducted an experiment. In everyone's eyes, and in front of cameras, lenses, he made the jump from the Eiffel Tower. As a result, he died from a collision with the ground.

Otto Lilienthal

Carl-Wilhelm Otto Lilienthal in the world better known as King Glider. He was the first who made a successful flight, hovering in the air. The press in many countries has published his photographs at the time of being in the sky. August 9, 1896, he fell from a height of 17 meters, with the result that broke his spine. Death overtook inventor of the next day.

William Bullock

American inventor, famous for the invention of roll rotary printing machines. One day, he wanted to set up the press for one of the Philadelphia newspapers and as a result of a fatal combination of circumstances, the inventor of the leg in the car and dragged fragmented. Gangrene. He needed amputation. And at the time of the transaction, William Bullock died.

Inventor John. Thomas Parry

Welsh engineer and motorcycle racer, who dreamed to beat the speed record on the planet, which was previously set by Malcolm Campbell. Parry-Thomas began to build the car on which it was actually done. The car was named Babs. In the fight for their dream, one of the chains on the car came off and hit him in the neck, partially decapitating. racer Death was instantaneous.

Thomas Midgley, Jr.

American chemist, whose invention is tetraethyl lead (TEL) Pb (CH3CH2) 4. The purpose of the application, which, adding to gasoline and chlorofluorocarbons used in refrigeration and deodorants. When Thomas was 51 years old, he contracted polio as a result of which he became an invalid. And even if the invalid, he did not lose heart and not his hand. So that it can raise the bed, Thomas came up with a system of ropes and blocks. In 55 years, he died after becoming entangled in his invention, ie ropes mechanism.

Inventor Marie Curie

Maria Sklodowska-Curie - a well-known scientist in the field of chemistry and fizii like Poland and France. Famous thanks to such discoveries as polonium and radium. And also because the theory of radioactive isotopes, namely their radioactivity and isolation. In 1903 he became the winner of the Nobel Prize, together with her husband Pierre. Curie died of leukemia (aplastic anemia). Her death - a consequence of working with radioactive substances. Precautions she was not, on the contrary, she had worn on the chest as an amulet a vial of radium. She was buried with her husband at the Paris Pantheon.
( source:decem.info)

Here's a story ... So fate decreed!

I wish you that all your dreams come true and you are healthy!

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