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RE: Decapitating the snake... watching the power vaccuum be filled.

in #history7 years ago

I also thought I better clarify. As to pacifism. I am 100% in support of defense. In fact, I can be downright scary in the defense of family and friends. If someone attacks me I'll do my best to finish it quickly and decisively. I am out of shape, older, and though I studied quite a few different martial arts throughout my life I only was mediocre at all of them. I moved from one to the other. Yet I do have a quick mind, and that is all a person needs to be deadly. Due to the fact I know my limitations I realize my only chance at victory in a defense situation is to break things... so IF I survive someone would need a hospital. The key is I do everything I can to avoid such situations. Thus, if you call avoiding needing to be a very destructive person being a pacifist then that is accurate. Yet if I have to defend myself, my family, or my friends I would do so with deadly force.


I expected that from you. My question is if you would support the threat and if necessary act of violence to change the status quo? I am with you that nobody has to be killed, but I think that it is foolish to believe the hydra will roll over when we just talk enough about it. I dont want their heads, I want their power source gone from which the heads feed.

I can't tell you the answer to that yet. I can only say I am not to that point yet. :)

Maybe I should not spout my answer to that question around the blockchain with clearname either. Pretty sure I broke some anti-terror laws with that.

There is always the concern of writing a blog post like mine and having some nutjob interpret it mentally some way and ending up with something like what happened today.

This happened today

Arbitrary shooting due to group affiliation does nothing. If anything it can give them more power. Those guys are certainly not the heads of the Hydra. You must look for the people and families who persist regardless of the president is and congress. Yet as I stated it is stupid to do anyway if you don't have a way to stop another head from just growing in its place.

Politicians are mere pawns. One of the reasons i defend Merkel, people who actually think that elected leaders lead the world are kind of ridiculous. Even Putin needs to make deals with the hydra.

I hope it is clear that being ready to use violence does not mean gunning some people down in the street or violent protest. In the long gone past many wars/rebellions were "violent" but without or only little blood. If an army sees it is outmatched 10:1 then it would just surrender. In equal fights you often had representatives fighting, ie David vs Goliath.