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RE: A brief history of guitar virtuosity... PART 1 (If you like it I'll continue tomorrow)

in #history8 years ago

Yeah he'll probably make an appearance in the 80s if I do another part. He is good for what he does, but yeah it can be boring. I think most music is boring if you get too much of it. What Yngwie really brought to the table in terms of performance techniques was the sweep picking for sweeping arpeggios. I've never tried playing Fender Strat with a Scalloped neck before so I'm not sure what that did or did not bring to his performance.

He definitely was influential. Most of the guitarists that influenced me personally are from the 80s and 90s. Out of those I have listed so far Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Tony Iommi influenced me the most. As far as Clapton mostly for Sunshine of Your Love and Smoke on The Water which I'd jam occasionally.

Angus Young was also an influence, but I never really drifted at all towards playing like him.


Hendrix first came to fame at the famous Woodstock festival. Now that must have been music heaven on earth .... Free love and all . As for BB King , it was when he appeared on stage with U2 and Bono mentioned the opening chords they would be playing he just said "I dont play no chords"...{smile} is on youtube. I just started what will be a series on growing up in the 70's, focussing on the music...I would appreciate it if you meandered over and gave it a read ..... Is quite short.