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RE: The Founding of Dodge City - Cow town

in #history6 years ago

Thanks @janton, I'm quite a history buff and this is a subject that I know next to nothing about. I am really enjoying this series.

“Let them kill, skin, and sell until the buffalo is exterminated, as it is
the only way to bring lasting peace and allow civilization to advance.”

– General Philip Sheridan

Do we have that peace yet? :P

Then men with evil intent began to
join the ranks of these enforcers and used their authority to take
advantage of people, to bully, intimidate and extort them for
their own selfish desires.

Sounds like the template for our modern police force Haha.


haha! great comments sir bobaphet! well sir, in the first atrocity concerning wiping out the noble buffalo, it did take away the food supply of the Indians and help to force them onto the reservations.

the second observance you made is so brilliant because there are so many in law enforcement who joined because they like to order people around and take advantage of people and are easily corrupted and those are usually the mean, nasty ones so great point!
I assume there are those types in police forces all over the world even in Australia?
brilliant sir, thank you!

Yes, we have them here too, I think the job description attracts the corruptible. Much like politics XD

exactly sir bobaphet! and I don't know about there but over here it seems like every single politician is a dang lawyer and they all seem to be cut from the same cloth and attracts these arrogant, greedy, power-hungry SOBs. well not Trump I don't know what he's cut from!

Boom !!
Yes, a huge percentage of our politicians are lawyers/liars. Good call.

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