Social Justice Warriors, Live by the sword!

in #history7 years ago (edited)

History is often forgotten. Most people have no idea how or why they ended up here. Like a fish stuck in a bowl they look around and say, "I will escape". History is often re-envisioned or even re-written, but always to the victors goes the spoils. So who are the "winners" today? Well I can tell you not the hoards of useful idiots that's for sure. I believe the winner's are the same "winners" of yester-year. History does often repeat itself, we just forget it. Sure there are new iterations of the same pattern; but it's the same incestuous smelly cousin (in the end). A new flavor of shit, but still the same old shit. The circle-jerk of humanity continues!

Yes we have cool technology, and new "science" to prove things are looking up. But then you have big pharma, and corporate media telling us all about how bright that future is!

If you told me people have evolved and that people are different this time around I might accidentally laugh and spit out my latte on your face. Well you are surely part of the social justice idealism! My position is that human beings have the same vices since time immoral. There will always be greed that will seek to encapsulate and insulate itself. Position of power must be maintained at all costs - no matter what idealism you share.

When on top, STAY ON TOP.

So what do little social justice warriors do? They sit around and complain about how unfair everything is. They are going to make that change humanity has been waiting for! They plot and plan inside a warm nuclear powered Starbucks. They will bring their microphones and picket signs made in CHINA and INDIA. They will say "free this" , "free that", "stop this", and "stop that", provided by freedom speech they so wish to replace. Forget getting a real job and becoming an upstanding hard working righteous individual. No, we are a serviced base economy! That's so biblical and archaic - to work with our hands, to have ethics, to have morality! I'm also in University which is a place of higher learning. Unfortunately it's currently shut down because the teachers are on strike because they want more pay! I'm totally down with that and have the most utter respect for that!

The day of the picket!

They sit and picket thinking their voices will one day be heard! It's like Vietnam again! Saving the citizens of the world from the meat grinder of war and poverty!

How laughable the greedy crony-capitalists thinks as they sip on their latte looking down from their tower of babel. Just look at them, like ants running around in a circle. There will always be a need for useful idiots though. After all, they are the ones mostly in debt (paying for UNIVERSITY and new BMW's). So here they picket outside, sipping their own little latte's and circling around in their Nike Air shoes.

Oh how they hate imperialistic, materialistic hedonism! Never mind the fact they are the first ones to break the doors down on BLACK FRIDAY. Oh who will make their favorite consumable items? We have freed Africa! We have freed China from the grips of American capitalism! I guess it's time to bring the factories back here and... WORK! Oh wait, forget that because we all provide services! - Right

We are social justice warriors. We are here to free the third world from the grips of greedy capitalism! Forget we have no grand plan, no imagination, no idea of what the world will look like once we have ridden the world of corporate greed! We are different this time! The social justice warrior is different from the commies and social nationalists (nazi's).

Look, this rant, this blog, this whatever, isn't to defend crony-capitalism. In fact, it's the greed that keeps us in the cycle. However, the masses are just like their greedy overlords; they are just on the bottom! It's not about what's right or wrong; rather it's about "fairness". To even think these people will create a socialist paradise is laughable; because it's impossible. What in the end happens is the same circle-jerk effect. There will always be greed that will seek to encapsulate and insulate itself. Why? Because inevitably a "leader" always shows up, and power must be maintained at all costs.

70 years ago, my grandparents were slaves. Not only were they slaves, but they were stripped of their humanity. They were to be exterminated after their usefulness ended. So to all the social justice warriors today - you don't know shit, and where were you then?

Oh it's different now - I see (cue sarcasm)


This rant has been unedited and approved by BB613


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