Finnish mythology: the god-wizard Väinämöinen!

in #history7 years ago

Sorry, I'm not going to go 100% facts, so don't tell your friends about Väinämöinen based on what I'm telling you. Lucky for me, there are very many folk tales of Väinämöinen, some of which are different than others. I'll give you some examples as well as I remember them, as at this time of day (10pm) no library is open and I'm not going to copy-paste Wikipedia articles for you.

Retracing the call, Robert Wilhelm Ekman (1857-1866)

Seems like an awesome guy and I don't wonder why.

Birth of Väinämöinen

The two most common stories about birth of Väinämöinen are a bit different. The first one doesn't actually include birth of Väinämöinen, but Väinämöinen helping in the creation of the world. He is born before the world itself and a bluebill lays an eggs on his lap. Väinämöinen gets upset when bluebill tries to hatch the eggs and he drops the eggs in the sea. The eggs break and thus the world is born.

The second version is how bluebill lays an eggs on the lap of a goddess, Ilmatar, who is carrying Väinämöinen. Eggs fall down by accident and thus world is born from the eggs. Väinämöinen pretty much just climbs outside of Ilmatar and swims off to the world which has just been born.

Special skills of Väinämöinen

Väinämöinen was a masterful poem singer and player of a special type of lute, called kantele. Poem singing was a certain type of magic, as poem singing was how Väinämöinen helped to create all life in the world after it was born.

One source of poem singing was the poems and wisdom in them. One of the most known poem singing battles was between Väinämöinen and Joukahainen. Poems Joukahainen were singing were nothing but empty tales, with no power. Väinämöinen, however, had seen the birth of the world and knew all the secrets of the world, thus sang Joukahainen into a swamp. To save himself, Joukahainen promised his own sister to Väinämöinen.

Väinämöinen sings Joukahainen into a fen tempera painting with a motif from Kalevala, Joseph Alanen (1912-1913)

Thus I'll be getting into another "power" of Väinämöinen. He was still an ugly, old man. He didn't really have any luck with the ladies and Aino, the sister of Joukahainen, rather drowned herself than married Väinämöinen.

The Aino Triptych, Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1891)

And you think you have it bad with the ladies? I bet nobody has killed themselves because they didn't want to be with you.

The departure of Väinämöinen

Väinämöinen has many more adventures, but they would require me to introduce a whole bunch of more important people, so I'm just going to jump over them to the departure of Väinämöinen.

Väinämöinen was the most strongest poem singing wizard there was. Until one day, a lingongberry tricked a woman and made her pregnant. Väinämöinen, amongst others, made fun of it and didn't believe her, but the baby mocked Väinämöinen and made him lose his face in front of the crowd.

Väinämöinen left off with a boat (you would too, if you a baby made fun of you) but promised to return when he is needed once again.

Väinämöisen lähtö (The Departure of Väinämöinen), Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1906)

As you can see, Väinämöinen doesn't look too happy. You can see the awesome god-baby in the behind on the left, though he is most likely not Jesus.


Hey why you writing about my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather??? Did I get enough "great"'s in there?

Because he's so great! And grand.

I hope you can get all the ladies drown by singing to them ;)

Amazing, nice post, do not forget view my post, now i upvote and follow you, follow me back, thanks you, may we be good friends, best regards

Thanks :) I will forget

Haha I always knew Jesus was an asshole this whole time

Heyyy mate, it's not Jesus, it's the talking wizard-sage -baby who is born from a woman and a lingonberry.

Big difference.. or is it?

Very informative, I tried to say his name like 10 times, how the heck is it pronounced?????????

As a Finn, I'd say "Just how it's written", but I found this small piece of advice:

I'm not sure if that helps at all.

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