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RE: A Comparison of the crimes of two countries and how they are viewed by the world. Part Two

in #history7 years ago (edited)

This post is a logical fallacy. It doesn't dismiss the over 100 years of war crimes by the Israelis. I do agree that body counts matter and I'm not disputing the numbers, but IMO, all the carnage are machinations of a demiurge.


Your assertion that my post is a logical fallacy is fallaciously logical

  1. I didn't dismiss shit just compared
  2. Israel is only 69 years old, so learn some facts before spouting accusations.
  3. If some Evil god is in charge then we're fucked anyways

I'll start in reverse.

  1. Not true. In reality, the span of the demiurge is really quite small and limited to this earth. He does appear quite large though from the earth's perspective and to give evil its due I'd have to say that the control grid is impressive by anyone's standards.
    Here's the rub, though, and I have to preface by saying that the following are faith claims, and IMO, the claims are based on everything that is good, beautiful and true and not similar to the perverse ugly falsities of the archons and their control grid. Please correct me if any claim I make contradicts the faculties of reason and logic, as there is no spiritual truth where it's possible to do this. Only corrupted minds make irrational and illogical faith claims. Here are two examples: that the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Kristos and Sofia would make an example of any child on earth--this chosen people gambit was the work of corruption. A faith that asserts eternal punishment for earthly frailty is the work of corrupted archonic minds. This post would fill the internet if I continue so I'll stop here.
  2. Quibbling over dates doesn't dismiss facts. The minds and actions of the Zionists were well implemented before May of '48. Agent provocateurs on this issue were well at work long before the timespan I mentioned. To deny this is to deny the facts of history.
    3.Correct. But I'll add this: the breaking, entering, rape and murder of one house isn't lessened by the break and enter, rape and murder of multiple houses! They are all culpable to various degrees.

BTW: I've perused your page and if you're saying that there has been a collusion between​ the Rothschild's (and various Jewish families), The Jesuits, and Freemasons...well, then, I couldn't agree more.
This comment is not brought to you by the Tavistock Institute, Integral Incorporated, Mahayana​ Buddhism (sorry Mr. Sam Harris, now you're wrong on two fronts although correct on your stance when it comes to free will​), or Advaita Vedanta...Although this comment is sympathetic​ to Dvaita Vedanta.​
Oh, the audacity of it all...Have a good day, sir!

I'll get to your other points in a bit but as for the Rothschilds my claim was that they were lackeys of the Vatican and/or Jesuits.

Well lets start with one of the many "war crimes" you accuse israel of, please name one specifically. As in a specific instance, with a date.

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