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RE: Eminem - My Name Is (WIlly G Mix)
Satirical like the best version of Eminem!! Love the lyrics as usual and the quality of the mix sounded really good in my opinion! :D Love that putrid foe, puke the flow, UFO scheme and the end is perfect as well haha, verbal dope dealer! Great comeback! Mentioned you in my last rap btw as if you never left ;)
sound man, cheers!! Im learning these verses for a gig coming up here on thursday full of mcs, i gotta kill the mic big time or be outdone! you reckon its got what it takes?
You know its the return of the g my man!! haha
must check that rap of yours out, where would i find it?
Oh sounds fun! Definitely got what it takes!! And haha I think you found it. It's all here basically.
Me and a growing number of heads are trying to agree on some Steem hip hop community tag and would be great to have you in the discussion. The idea is basically that #hiphop is too broad and #thecut could be the place for this specific hip hop community on Steem. I made a post about it even inviting people to a discord chat for another layer of discussion. Please check it out if you get some time :) Invite link in this post:
If you're ever interested in collabs 'the cut' on this SMA discord channel has a lot of hungry beat makers and is starting to gather some rappers as well! It would be cool to create some art together in the cut!
sounds cool man i will check it out , what is discord exactly? ive heard it mentioned before on here but i dont know what it is. should i start tagging my stuff with 'the cut' from now on?
Haha never used discord before either but it's pretty easy. You can set up servers for chat rooms or use private messaging and the Steem Music Alliances server even have some kind of radio where you can stream music from soundcloud or youtube. And yes please use #thecut if you think it sounds useful! We're still collectively defining it :)
yeah will do man, but discord sounds too confusin for me might just stick with steemit for now
It's not really you can even use the browser version if you want to try sometime. But don't worry about it either, this is where it's at!