The Hillary and Huma Abedin Video what it may contain! Pray and Proceed with Caution! Information just released!

in #hillaryvideo6 years ago (edited)

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Please pray before you read this. Very difficult content for the human psyche to attempt to process. It creates a visceral response. Once read, you can't go back. Those of you who are aware, know you don't get over it. It will cause physical reactions even in those who think they can handle it. I say this because if you haven't prayed first and you are not ready, I strongly urge you to pray and ask for God's guidance and His strength until you feel ready. It is something God has brought to the attention of those who can no longer tolerate this being covered up. It could stay hidden, but the victims still experiencing this can't hide. The victims must be helped. Their abusers must face justice. This evil must be dealt with and we all must learn from it!

What I am about to tell you is prefaced with the most minimal of events leading up to a video many researchers have known about for well over a year now. This seems like a great deal because that is how a web works. It is vast, widespread and has tendrils which reach out and connect leading into other mazes of corruption. This is intentional and makes it difficult for those seeking justice to end evil. You uncover and cut off one tendril of evil, there seem to be ten more branching out. Many have done their best to prep the public for the horrors they will have to face in the evidence that surfaces. Many have mocked and denied. We can understand why. No one wants to deal with this, but I assure you, these victims have No Choice! At the bare minimum we have pleaded and advocated for investigations concerning valid allegations the mainstream claimed were false. Why no interest in even investigating? What were they scared of? Remember this is part of the rules for radicals, whatever you are doing, accuse the other side.

Please note that as citizen journalists have been hard at work verifying sources and doing research on a topic, though placed in plain site at times, MSM has actively tried to contain it and keep it covered up under the guise of this is just "trying to cause outrage and outcries from researchers," they then tag them as conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy, absolutely, but not on behalf of those uncovering and exposing the crimes, but rather those perpetrating these crimes who are using a term the top controllers purposely coined to deny probability all while avoiding culpability.

Consider the path these colluders have paved to aide them in debunking what is about to surface. Whether all of the crimes or just some of them hit the first tier of the internet or remain in the dark corners only revealed to those eyes equipped with tools to gain access to information of a seedier, many times criminal element. This is how they have attempted to cast doubt on nefarious information that surfaces concerning these elitist's actions. Recently an article was put out titled Face Swapping Videos could lead to more fake news. This concept to prep the conscience for resisting information they didn't want to deal with by casting doubt through their propaganda avenue. . . MSM including the New York Times and Washington Post. Two MSM papers who donated and were connected to fund raisers for Hillary.

Who does the Washington Post employ. Among others connected to the leftist and DNC ideology is John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's Campaign Manager and former Chief of Staff to Clinton, advisor to Obama. The same John Podesta referenced in emails with pedophile codes declassified by the FBI and a slew of evidence connecting him to people relating to child sex trafficking. I reported on some of the connections last year on my YouTube channel under Artistique Jewelry. I will tell you later about a prior article put out to help these elite criminals escape justice.

If you already know about these types of crimes, then what is contained in the dark web footage is at the end of this article. I once again caution you to be prepared if this is new to you. Only read this at home or in a place you feel comfortable and safe and of course away from little eyes that are never meant to handle this.

President Trump’s announcement that he’s going after high profile sex offenders timing appears to be directly linked to this footage and it's availability came just as SESTA (Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act) was signed by the President this month. He has been dedicated to exposing this evil well before he took office. As many of you know he stated this in a tweet back in 2012. A tweet from a video I shared connected to pedogate underneath from Summer of last year.
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This came from Anthony Weiner’s laptop and there was a file titled life insurance. Footage of both Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin along engaged in child sex abuse. Also footage with high profile members of Congress and government officials. Both HC and HA helped run and keep an elite pedophile ring running out of, but not exclusive to D.C. covered up.

This footage is now located and accessed from the Dark Web, known as the third layer of the internet. We are on the first layer or the surface web which we all access everyday for our search engines, regular research and every day activities on the web including social media, shopping, communicating, working and video content. The Deep Web also referred to as the invisible web contains information not indexed by standard search engines. Web crawlers (which index the info for search engines) cannot access the Deep Web. Information like online banking sites that require passwords and user names in order to log in or gain access. Some sites can be accessed if you have the exact URL. This Deep web is at least 500 times larger than the 1st layer or surface web.

The Dark Web or Dark Net can only be accessed with very specialized tools. It was intended for hidden information. Generally it is only nefarious people having something to hide or that is illegal who want access to this layer. This involves illegal content, the communication, handling, sharing, selling or transferring of illegal objects, content or activities. Think organs, drugs, money laundering, pedophile videos, images just to name a few. All kinds of unimaginable evil exist as you are likely aware.

Many people have been impatient and wondered why the Clintons, these government officials and corruptors have not been brought to justice by now. It has taken this long to ensure these criminal cases leave no opening for loopholes with which the Clintons may use to evade justice as they have for years. Remember the others prior to Trump, you can go at least 5 presidential administrations back, which by the way total 32 years (32 is covenant according the the Bible), they did nothing about this vast human trafficking This wickedness continued to grow under their leadership. Their covenant was not with God, it was with Baal.

Former assistant FBI director James Kallstrom, “Bill and Hillary Clinton are part of a crime family who have created a cartel to bribe and intimidate top officials whenever one of their crimes is under investigation.” There was a radio interview where he discussed a pattern of intimidation, sexual abuse and cover-ups that spanned decades.

Kallstrom stated, “the Clintons, that’s a crime family, it’s like organized crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool. “ They is a great deal of evidence to support this. So many connections proving Kallstrom correct!

Kallstrom led the investigation into the TWA Flight 800 in the late 1990’s, also stated that Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar and predatory sex offender while Bill Clinton is a serial rapist whose crimes were covered up by many corrupt officials in the payroll of the Clintons.

There are citizen journalists, some who were known in the MSM prior to becoming independent who have been reporting on these events for many months, including leading up to the last election. Much of what MSM has mocked and tried to keep hidden has been true. This includes an orchestrated shooting which took place at a certain pizza place in DC that claims to be family friendly, but the artists and entertainers had pedophilic and cannibalistic overtones before the place was scrubbed of evidence. It was touted for years on a certain Instagram account and prior to other corruptors in the industry destroying what they thought was the only evidence. People on various platforms committed to exposing this evil archived this evidence. I and others have reported on many of these happening for well over a year and a half.

Alternative news reporters have attempted to lay the ground work for helping the public deal with the most heinous of crimes being perpetrated upon our most innocent in our country and all over the globe. . .our children. God does not wish for this kind of evil to continue proliferating as it surely would have stayed hidden had She won! They told you she would win. They thought they had it all locked up. They weren’t counting on God using His people to stop their evil! God has called a group of people to take a stand! The time is up for these corruptors preying upon these children. He wants a light shed on this darkness which reaches into every corner of our earth.

The Deep State connected with these perpetrators have attempted many times to draw us into a third world war as a distraction and in an effort to take control. They will not stop trying. They have attempted to focus the blame on Donald Trump. Yet he is the only one who has genuinely attempted to bring peace to North Korea and South Korea. He is the only President who has actually tried to stop the chemical attacks upon Syria which have been done due to Hillary, Obama and other Deep State players actively arming rebels and orchestrating attacks which they blame on Assad.

These have all been distractions as they are hoping to continue using their cartel to hide the footage of this video which has already been released on the dark web. Experts used to dealing with this type of footage have viewed it including a small faction from the NYPD who have been committed to ending this vast web of deceit and predatory activities upon our children. It is so sickening and vile it has caused many grown men to become violently ill. It causes shaking and difficulty in attempting to make sense of what is being viewed. It should not be accessed by the general public as it is highly illegal, destructive and vile.

Newsweek has tried to help thwart and cast doubt upon this horrific footage that is becoming more “out in the open.” The article states, “A Russian man who said he once worked as an internet troll claimed the nation’s propaganda factory produced a sex tape featuring a Hillary Clinton look-alike and an African-American man, among other accusations.
During an interview with an independent Russian TV channel, the former troll, Alan Baskaev, said he worked at Russia's now infamous Internet Research Agency (IRA), which used social media to whip up discord and deepen political divides in the United States. The aim allegedly was to help Donald Trump defeat Clinton in last year’s election.”
See the rest of the article here

This was a clear conditioning of the public to view anything released from Anthony Weiner’s laptop as too preposterous to be authentic.

We have recently been told that the recent DOJ's IG report is packed with information proving there was a concerted effort to cover-up the contents of not just the 65,000 emails, but rather the contents contained on Weiner's laptop. Remember when Anthony Weiner was sentenced to only 2 years for sexting minors? I will be doing a follow-up on this as it contains a great deal of information. The quick version without the details points to evidence of the Obama administration including the then AG, using the Garner investigation to cover up and stop the investigation into Weiner's laptop prior to the 2016 election. Offices involved in the active cover-up include the FBI, DOJ and AG. You can find this report here

One can find an abundance of research where Obama consistently tried to restrict investigative powers as can be seen here . This should have been a very bright red flag to all citizens and officials. Why wasn't it?

The NYPD and Justice Department are in possession of this video. They were aware prior to the election, officers who viewed this content vomited uncontrollably and cried incessantly. Many still have not recovered and are undergoing Psychotherapy.

This video exists on the dark web along with some stills. The dark web contains illicit files and photographs of children being exposed to unthinkable acts including cannibalism in an effort to desensitize them and make them believe this is normal.

As this is considered a snuff film, the content and viewing is; therefore, to be in possession of this content is a federal crime. It is circulating on the dark web and has been viewed by thousands by now using a specialized secure program. This should not be downloaded by any means. It is just a matter of time before all of this information is released. Many politicians, members of congress will be shown to be involved in what began as pizza gate, but we all know well from other evidence researched and found, it is pedogate. A world wide pedophile epidemic.

Those who have viewed this video have alleged, this video contains footage of both Hillary and Human terrorizing this little girl. As I have reported in prior reports since last year, these satanic ritual abusers believe they get a high and gain more power from the adrenaline so the consumption of the blood and parts is a drug called adrenochrome produced by the oxidation of adrenaline.

This is very difficult to write about, read or even wrap your brain around. They filet the skin of the little girl’s face and put on theirs to terrorize her. The force her to engage in sexual activities. Then they consume blood as this is part of the satanic ritual abuse. You can't begin to fathom someone doing this to anyone, let alone an innocent child because you are normal. It sickens your soul because this is unthinkable. You don't want to live in a world where this occurs. What walks among us? Don't forget Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.

Satan has tried since the beginning of time to trick and blind us. What are these powers of the air. How do we receive communications. Broadcasts, radio waves, frequencies and digital content. He has been placing people following him in every institution and branch all throughout not just our government. . .locally, regionally, state wide, nation wide, but also globally. Don't think for one second the church was out of his scope and reach. The church is ripe with people not equipping themselves for this battle. They haven't been fighting on the front lines! Not even standing up to blatant evil. Just love won't save those children! Evil must be exposed!

God tells us in Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. These weren't just empty words or something to fill up a bible, no He told us. We are to be equipped. Are you equipped? Do you understand what we are up against? It's okay, God showed us what to do. His power is supernatural, not a fun thought, but a reality!
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Are you ready to defend against this evil! Who else is going to stand? Who will go up against this kind of wickedness?

Since the days of Alice Bailey, churches everywhere have been compromised and infiltrated by luciferians under the guise of doing good works. Not saying all churches are bad, but a great deal of discernment is needed and not being utilized. These luciferians worship right along side believers. They fool many! The have been and still are very effective. They have their own set of rituals and the god they worship is satan. Look up the Lucifer Trust and information concerning Alice Bailey. The trust changed to Lucis Trust still has close connections to the UN. 1Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. What was the UN Theme for Peace Day last fall?
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There are thousands more of these diabolical videos and photographs which the police have in their possession. So many featuring high level political figures doing the most heinous acts to children when found on Weiner’s laptop, it made these grown officers cry.

There are some independent journalists who believe this footage will never see the light of day on the surface web. There definitely are safety measures in place and much censoring, the taking down of content, banning of conservative views has already been demonstrated for months now. It is possible it will only be seen by a select few as these authorities know the difficulty people will have in dealing with this horror.

Some believe the footage that will be released concerning Hillary which Q referred to back on March 6, 2018 in a drop. The number sequence cannot be ignored for that date. You have a 3, 6 and 11 which can be coded as 9/11. Some feel it could deal with Bill Clinton's meeting on the tarmac and the possibility that if Lorretta Lynch told Comey not to indict Hillary as this was during the private email server investigation, then Hillary would give the Antonin Scalia seat to Lynch. As this was pointed to in a drop by Q in November.

If this video drop has to do with the tarmac meeting rather than the SRA, the part that does not make sense is the +++ + +++++ in the March 6th drop concerning the video referred to concerning HRC along with the pointers to material General Flynn and his son had, means possibly this info the the abuse and the evidence of what was really discussed in this meeting tie together. Due to the illicit content contained in the abuse video, they likely cannot release it to the public. Will contents be leaked somehow?

Others wonder if it will be related to Vince Foster, who was alleged to have had an affair with Hillary and was Arkancided.

The Clinton Crime Cabal runs deep and many have come out testifying to this truth. There is a great deal of footage along with prior evidence that already exists tying Hillary to people associated with the occult.
Former Secret Service Officer Gary Byrne who wrote the op-ed Crisis of Character and Edward Kline, author of Guilty as Sin. What he observed was symptoms of losing control of her body and those around her attempting to cover it up. Byrne claimed they have lied numerous times on these symptoms. The doctors they hired to say what they want, are not telling the stories about Hillary's symptoms which point to symptoms associated with rituals that take place. The mainstream media has been very negligent in speaking the truth.

The most important take away is not just whether this footage exists and will be leaked, but rather, the insurmountable evidence gathered proving that the Clintons and various public officials have been involved in trafficking children. Evidence has been gathered proving Hillary and Human have been involved in child sex abuse. Just researching archived material concerning the connections with Epstein, elites in D.C. and likely around the world. As this is still going on until more people acknowledge it and take a stand to stop it so these victims do not continue being abused and more victims are not created.

Please stay vigilant in praying for child victims still out there. Please pray for all of those in the public not aware of this level of evil. Who like all of us, have extreme difficulty believing anything or anyone could be this evil. We all are aware due to the evidence we have seen and it is still difficult to grapple with, so we have to remember this will be almost impossible for some to come to terms with. Please continue to pray for President Trump, Qarmy, the White Hats, the military tribunals that are sure to follow and all the authorities tasked with bringing these people to justice.


EVERY day I wake up waiting for the release of this tape! Those evil pedo-witches and their covens and cronies are going down!

Yes, time of judgement and justice.

God awful. But its release wood be a robust indictment on several levels of horribleness that would never allow us to think of top officials in the same way ever again. This would be an end game castleing move... check mate. If this can be verified then every other crime can be believed.

Absolutely! I feel we all should have been more aware and not so comfortable with these public officials as they are fallible and have been entrusted with a great deal of our well being! I feel the government and these officials shouldn't have all the power and control they have. Some people in power become abusive and predatory. Obama was actively doing everything he could to get rid of checks and balances. Huge red flag! I went back and updated more pertinent info as I had written this after work and went late into the night. There is so much that connects to this from the past and events happening now. This article was interesting though

Is there a link to any of these vids? How do you know they really exist?

No tape has been released yet.

No, it has not surfaced to the first layer we all use. The cabal will move to keep it hidden. I went back in and provided more information to point to cues as to what type of evidence is out there. They already laid the ground work to censor and ban people, so many would never the wiser if some have tried to release and they have kept it hidden. They also paved the way for people to place doubt through recent articles on face swapping in video footage, then they will be able to deny any plausibility. They also prepped the general public with a story claiming a Russian man claiming to be an internet troll claimed a propaganda tape was put out with a Hillary look alike. Who was it that colluded with the Russians and padded a lot of pockets in the Obama administration while making money for the Clinton Foundation through the Uranium One deal. Just one more criminal activity where these instigator's who were to be serving the public were breaking the law, then pointing the fingers at the other side for what They were doing. Seems so crazy, they keep pushing out the same story which was exactly what Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels stated. . .if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. Sadly, that is true for much of the general public who don't realize they are being played by the cabal who ultimately owns the MSM.

this is all total crap. The NYPD and FBI have been sitting on this stuff for way too long. The cover-up is as bad as 9/11. Insulated criminal cabal from top to bottom. And the rest of us act like fish in a barrel, sucking at the fountain of plenty provided by the talmudThumpers and their counterfeit currency production and distribution racket. The Founders gave us a wonderful Criminal Justice System and explained our Right to have a WELL REGULATED MILITIA to keep them in check. Soon, Christians might wake up to this. Woe be unto us if we don't. St. John warned us many times in Scripture.

Hello artistiquejewels!

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