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RE: What REALLY Goes On Behind The Scenes of The Daily Gems?

in #hidden-gems8 years ago (edited)

I have no horse in the race, I'm taking no side, I'm just trying to understand where you are all coming from.

Rewind four weeks. So @steem-babe-xoxox gets >10,000$ for a lazy intro that makes up its lack in brains and sweat with a generous view of boob, while others like @steem-socrates type their fingers bloody for hours to make an awesome, deep, thoughtful post and are glad for every penny they get. Minnows find it unfair and voice their concerns. Dolphins defend the high payout for @steem-babe-xoxox. "Stop complaining. Don't feel so entitled. You only get the same opportunity, that's as far as 'fairness' goes here. You made five cents on that post, that is infinitely more than you ever made on Facebook! You are just envious because the whales are so generous". The Man writes an essay about how "fairness" is all in our heads.

Fast Forward to now. Along comes @hidden-gems-aggregator and provides visibility and exposure to @steem-socrates and others like him. Minnows thank him greatly; they see they are being read and followed; for some the "honor" to be featured is a drop of cold water on a parched throat: someone noticed them after all.

Dolphins attack the high payouts for @hidden-gems-aggregator because they are unfair because he (seemingly/allegedly) hardly put any work into it.

I can't be the only one who notices a logical disconnect here, and if I were less careful with my words, I'd call it a double standard.

With all you fine people here who are lightyears ahead of the average population in terms of intelligence, openmindedness, technical expertise, esoteric knowledge, political education and critical thinking, I find it astounding not many seem to see the irony: already, Steemit is a small mirror of the great whole. Instead of questioning the system as such, a dedicated scapegoat is found as a tangible "symbol" and placeholder for the preceived unfairness and tarred and feathered in public.

Since @hidden-gems-aggregator broke not a single of the ethical/moral "rules" of our sweet cozy little anarchy here, like those against spam and plagiarism, a new "rule" is invented on the fly, and @hidden-gems-aggregator clearly broke it: to share his SBD with @steem-socrates and the other authors he featured. Others started doing so out of their free will and it sort of became the thing to do, but it was never a "rule". And if it were made now, there would still be need for discussion about ex post facto law.

I can only imagine I'm missing something important, so here I am and confess my ignorance: what is this really about?


I just noticed this:

Do you just fraud me?!? Should I flag your comment for fraud now? Is that how this works?

Where's my pitchfork, let's burn us some witches!


Now this is style... I love it

This is a bit hard to follow... am I supposed to be @steem-socrates in this story? I'm certainly no dolphin. As I said many times before, I'm a jellyfish. :)

I'm not trying to come up with any sort of double standard. If I saw anybody else repeatedly milking upvote bots under false pretenses, I would call them out on it as well. I have done so in the past, and I will surely do it again. Whales are voting for him based on the assumption that he is providing a service to the authors whose posts he highlights and that his work benefits the platform. Both of those assumptions are false upon further examination. That information needs to be brought to light, and that's what I'm doing.

@bacchist, you are among the first I followed long before the follow function was implemented, when I needed a txt-file with comma-separated usernames to c&p into steemstream/steemviz. I've been respecting your style and writing since the first hour and agree with many of your opinions.

So don't take it the wrong way, please, when I point out you are, with your 10.9 MV, more than twice as powerful than I am and on rank 779 of the rich list at the time of my writing, making you literally a member of the upper 1% class, a "hero" in the roster and thus a "dolphin".

I know you are a jellyfish. I am asking you why you are jelly, fish.

It has been made abundantly clear by the devs that the systemic "injustice" and extreme income disparity are an integral part of the game. In a sense, it even says so explicitly in the whitepaper. This is a lottery. If you win, great, if you lose, and you will lose most of the time, and most of the users will lose always - don't whine.

Please note: I am not making a moral or qualitative judgement. It breaks my heart as much as yours to see valuable content go mostly unnoticed while posts that gnaw away at your IQ when you just read them populate the "trending" feed.

All I am saying is that dragonslayer played after the rules of the system. The system is fundamentally broken and has been from the start. Hate the game, not the player.

Just like in the real world, the victims of the class warfare (this is what Steemit is, essentially, a market deliberately designed for inequality to enforce the most brutal competition) squander their energy fighting each other over the crumbs falling from the master's table, instead of working together towards a better system in which everyone sits at the same table.

THAT is the only reason I interjected. Our perfect little anarcho-society is repeating in time lapse the history of the "real world".

I'm not saying I am the Cassandra who predicted this...

I would like to point you to my latest post which is highly relevant to the "fairness" debate, but you don't like people posting links to their posts in the comments of your blog in general, since they are all spam.

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