
Many users are experiencing an issue where voting power appears to drop dramatically upon first using the blockchain after HF20. We have diagnosed the cause for this and confirmed that the issue will resolve within 5 days and does not require a hardfork.

I found this in @steemitblogs latest post,

I think everything will stabilize with time... maybe the system needs a little bit of time to fully stabilize and balance.

Yeah that was fun!! I like the part where my VP is at 20% and I don't understand wtf mana or RC's are.

I'm just kidding, y'all. No hard feelings here

I like the part where my VP is at 20% and I don't understand wtf mana or RC's are.

You’re certainly not the only one! :-)

Haha, all transactions will be related to how much time / after HF20 is aired. It might look like a joke when you are told to power up. Even though the strength of the SP has been extraordinary. The system works and everything will be handled immediately. We feel disadvantaged ... then, will there be an advantage when the HF20 is ready to run? ha ha

Have a nice day...


Nowhere near your steem power (at under 5K) but was told the same thing :)
Oh well, good to see things are back up and running, hopefully, for the better.
Also, I see you're posting much more, now, and am happy for your creative flow _/|\_

I see you're posting much more, now, and am happy for your creative flow

Gotta confess: they’ve pretty much all been republications of stuff written 7-9 years ago. :-)

Haha.. that explains the cascade of ideas!

Sneaky :) Patience i suppose :)

Hahaha, seems legit!

We expect people to hope that soon all of this will be correct.

Yes ..This error happen...
When i am going to post the said error wait or steem power up..
But after waiting now i done my post you can check it @usahil

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