
I’m with you on this bumpy steemit journey! Yes, iTunes drives me crazy- it’s the worst software program ever! My music is stuck on an old iPod that I may never be able to download anywhere else! Windows updates drive my husband and me crazy also! I too hope smaller Steemit accounts recover quickly! Resteeming this because you made a lot of great points!

There used to be a software for the PC that could replace iTunes (making the process of content management so much easier), but I think they either ran into legal issues or just became the same garbage they originally sought to replace.

My new android update takes the cake though. It's like someone broke into my house, tore all the labels off my canned foods, and then rearranged them... No respect from these jerks. Owning the rights to the UI shouldn't give them free reign to completely confuse everyone :-/

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I agree that what you describe as "fuck ups" are common in tech. I don't see them so much as fuck ups, however, as signs of disdain for their customers. That's what bugs me with any of them doing it, and STINC doesn't get a pass when they do it just because they let me make money on here.

I personally am not bothered by the fact that the change management procedure was less than to be desired. That's something I think the witnesses are really on right now, and I suspect this to truly have been a turning point in how the HFs are done. So all good there.

My issue is with what was intended. I don't think they want everyone to go away, but I do think that the reason they decided to fight spam in a way that also handicaps new users or those too poor/unwilling to buy STEEM is that they honestly don't value those people anymore than they value a spammer.

So for us minnows, dolphins, orcas, and whales, there was only a minor inconvenience with the fork. My voting power was trashed, but other than that I could function normally on here. Plankton, however, couldn't do anything at all. It was only public outcry by those of us who could post that got the 10x for the plankton. And honestly, even that is pretty restrictive to anyone who has just started with the default 5SP. They basically get one or two comments per day, if they don't post themselves.

So is it incompetence? Or do they call the fork a success because in terms of what they care about it was? Of course the public outcry was not what they wanted, but they have advanced on their technical goals and the monied people on the platform have gone back to business as usual already. Nevermind none of my international followers who normally comment on all my posts have been seen since Thursday.

If the Steem powers-that-be are content with smaller accounts being choked out, then they're complete psychos, but I'm hopeful that this is not the case and that they'll be allocated a healthy amount of RC through further patches.

In the short term, I'd love to freely delegate (if it's possible) my spare RC to a number of small accounts. As I said in another comment, I'm sitting on way more RC than I'd ever need to use.

It was only public outcry by those of us who could post that got the 10x for the plankton

It's a grave concern that it took an outcry to accomplish this, and I'll agree that it's not much. I burned my RC out yesterday while testing one of my dust accounts so I can (in a small way) relate to the frustration...

I don’t think their feelings about the small accounts are antagonistic in any way. It’s more that they want to be in the backend business of providing the blockchain for SMTs to be built on, not the frontend business of running a social media site. That’s why the website looks like something from the 20th century. That’s why we will always remain in beta. This whole thing is a testing environment to them. That’s not as an attitude, but as an actual purpose.

So as long as enough of us keep using it for them to get adequate and accurate data, they are achieving their goals. In the meantime, we put up with operating in a test environment in exchange for having something of an advantage over those who come later. The more we buy STEEM, the more we benefit them, so they definitely want to incentivize that behavior. Hence the way to fight spam is really a way to fight poor people’s spam. Spammers with SP are unaffected.

Really it all becomes purely logical once you see what their primary aim is and what the real deal is that we’re being offered.


well done!
Sh*t happens.

Not a single witness thought back in early days of HF 20, hmmm... how can I screw the little guy and cause tons to leave the platform.

the intent was about something completely different.

I think they'll get around to patching things up, of course I'm uncomfortable with the delays, but whatever...

Expectations are often ridiculously high, how many of the complainers could have pulled this off smoother? Coding is not easy, if it were, everyone would do it.

I know it will sort itself out... it doesn't affect me, as much as the newbies and little guys.
I do feel for them, though

I may end up delegating some SP to small accounts until this is all ironed out...

that's exactly what we are planning to do with Welcome Wagon.
We're trying to help out those who are new on the platform.

If 1000 SP were delegated in 50 SP measurements, that could help a lot of new users!!


howdy there overkillcoin! haha! many great points made here for sure. " El Bastardos! lol. and the question does anyone enjoy windows updates? yes I love those things! lol. like we have a choice. I sure hope steemit isn't like like in a few years. great post!

Thanks Janton! Even LinkedIn has let me down... I had to report a seriously annoying bug this morning... They're in the top 10 websites, but even THEY goof up!

You couldn't have said it better than myself. There's still tons of room to come and invest new ways of doing things. Old companies that take way user rights are good but by the wayside. People are taking back power of their internet decisions

You have a lot of good points in this. To be honest, I am still trying to understand what is going on and how it will change things for my account and posting. I really enjoy posting on here and hope that things can continue in a positive direction. I feel like I am building relationships and finding others with similar interests...hoping the changes allow me to continue to do this.

I think you'd be in pretty good shape, I checked your stats out:

The very low sp holders (5 - 25) would have the most difficulty with limited transactions. Hopefully that will be ironed out soon though. Small accounts need to interact in order to grow...

Thank you very much for your help with this. Yes, small accounts need to interact to build those relationships to help them grow. I know they are in the process of making adjustments and fixing things. Do you know what the timeline it supposed to be done soon? I thought it was supposed to already be fixed, but I am not seeing that in my own maybe I still am off on my information.

You can check up on your voting power and resource credits here:

I have no idea about a timeline, and am not even too sure about who to ask.

If you have a spare witness vote available, I'd recommend a vote for @fulltimegeek, he's on point technically - and has a heart for small accounts as well as a vision for the success of Steem.

Thank you so much for your help!
This might seem like a dumb is a witness vote different than an upvote?

There are no dumb questions.

A witness vote decides who produces the next block on the steem blockchain.

Every user can cast 30 votes and it has no cost to the voter.

The more votes a witness has, the more blocks they can produce and it increases their rewards. Most of the rewards go to the top 20 witnesses as they produce most of the blocks and secure the blockchain.

You are right! Things dont work all the time well like expected. Windows Updates! I dont know if they are supposed to be helping us or just a big nightmare. The last time they updated my system automatically many things stopped working until this day. I tried everything possible to fix them, but nothing worked out. Now I am just waiting for an other update or have to install everything new, which is my last option :(

I hate microsoft the most, I think... Some of the technologists speak about computer chips inside of humans, what a horrendous disaster THAT would be! 8^]

Then you must watch "Black Mirror" :D I remember one episode was introducing this topic and I am sure that in real life many people will go for it. You can imagine the result lol

A very balanced approach from a top-notch Steemian!

And I figured out that stupid Android issue. It just took a deeper commitment to fiery rage and long-distance phone throwing!

My Steemibility has been in decline, but I appreciate the kind words.................................

Ha ha... glad you figured it out!

I am not jumping ship but I am exploring other platforms while waiting for my stats to rejuvenate here. I don't have enough mana and rc to do what I want to do each day so I have to get my fix somewhere.

Glad you're staying around, it's sad to see people give up. You obviously have every right to make that extra crypto where you can, and yet it's good to know that you're not going to give up this early in the game.

Thanks for your visit!!!

When I think about it hf20 isn't so bad, the limitations has helped me diversify myself adding additional platforms so I can get my full daily fix, and I got to thinking about it. Every extremely wealthy person I know has multiple streams of income as I do in my own life, working on trying to be at least comfortable in retirement, so why not in my virtual life too? And why didn't I think this way right away instead of getting upset is because I am addicted to this style of blogging. But once I have had a few days to think things over I see it as not a bad thing nor a good one, but it is what it is and we all have to deal with it. I believe in this type of platform. So it is okay to invest time in more than one platform like this. As steemit is just another avenue of expression, and no one says you can' express yourself elsewhere too and it they did I wouldn't want to be here.

All I know is I'm on the road to financial ruin LOLZ

I simply don't like it when people monitor all my tweets and then criticize me for not being a good Steem marketer (if you know the person I'm talking about lolz). I'm not on Steemit's payroll, so why should I have to propagandize constantly? People are NUTZ.

I think one of the problems of this is that many users in the community felt with the right to criticize what had happened during the HF for not receiving rewards, because they are accustomed to that for everything they do should receive something in return! On the contrary I think it is time to see the positive changes that this will bring to Steem

Great perspective... I'm disappointed in the short term, but I think there are already serious discussions about how to do things better + plus + you're right, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon :D

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