in #hey6 years ago (edited)


The Internet has provided us in so many ways, communication access, knowledge and much more. It has indeed made life easier but maybe too easy. Internet privacy and security is one of the leading issues that confronts internet users worldwide. The same Internet that has aided us in moving closer to a foreseen future has also made we the users vulnerable to fraud, identity theft, viruses, invasion of privacy and so many other forms of cyber-attacks. What then happens when cryptocurrency and sensitive digital data is involved? We employ stronger and more efficient means of protecting our data and shielding ourselves from fraud and cyber attacks. What is this means or system to be adopted in order to accomplish internet security. Let me introduce you to GOLDILOCK


GOLDILOCK is a platform for digital storage which offers a feature where a users data or funds is only available when the user requests for such. This is done through a physical device that stores the users information. It is connected to the internet and the user is given limited time access through non-IP technology with secure authentication layers.

GOLDILOCK combines the features of both cold and hot storage and a set of digital elements to protect the cryptocurrencies and specific digital assets to be used by individuals and institutions. It is online when you need it and offline when you don't. What better security system could you possibly ask for?

Source: WhitePaper, Page 5

GOLDILOCK Vs Hot & Cold Storage

Hardware cold storage solutions such as paper & USB keys are not exactly the most convenient systems for storing digital data as they are prone to damage, theft, misplacement and not to mention the limited accessibility they offer.

While for the hot storage solutions. It is a known fact that If it is connected to the internet, it can be hacked. A while ago, I discovered an amateur trick amongst Google users. Google syncs up every search history, bookmark, address etc as well as other sensitive user data which includes user ID's, passwords, card number etc that has been saved across every device a user has ever logged onto and has saved such information. All that is required is the users pin, password or biometric. So let's say your phone gets stolen and you happen to be a user of Google resources. It's not going to require an adept hacker to have access to all your funds/data. An unfaithful friend or a close family relative you pissed off could just as easily get close enough to your phone, use your thumb print and get access to all your data without even the slightest awareness from you. Or lets say you happen to log into a friend's a computer or even a shared computer. Your information is just out there for anyone to access and misuse.

Now, picture a system that allows access to all your data when and only when you need it. A system that goes offline whenever you do and is online when and only when you require your data. Ladies and Gentlemen, we've only begun scratching the surface of GOLDILOCK. The physical air gap disconnection from electronic networks is without a doubt what makes this system of digital storage unique and uncompromising amongst it's other numerous features which includes;

  • Dedicated per-user hardware for processing storage of encrypted data
  • Regressive connectivity and signal processing
  • Biometric gateways
  • Device recognition
  • Personal generated codes
  • Scalable physically-segregated connectivity solutions
  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • Optional multi-signature security
  • Secured physical vaults
  • Multisite encrypted data backup
  • Secure dashboards and live reporting on access and usage
  • Fully-insured third-party guarantees for the extraction and delivery of data to owners on demand or in the case of business disruption

Source: WhitePaper, Page 5


What are the benefits of using GOLDILOCK for both personal and commercial purposes?

For Personal Purposes
As a day to day user of the internet even without having much engagement with the crypto world, we handle sensitive digital data regularly either stored in hot or cold storage. Neither of these solutions are fully safe and efficient as they are prone to several factors such as hacks, damage, theft. But with the integration of GOLDILOCK services, you are safe from the disadvantages that befall you from using either hot or cold storage solutions.

For Commercial Purposes
GOLDILOCK has a whole lot of benefits for various institutions and companies that decides to integrate GOLDILOCK into their system. Schools, Banks, Insurance Firms, Law firms, Storage Enterprises etc. These are examples of institutions and companies that makes use of either hot or cold storage solutions or both. These companies hold sensitive information about their clients and even their business operations that maybe stored on drives, servers, vaults etc. Integrating GOLDILOCK with their database gives them the advantage of having all their data offline when not required, thereby preventing all forms of attacks and online threats.

NEO Platform

What is NEO?
NEO is a next generation smart economy platform and cryptocurrency designed to build a scalable network of decentralized applications.

Why the GOLDILOCK integration with NEO? >

  • NEO uses a delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT) consensus mechanism which is an improvement to the Proof of Stake protocol.
  • It is building into their ecosystem, a digital identify mechanism that will be able to issue and confirm digital identities
  • It does not require mining which means transactions are fast and without cost
These attributes are why NEO is the ideal platform for giving users a secure and efficient way to interact on the blockchain.

LOCK Token

LOCK token will be the utility token that powers GOLDILOCK. It will be registered as an NEP-5 asset on the NEO Blockchain through which the users can purchase and use to have access to GOLDILOCK's services.

Source: WhitePaper, Page 10

Allocation of the LOCK tokens will be as follows:

Source: Goldilock Tokenomics, Page 2

The proceeds from the token sale will be allocated as follows:

Source: Goldilock Tokenomics, Page 3


Use-Case 1
Considering the number of hacks that has happened in the world or cryptocurrency, Mr. Idris who is an online trader is scared of venturing into the world of cryptocurrency. But with the introduction of GOLDILOCK cryptocurrency wallet, Mr. Idris is now confident of venturing into cryptocurrencies. Having experienced a safe and efficient means of transacting on the blockchain network. He shares his experience with his friends and also proposes to his firm to adopt this means of transacting care free. Now, the recommendation of GOLDILOCK begins to spread and gets adopted.

Use-Case 2
A real life scenario; In 2014, Yahoo released a statement saying there was a breach in their security and personal information of about 500 million of their users were accessed. Later on, a hacker was found to be selling personal information related to 200 million accounts. Although announcement says the breach happened to be wider than believed. 4 months ago, the SEC issued a $35 million fine over Yahoo failing to disclose data breach. Now this is why GOLDILOCK is here, to prevent innocent users from having their personal information being sold amongst which where names, date of births, addresses, hashed password, security questions. Having a big firm like Yahoo employ the services of GOLDILOCK to provide them with internet security will definitely put GOLDILOCK on the radar and in turn also give rise to adoption of cryptocurrencies.


GOLDILOCK is revolutionizing the way we access data and transact online by creating a platform that ensures total disconnection from the internet. This ensures the protection of sensitive digital data especially crptocurrencies. And once crptocurrencies can be properly safe guarded, more people can now venture in cryotocurrency and can rest easy knowing that their data is safe and secured.
GOLDILOCK should be employed by any institution or company that manages sensitive data.

For More Information & Resources
GOLDILOCK Whitepaper
GOLDILOCK Tokenomics

Check out these videos

An introduction into the GOLDILOCK platform

GOLDILOCK CEO Jarrod Epps Discusses Crypto Key Custody and The GOLDILOCK ICO



The GOLDILOCK Advisors

The GOLDILOCK Partners


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