
When I finish the next step, it will be 100 proof; so I guess you can drink it! It has some internal benefits.

That said; it will penetrate a foot deep in tissue, so it is usually rubbed on the skin. It was originally used (2500 years ago) to speed bone healing, it is still used for that today. The uses I have seen amaze me. It has saved me a shoulder surgery.

This stuff is liquid Gold. :O

where do they still use it today? besides your house.

All homeopathic doctors use this, as well as all herbalists. It can cut bone healing time in half, so ALL Preppers should have comfrey, and be using it now; to avoid learning, in survival situations!

can't you just buy it? how long does it store for?

Yes, it cost $10 an ounce in tincture. I am making about a gallon. It stores for a decade or more in Tincture. Mine never lasts six months, I supply family too. :)

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