Hemp Paste is the savior of CBD products

in #hemp7 years ago (edited)

Most people have never heard of HEMP PASTE. its a proprietary strain of cannabis that is legally declared "hemp". 

As with common CBD oils they sell, there is a "bell curve effect" where you can administer the oil to treat something but when you hit a certain threshold, the benifits of the oils stop effecting the patient, and the symptoms actually increase. There was one lab in Israel who decided to actually study the effects of whole plant CBD products vs. the oils and the results were facinating. They found there was no bell curve situation, the whole plant product's medicinal effects continued as the dosage increased. 

There is a syngergistic effect when all the canabinoids interact giving the product profound healing abilities. This is new shit, guys.

So HEMP PASTE uses buds from a strain that has 19.37% CBD and 0.24% THC. The federal law stipulates that in order for hemp to be legal, THC has to be below 0.3%. HEMP PASTE is legal in all 50 states.

heres the "What Is?" video i made for it:

here is a handout that i made that I have been going around town giving shops who i think might be interested:

Here is the second video i made talking about the whole-plant vs single compound phenomenon 

so yeah, im a sales rep for this company, My Nutracuticals and you can be too! for less than the price of a jar, an they will ship you a free 2000mg jar.

Here is the website:

(ya gotta tack that little "zg" on the end to give me credit ;)"

The website is a little weird, which im trying to get changed, but at the top menu, go to "Shop" which will take you to the actual store part of the website. 

I'm trying to build a sales team. Selling this stuff is pretty lucrative i found out. It would be rad to get someone on your sales team who can sell this stuff frequenty, then you would have a nice little passive income. AND heal the World! :)


awesome info. I wasn't aware about the dosage dependent properties. I have a masters in biological sciences and I have some knowledge about TNFa and immunology and CBD receptors. Can you tell me more about the sales team?

very cool. yeah this video explains it pretty quick. I currently dont have anyone under me as a rep. but I've sold like 6 jars, each one making about $32.00 on. the company mails you a check every 2 weeks too! and you can write off the hemp paste you buy for yourself if you do taxes on the 1099 if you want.

the sales team you create can be as infinitely WIDE but only 4 DEEP.

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