Growing your following on Steemit / Como hacer crecer tus seguidores - Lesson by Guest Teacher @verbal-d.

in #helpie7 years ago

Growing your following on Steem - Wisdom shared by @Verbal-D

Como hacer crecer tus seguidores - Consejos por @Verbal-D


The Do's - Qué hacer

  • When you first join Steemit, your first post is most ideally your Introduction/Introduceyourself post. Be sure to put a good amount of effort into covering a general yet insightful oversight presentation of who you are, your goals and passions, what you are seeking for, what you provide to the community, and what you represent and are involved in.

  • Cuando recién te unes a Steemit, su primer post idealmente es su introducción/introduceyourself. Asegúrense de poner el suficiente esfuerzo en cubrir una presentación general pero genuina. Es una gran oportunidad para explicar quiénes son , sus metas , pasiones, búsquedas, qué pueden traer a la comunidad, qué los representa y cuales son sus intereses.


  • Be sure to Reply to All genuine comments from fellow Steemians who ask questions or connectively engage in potential bridge building dialogue. Social networking is key to success and a response more than a couple of sentences shows real effort on both sides of both parties involved.

  • Asegúrense de responder a todos los comentarios genuinos que otros steemians podrían hacerles, a aquellos que hagan preguntas y conecten con el diálogo. Crear vínculos sociales y buscar respuestas sinceras es la clave al éxito.


  • Create great quality content.

  • Creen contenido de gran calidad.


  • Either stick to a small niche of consistent topics/materials areas of creativity and expression OR branch out and be as vast and diverse as possible. Either direction you choose, your audience will find you and gravitate toward you as long as you are dedicated, reachable/engaging and your effort shows

  • Mantenerse en un nicho de temas/material consistente o diversificar lo mayormente posible son ambas direcciones válidas. Cualquier dirección que elijan sus seguidores van a estar interesados siempre y cuando se mantengan dedicados, accesible y su esfuerzo se note.


  • Curate and support those who support you and other great content creators. When you put forth the effort to your own posts, you must realize others also spend great deals of time creating a great post for your enjoyment. Don't forget to upvote their posts and or conments on your posts and you can go to their posts and leave valuable feedback, encouragement and constructive helpful criticism and advice as well to be a pillar of kindness within the Steemit community.

  • Apoyen y curen contenido de usuarios que los siguen y de otros creadores de buen contenido. Deben darse cuenta que así como ustedes hay otros usuarios poniendo mucho esfuerzo en sus publicaciones. No olviden votar sus publicaciones y dejar comentarios con críticas constructivas, consejos y ser ejemplo de amabilidad dentro de la comunidad de Steemit.


  • Follow those who you want to support, don't just follow back because someone follows you. It means nothing other than a number. You want to encourage real support and engagement on this platform

  • Sigan a aquellos usuarios que quieran apoyar, no solo sigan a alguien mas porque los sigue. No significa mas que un número. Ustedes deben querer fomentar un apoyo real y compromiso en esta plataforma.


  • Be more personal and share things that catch and lure your audience to you for a more deeper connection and becoming more relatable and or vulnerable in what you stand for. Sometimes even a simple video blog/vlog or some pictures of yourself or of your travels and memories, or artwork and or audio of yourself helps you to become more human rather than a digital profile that your followers can feel connected to. The more they feel they know you the more likely they are to stick by your side and support you continually.

  • Sean más personales y compartan cosas que atrapen a su audiencia y la conecten de una manera mas profunda con ustedes. A veces un video blog/vlog o algunas fotos de sus viajes o memorias ayudan a convertirnos en un poco mas humanos en vez de un canal ''frio'' y asi nuestros seguidores pueden conectar con nosotros. Mientras más te conozcan el apoyo va a ser mas sincero y continuo.

human .jpg

The Don't's - Qué no hacer

  • Don't spam comments on other people's posts. Meaningful comments will reward you great success as you engage with real true intentons.

  • No incluyas comentarios tipo spam en las publicaciones de otros. Comentarios con significado te recompensarán de gran manera.


  • Don't spam using Wallet Messages. If you want to reach people. Go directly to their page, check out a post of theirs, follow them and comment something directly related to what you read and ask your questions and connect with them in the comments section and or ask for their Discord or Steemit.Chat profile to direct message one another.

  • No hagan spam utilizando ''mensajes pre-hechos'' . Si quieren llegar a las personas vayan directo a su página, lean una publicación, síganlos y comenten con relación al tema, hagan preguntas y conecten en la sección de comentarios. También pueden enviar un mensaje directo por Discord o el chat de Steemit.


  • Don't beg for follows or upvotes. People should curate what they feel is quality content to them and not be forced or guilt-tripped into upvoting or following you just because you upvoted and followed them. Reciprocity is not always a given here on Steemit. Upvotes are a great way to incentivize content creators and if you truly like someone and what they post, you will support them even if they do not necessarily upvote or follow you back. The same applies to the people who follow and support you, you are not obligated to follow and support them back if they are not in your interests and shared passions. An upvote is a gift and token of appreciation so there is no need to beg. Same applies as for the follows, which are a sign of support.

  • No supliques por seguidores o votos. Los usuarios deberian apoyar curar contenido que sientan es de calidad para ellos y no caer en ''el voto por culpa'' o seguir a otro usuario solo porque este te siguió a ti. La reciprocidad es algo que no siempre ocurre aquí en Steemit. Los upvotes son una gran manera de incentivar a los creadores de contenido que realmente te gustan, deberías apoyarlos aunque ellos no te sigan o voten de vuelta. Un upvote es una muestra de apreciación y no es necesario rogar por el , lo mismo aplica a los ''follows'', que es una muestra de apoyo.


  • Don't spam your post links in Wallet Messages or in comments on other people's pages. It is rude to just drop your link, especially without saying anything to that user or about their own post. The more self-centered and focused on self-gain you are, the more you isolate yourself from the community, which is counterproductive from becoming a valued member of the Steemit society and growing your minnow account towards Dolphin and Whaledom.

  • No hagan spam copiando links en la sección de comentario de otros. Es rudo pasar y simplemente dejar un link, especialmente si no tiene nada que ver en relación a la publicación. Mientras más se encuentren absorbidos en su propio crecimiento, más se aislan de la comunidad. Esto es muy contraproducente en convertirse en un miembro valorado de Steemit y poder crecer tu cuenta de ''minnow'' a un ''dolphin'' o un ''whale''.


  • Don't forget to be grateful and celebrate your milestones with your followers. The moment you start to feel entitled and special and let your ego get the best of you, will be the moment the community distances themselves from you from your lack of appreciation. Always say thank you and express yourself openly to stay connected and genuine with your followers and supporters. If you have any more ideas on this topic, please comment down below your suggestions on how to be more successful on steemit and to gain a following of support to elevate your Steemit experience and belonging.

  • No se olviden de ser agradecidos y celebrar sus logros con sus seguidores. En el momento que se sientan superiores y especiales y dejen que el ego los consuma, será cuando la comunidad empiece a distanciarse de ustedes por su falta de apreciación hacia los demás. Siempre digan ''gracias'' y exprésense abiertamente, conecten de manera genuina con sus seguidores. Si tienen mas ideas en este tema por favor compártanlas en la sección de comentarios. Sus sugerencias en como mejorar e incrementar sus seguidores es bienvenida.


Today's Task: Show me two examples of great things that you have been doing lately to grow your following. And also share, without giving names an example of a user that is doing this all wrong, and how they could change their approach. Best responses get extra upvotes from me.

El ejercicio de hoy: Muéstrenme dos ejemplos de grandes cosas que han hecho últimamente para crecer en seguidos. También compartan, sin dar nombres, ejemplos de usuarios que están haciéndolo mal y como podrían cambiar su enfoque. Las mejores respuestas tendrán upvotes extra.


@helpie is an educational initiative supported by witnesses @ausbitbank and @gmuxx
please consider voting for them Here

Disclaimer.- Only registered users will have guaranteed upvotes from @helpie, anyone is welcome to participate of the daily trivia, as we have admins upvoting minnows you partake of the mini classes. You are not required to upvote @helpie 's post to participate, this will not give you a bigger upvote, this initiative is not meant to be a vote for vote operation, it's an educational tool only.

If you want to be considered to join @helpie as a minnow in training, please consider joining Palnet / MSP and participating actively of the community, we have scouts constantly looking for the right minnows to support, and they will reach out with a private invitation.


Una de las cosas que he hecho para crecer en steemit, es a la vez una manera de ayudar a usuarios nuevos, creando un concurso para que los usuarios diseñen mi logo personal, incentivo la participación votando por los participantes y dandole reestem, además de repartirles lo obtenido en el post del concurso...
Hay muchos usuarios nuevos que lo hacen TODO mal, se dedican a rogar votos y a pedir que visiten su blog en TODOS los comentarios, en especial hay una chica que tiene mucho talento en sus canciones, pero no desiste de rogar visitas y upvotes, es lamentable porque le he explicado varias veces que no lo haga, pero ella insiste y lo único que logra es que sus publicaciones nunca obtengan upvotes suficientes...
Creo que es sumamente dificil hacerle entender a muchos nuevos que esas actitudes son perjudiciales, y que ellos mismos se estan poniendo trabas para crecer en steemit...

Que bien @dreamrafa , bueno tengo que decir que una de las primeras cuentas que me encontre en steemit y sobre todo de otro musico y guitarrista fue la tuya! asi q me has ayudado mucho con el ejemplo de como manejar mi propio canal. Gracias por eso!

Y es verdad , hay mucha gente que no entiende como funciona esto y desperdicia las posibilidades que brinda la plataforma. Creo que la actitud y como uno se maneja a nivel social es tan importante como el contenido que genera! Abrazo pana!

I think the discord servers are a really important complimentary component to success here. All of the people I feel like I'm becoming friends with hangout there. It's hard navigating steemit without that human connection.

I think the 2 best things Iately I've been doing well are to be helpful by giving people information or walking them through something. For example, a new user on discord was trying to learn how to use the jukebox in PAL and I helped him learn how to request songs. He appreciated that and asked for my steemit name.

Secondly is to be encouraging and try to help others network. There are skills or information I don't have, that I Know someone else does, so I try to help get them in touch or motivate them to participate. I just try to be encouraging and link people together.

I'm not really sure of an example of a specific user doing things wrong. I don't encounter that with people unless it's a spammer. So far noones really spammed my posts. But it's very annoying and irritating on other peoples posts to see them respond with a comment where they've obviously not read the post, then asking for an upvote.

That is wonderful to hear that you are encouraging others and connnecting them. We need more Steemians like you who display a willingness to help others and show compassion and understanding. Community building is key and people recognize genuine actions and thoughtfulness. Thanks for sharing this with us, keep up the great work

First I've been curating writing contests her on Steemit - posting all the contests as they become available and keeping a daily list of all the open writing contests.

Secondly and as an auxilliary to that, I make sure to resteem and upvote each writing contest, leaving helpful comments for the contest creator, and replying to any writers who leave me messages, whether on my own blog, or on that of the contest creators.

As an example of doing it wrong. Today I found a user who was copy/pasting my entire contest post and sharing it as their own.

You are definitely a beacon of support for the community helping to make aware of fun and engaging opportunities to stir creativity amongst other capable, willing and dedicated writers. This helps us to grow as a unit and your helpfulness with curating resteeming and responding with insight and advice is definitely noteworthy and a valuable characteristic as a true Steemian, keep it up and I wish you the best of success. Yes, there will be some bad apples who plagiarize our and others' work unfortunately and they shall not see consistent success for the long run

Thank you so much for that reply. The real rewards are when you are able to make a difference here, even a small difference. I have every intention of continuing to find ways to help others here, because that is what makes this such a wonderful community.


Puedo decir que tuve suerte de caer a Steemit con un par de guías espirituales, digo virtuales jajaja! que me facilitaron mucho la estadía y los comienzos en Steemit. Este post está bueno para compartir con quienes recién empiezan, así que lo voy a hacer, para orientarlos un poco en el sentido de comunidad, que al principio parece algo difuso e inalcanzable.

Desde que empecé a subir mi música en Steemit me vi cada vez más inspirada a compartir también mis escritos y a perfeccionar mis conocimientos de diseño para también regalarlos para devolver un poco de lo que esta comunidad me dio!

Me encanta y creo que podría todavía fomentarse más el sentido de colaboración entre las diferentes artes. Por eso creé un contest para reunir a músicos y escritores! Y me emociona mucho lo que pueda llegar a pasar, me imagino muchas ideas, mucha inspiración dando vueltas, muchos vínculos! ♥

Día a día redescubro Steemit y las diferentes maneras en las que me inspira!

Carluki ! Si , lo estas haciendo muy bien desde el comienzo , por eso tu cuenta esta creciendo de forma muy rápida , me gusta que estas empezando a buscar mas maneras de interacción , inclusive con la creación de un concurso. vamos adelante :)

Tal cual! al igual que varios comentarios de arriba, tuve la suerte de llegar a steemit con mucha gente ayudandome y guiandome, y espero poder algun dia retribuir todo esa ayuda a otras personas. Soy relativamente nuevo en steemit y estos consejos me son sumamente útiles para seguir aprendiendo y automotivandome para generar mas contenido de calidad. Muchas gracias a @helpie por este gran comunidad!

Vamos mati , que bueno que estes aprendiendo como manejarte en la plataforma , claramente el llevar bien y entender de la 'etiqueta' usada en Steemit es clave. abrazo!

Gracias por el post les comento que soy nuevo en esta comunidad y estos consejos me ayudaran mucho ya que día a día quiero crecer y aprender mas sobre la red de steemit , me gustaria ver mas de estos post en el futuro y las personas que vean mis publicaciones estaré atentos a sus comentarios y sugerencias , saludos y gracias

kernelillo , es bueno que tengas una guia desde un comienzo ya que eso hace una gran diferencia , que bueno que nos pudimos encontrar por aqui y ayudarnos entre todos. detipo.

muy bien @pechiche aca estamos aprendiendo todos y de tipo tipal

Hey brother!!

These are really great tips for all, be it new users and a reminder to older ones hehe.

About today's task:

I've been planning two new series of weekly posts sharing my experiences playing live and on tour and sharing the most influencial music on my life, from what I've done with my series on recording I've learned that sharing what you know and helping out is the key.

To me, honestly, the most difficult part has been posting every week, right now I'm about to travel, so I don't have the time to actually make a solid post, but as soon as I get to Buenos Aires I'll get on it again with a vengeance.

In my experience, making solid weekly posts and answering kindly to all comments and giving feedback to the people you engage with is the key to growing your following. Also I try to offer as much assistance as I can to anyone that needs it.

Two examples I can give that fit into the DON'Ts category would be:

A guy that wrote to me on asking for me to send him 2 SDB for an investment, saying he would be helping me out if I helped him out, the dude had a pretty big following on steemit, but there was no way to check if it was really the same person, or if someone was impersonating the big steemit user on, It would be extremely unusual that a very successful steemian would go around asking for 2 SDB loans from planktons haha.

The other one was a person that hit me up on discord asking me to upvote his post and follow him, claiming that he was venezuelan, and that all upvotes would help his family.
I mean, we all know that things are truly dire in Venezuela, but asking for help in that way makes it feel like a scam, even if it's genuine. I read his posts and he was trying to do quality posts, so I ended up helping him out.

Hey bro,
Thanks for stopping by and reading this advice post. I am glad to share what I have learned thus far being here in this wonderful Steemit community.
Yeah consistency in posting can be difficult at times but always try and gear yourself for at least at the bare minimum once to twice in a week if you really have no time or at the very least, just being active in the community by resteeming new post from users your support or engaging with comments on content you curate when you have no time to post.

Since you have a phone with you at all times, even one or two photo shots or a voice recording can serve as a brief post to update and stay connected with your followers. You still have 7days to edit a post so sometimes I post an unfinished post and come back to it when I have time but at least my followers see what I was working on or trying to share with them. I take risks like that :)

And yes the Don'ts you have listed are interesting and I have had some run ins with both as well on similar contextual grounds. Some people impersonate big accounts on the only way to verify if it is them if they either send you a 0.001 sbd or steem memo saying to your wallet showing they have access and utilize the account but the best way to verify is if they make a youtube vlog unlisted which you can view them saying it really is them and they say their username and your username and their intentions and you also have to know if they are who they say they are before yoh engage in any activity with them.

The second Don't is more often seen and yes our ability to curate can help save and change lives. I will just post this post link I recently wrote to explain how I feel on the manner.

If we can prove they are a fake and are lying then of course we don't offer our help if they have ill intentions but digitally it becomes more obscure to judge these situations. If you're unsure, you can give but just adjust your voting percentage as long as you have that ability to do so to an amount you are comfortable in giving.
Best of success and more bro. Steem on

Great info man!

What I’ve been doing for about a month or so, is I started my own steemit “program”, called “get some jazz steemit”, where I’d share in an -almost kind of- daily basis a Jazz song with some funny facts about the recommended band.
I’m trying to slowly build an audience for this “hashtag” , and I’m slowly getting there.

I’ve also commited myself to only create quality posts, and that’s what in my opinion I’ve been doing lately.
Posts with good, original content. Posts of things I find interesting, from my own life and from life itself.

While I always try to reply to each and every comment I receive on my posts, yesterday I got the typical “nice post, please follow me and remember to support my posts as I support yours...” from a LVL50 account.

I don’t know how he got to that reputation level, but It’s kind of a bummer to receive that kind of replies when you are looking to generate good content and promote interaction within steemians.

See you!

Thank you for reading and commenting your experience and input. I love jazz music especially incorporated with Hip Hop boom bap style productions. Keep up the use of your hashtag, although it is a long one, it will eventually become staple amongst your followers and supporters.

Quality posts are definitely something to continually strive for because overtime they become easier to achieve when you find your niche and area of passion or expertise and you grow as a content creator.

Yes some will have high rep levels due to community support or self support through pay for vote bots but reputation level doesn't always display a quality of a true Steemian unfortunately. Best of success to you and Steem on

Thank you for all the feedback man, trully appreciated!!

Given you like jazz and hiphop, I'll share you this. You might enjoy it!

You're most welcome, glad to help
Thanks for the video, it was a cool jam session, freestyle with chill vibes

when im reading this, it shows me again i did at my start everything wrong what i could do wrong :D

Now you can move forward making the right decisions and grow into a more productive and engaging Steemian. Steem on best of success to you

heyyyyy.... thx for thehas feedback... im doin aniche thing you re very welcone to take a look smile

You're very welcome :)

There's some really good recommendations here for newer steemians.
I haven't really been doing much to grow my followers, I've been struggling to just get a few posts up in a week. Winter is tough for me, so I don't have as much energy to keep up with my posting. I do try to do at least some curation every day though, although I don't always have anything to say as a comment on the posts that I curate.

Thank you for reading these recommendations. Sometimes it requires a forceful expression of your thoughts, at least it works for me. I force myself to stay consistent because i know it pays off in the end. Be it replying to comments or sharing my thoughts and or posting ideas that come to mind which other steemians might find interesting or knowing that whatever I do can affect individuals or the community at large whatever I put forth on this platform. I hope the winter gets better for you as we slowly transition into Spring. If you can't find time to write a post, the best solution is to incorporate a nonliterary passion that can still be shared and posted as content to inspire and reach others, e.g. audio recordings, vlogs, traveling photos, artwork, cooked/baked foods you've prepared and more. consistency is definitely key on Steemit, I wish you the best of success. Steem on

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