Help! Where is my money? [Openledger Issue]

in #help7 years ago (edited)

Dear bitshares users,

I'm disappointed, because I probably lost 50 SBD...


This is actually the second time, I had some issues using the bitshares2-light app.

But unlike the first time (where I confound transfer and withdraw), I used the app completely as it was intended.

What happened?

About 21 hours ago I wanted to send 50 SBD to my bitshares wallet. (I successfully did that before a few times.)

So I opened the Deposit/Withdraw tab and chose "openledger" as the respective Gateway-Service.


Then I received the following information for doing the transfer:


As you can see in the @openledger wallet, the SBDs instantly arrived at the account and I used the exact memo, as it had been provided by the bitshares app.

You can also see the transaction in the steem blockchain in block 14638568:


Where is my money?

But then, nothing happened...

The SBDs weren't forwarded to my Bitshares wallet -

and they still haven't arrived nearly one day later.

I contacted the Blocktrades support and got an reply from a friendly person, which told me that:

This email no longer supports the OpenLedger gateway, but I'm forwarding this email to S. who handles it nowadays.

And then nothing happened:

No reply from S, no refund and still no forwarding of my SBDs to the bitshares wallet.

I'd greatly appreciate any help or support regarding this issue.

Until then: Be careful when using the service!


P.S.: Original self-portrait drawing (opaque white on black paper)


Sorry to hear that happened. Let's hope this post helps. My upvote isn't the biggest, so I also just nominated this post @ discordia. Got my fingers crossed for you.

Thanks a lot @roused - that's a very nice gesture :-) Let's hope for the best.

Cool, discordia came through for you!! My small way of saying thanks for helping this newbie ;-)

Very cool! Helping newbies definitely pays out :-)

Trading is always a bit of a horror :) But I have managed to be without loss until now....

Lucky you! I usually tell myself to send a small amount first and only send the rest when the test transaction has been successfull. But as I did several successful transactions to openledger before, I somehow trusted it...

Shame! Im sorry to hear you have lost 50SBD. It must be so frustrating.
I do hope you get it back! Crossed fingers

Thanks a lot @krys - Let's hope for the best!

I have heard this situation quite a few times with different services. Sometimes the funds get stuck somewhere in Limbo state but the most majority of people get it back. I've read a guy having ~20k USD in limbo for three months. He has tried everything, and then somehow it appeared in his wallet :) So hold on, i am sure it is coming back soon. How long has it been already?

Yes, it happens sometimes and I'm somehow still confident, that I will get it back, although it's been stuck for about 36 hours now... 50 SBD may not sound that much, but it was hard-earned money and it always hurts if you loose it.

yeah it unpleasant experience. Just ruins the trust and makes you think what if that was 500 or 5k. Might happen as well. Ok, let us know when you get it back. A few guys pointed out they miraculously got it back after making a thread on reddit if you are using it. They are afraid of bad publicity and usually take more active action.

Thanks for the hint, @bescouted - I have a reddit account, so I will try that, if nothing else helps. I'll keep you updated.

no worries I believe I waited a few days once, messaged a old post. Dunno what happened but they just came at some point. SBD's do that for no reason :D I'd like to know why too. Give it 2-3 days.

Thanks for your fair words. It's always possible, that a transaction needs a bit more time. What makes me nervous is the fact, that the support isn't able to get back to me within a day. I'm still hoping for the best, though ;-)

yeah dunno I messaged around here looking for some openledger posts, I didn't even contact support, support are basically uselss. I traded 200usd in bt a month or so ago for 350usd, at a price of 2200 or smth, 2800 watever, so the next day the third party refunded my money from my account to the other scrub that took my btc basically. That did teach me to not trust n arties basically. The support got me some "extra" service for 2 months, that I basically had "paid" for with my "taxes" on their shitty app. so after loosing 200usd, (now doubled) I get to have -30 in taxes as well, so I can't even hate supports since they are petty much useless, especially in a corporate setting, they basically have to contact some higher up then another one, then someone might be able to do something if you have something really threatening. So yeah assholes,

Decentralised open ledger is pretty much ok. I'm not sure who sends funds from the open ledger wallet to the wallets, it should be automated. But yeah basically I though a new address made some mistake, since every time you open the window you get a new address and as you said normally it takes like 10 seconds.

Sorry for the whine :D

Basically I have no idea other than I had the same thing happen to me, so I thought to not use SBD's to trade, the volume is low anyway :D but I'm not sure why, basically it shouldn't be happening.

Decentralised open ledger is pretty much ok. I'm not sure who sends funds from the open ledger wallet to the wallets, it should be automated. But yeah basically I though a new address made some mistake, since every time you open the window you get a new address and as you said normally it takes like 10 seconds.

I've made good experiences with this decentralised exchange most of the time, but when it comes to finding a person, that is responsible and can help it may have some disadvantages. My trust level is definitely lowering.

I don't think that you get a new memo until you press the "get new address" button and it always went through so fast and smoothly, that I thought it just will continue this way.

I will tell you, when I know the reason for this delay. Thanks again!

I hope you will get your money back @shortcut. I would just want to point out a good side of your trust level lowering. Decentralized cryptos are originally intended for a direct exchange between holders. Exchanges are necessary evil and will hopefully disappear with the mass adoption of crypto and the crash of fiat.

good you are warning us all. I am very sorry to hear that my friend. I hope you get lots of upvotes so you make your money back! upvoted!

Thanks a lot! I'm still hoping that I will get my money back somehow.

Uh - das ist mehr als ärgerlich - manchmal hat die ganze Technik den Teufel gesehen - ich hoffe das sich alles zum Guten regelt für Dich - drück Dir die Daumen... von Künstler zu Künstler :-)
kleiner Vote soweit es mir möglich ist & Follow you :-)

Vielen Dank für's Daumen Drücken, Voten und Verfolgen. Bin dir gleich mal zurückgefolgt. Freut mich, dass wir uns vernetzen :-)

Auf alle Fälle im Austausch bleiben - Hoffe es regelt sich alles wieder - Gute Nacht :-)

It even sometimes happened with me on polo and I got back my SBDs after 20 days. No one can steal our SBD anyway.

Hopefully! I still have a support ticket on polo, that is being processed since 80 days regarding my first bitshares accident.

Na das ist ja mal scheisse -.- Sowas braucht echt keiner.
Danke für die Warnung.
Gibts denn Wallets mit denen du besonders gute Erfahrungeng gemacht hast ?

Bitte sehr. Ich benutze eigentlich hauptsächlich das Exodus-Wallet, um meine Cryptos lokal auf meinem Rechner aufzubewahren. Die größeren Beträge habe ich allerdings mittlerweile auf ein Ledger Nano S Hardware-Wallet geschoben. Einige Cryptos wie BTS, Steem und SBD werden jedoch meines Wissens nach nur von dem Bitshares-Light Wallet unterstützt. Bisher war ich ja auch damit zufrieden, weil es mir ein Gefühl der Sicherheit gibt, wenn ich im Besitz der privaten Schlüssel bin (und die Cryptos nicht auf einem Exchange lagern muss).

Ja, Sicherheit find ich super wichtig bei dem Thema :)
Grad wenn man später mehr Bitcoins hat.

Thanks for sharing that problem with us. So we can be aware of it.

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