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RE: @rickyjrx Is Threating Me And Going Flag Crazy With His Bot Accounts because i make fun of Antifa and......

in #help7 years ago

You dont have any shame do you?
Lie after lie.

You, now are claiming you dont know what antifa is? Person with a guy fox masx as an avatar has no clue what antifa is.

Yes you have become the daily lol.
possibly the weekly lol as i dont know if i will find another person on steemit going full retard like you do.

You are the one choosing to take offence, i can not give offence.

I am not going to walk on egg shells worrieing about you fuckstick sjw nazis.

Fuck you drink bleach use the mute button if you dont want to see it.

You are the biggest joke on steemit as of right now, i hope you realize that, if not even funnier.
; )


That is an anonymous mask. Not guy fawkes. I have 0 idea what antifa is which is why I didn't flag those posts.

I didnt select it because of guy fawkes. I haven't the foggiest what antifa is

The anon mask is the guy fox mask and you even spell it the correct way.

You cant stop with the lies can you?

You're not worth the effort, trolls like you never get anywhere in life. Free speech should always be free but a little manners and common courtousey never hurt anyone that truly is free. Goodbye.

Free speech should always be free but......................

Yeah but this but that.

You are trying to censor and bully me to get me to stop using my freedom of speech to voice my opinion because it might offend someone. It does not matter who it offends, just like all the other groups say stuff that i dont like but I dont run around trying to censor them and removing pay outs.

You contradict your self over and over, you get caught in lies over and over.

Manners and common courtousy like not trying to censor and remove pay outs of people who have differing opinions then you?

Kill yourself and make the world a better place!

Disapointing that people like you exist....

Says the the biggest lier on steemit.
Not done contradicting yourself?

What are "people like me"?

Non racist, anti- idealogy, anti-religion, anti-toltarian, anti orginized anything?
Yeah so horrible i wont join your side in a retarded fight to opress anyone you dont agree with.

Fuck off, didnt you said i wasent worth the time and goodbye and shit?

Go try to bully someone else for wrongthink fuckstick nazi!

I have the exact same beliefs as you, I just wouldn't stoop to name calling and abusive language to air my views, I'm an adult and this is not a school yard.

Do you really have to be abusive to get your views accross??

Had your article been based on facts and well thought of arguments instead of name calling and childish videos I would be following you and upvoting this post right now.

Funny, they are based in facts and that is why people are flagging it.
well thought out arguments are hard to have with someone that just flags away and doesnt say anything like @littleboy did, you know the person your defending cause i posted quran verses proving a point.

You then call quran verses hate speech.

You keep changing you shit around, im hoping your starting to realize your in the wrong and trying to back pedel without making a huge splash.

I dont care if you agree with me or dont. I only care that you are trying to get people to post stuff you like by way of censorship and threats.

Same thing i told little boy, If you wernt throwing a bitch fit and trying to censor me i would be making fun of the next thing but because it is "offencive and triggering" to you thin skinned pussys it only makes me want to stand up to your opression.

Fuck off have a nice day.

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