A call for help!!!

in #help6 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! There is a need that needs met by one of my favorite steemians husbands @lynncoyle1 and her husband @briancourteau need our help!


source Lynn's blog

Brian is living out his days with his love Lynn it is hard enough to live life knowing you have cancer, it's even harder knowing you are leaving behind a wonderful life. Their story had touched my heart since i first read about it months ago.

We all need to come together right now and help the best we can to get him the meds he needs so he can live these days free of pain and as healthy as possible. I am asking all who read this to send what you can to @davemccoy so he can send Brian the money needed for his medicine.

I have sent what is left in my account and want to help more so if any of my friends here on steemit are able to help it would be greatly appreciated!

Anything made from this post will be sent to brian and lynn!


oh my gosh @charisma777!!! Thank you so much for doing this!!

When I woke up this morning, turned on my laptop, and saw @davemccoy's post, I was shocked, surprised, pleased and then overwhelmed by it all. I told Brian and we sat back and watched the magic happen for about an hour. I switched between smiling and crying for over an hour, finally pulled myself together, and now I see this, and the waterworks have started all over again!

You are such a kind and caring soul, and what you are doing here is proof of that. My words cannot properly express the gratitude that Brian and I are feeling at this moment, but "thank you" from the bottom of our hearts, is all I can manage to say. This is something I will never forget @charisma777 <3<3

When i saw @davemccoy's post this morning i knew i had to do something and again wish it were more but the community is coming together in this time and that makes me so happy to see! Your love is what did all of this! Thank you for showing us that love is still beautiful!

Your "something" is pretty amazing! You took the time to write a post and that is that extra step I often see you doing here :)

Thank you for showing us that love is still beautiful!

You are so so welcome! Thank you for making me start to cry again :)

Perfectly said:

Your love is what did all of this! Thank you for showing us that love is still beautiful!

Thanks @charisma777 :)

"We all need to come together right now and help the best we can to get him the meds he needs so he can live these days free of pain and as healthy as possible"

Wonderful idea and initiative, I support this, and put a upvote bot @upmyvote ( 1SBD not much i hope it's ok! ) I hope others will follow, may I suggest that instead of med, high THC and CBD oil would be the way to go ?

Much Love
Thanks for your post!

Thank you for helping out! I didn't realize i hadn't added the one to her name. I fixed it thank you again. And as for the meds I'm not sure but i think he does receive those also but don't quote me on that as I'm not 100% sure.

Yeah I was chatting to lynn about it just yesterday I am so happy they are very well educated on that matter :) , you are an angel anyway that's what I forgot to say!

I would hope someone out there would help me if i ever had a need to be met. I'm glad that the community has helped. I love their story, well aside from Brian's being sick...I love love!

I totally agree with you , great gesture! Well done! Love

Thank you for this post and awareness @charisma777, i just donated. I will resteem this so others can see and help also.

Thank you @gracefavour the more eyes that see these posts hopefully the quicker Brian gets his medicines. I know if it were meI would hope people would come together in my time of need. No one likes to ask for help but when we help one another out asking for it doesn't matter much. A community helps its people! Thank you again for resteeming!

Thank you again @gracefavour! Brian and I appreciate it so very much :)

This is a wonderful post and I hope that it reaches many. This family deserves every bit of help they can get.

Thank you for your kindness @magicalmoonlight :) It's something Brian and I will always remember!

Most definitely! I know if it were me and my family if want all the help that was offered for sure. I just wish i could do more.

🙏 going to check out Dave's post too. Much love friends. And, many blessings. With a healthy dose of mysterious miracles. 💓

Thank you @clearbluecrypto prayers and support go a long way!!!

Thank you @clearbluecrypto!! Brian and I appreciate it very much :)

@charisma777 I am sorry to here this news as I was communicating with @lynncoyle1 last 24 hours. OMG... I hope both will ride through the hard time
God bless both of them

I know it would be hard enough just going through the emotions of being sick and i pray all works out in their favor. The love they share makes me keep the faith that true love really exists, this is why i felt i had to do something

Anyway. I hv transferred my small contribution to @briancourteau account

@charisma777, this is awesome for you to do! Thank you so much for being there for Lynn and Brian! You have an amazing heart and beautiful soul! Thank you for doing this for @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1... I know they appreciate it and are happy to know you care!

I am glad to see your post got the recognition it did and that there are so many people ready to help. As this post says anything this post receives will be sent to Lynn directly I really wishI could do more for them. I've cried many tears already just reading their story as many others have and I truly hope that the dance lasts longer than they believe it will. I hope their dance shows others how to love one another andI think just by seeing those numbers right now people are drawn to them both for having such great hearts themselves.

<3 <3 Thank you again @charisma777; I too hope our "dance" goes on for a long long time yet!

I am happy to be your friend here. You are wonderful and I love how you think. I too hope the dance lasts longer than expected, and they have a love that many will never experience. Including me. Its great to know you see it and also let them know!

You've really started something here Dave <3 For once, I'm at a real loss for words...thank you from Brian and I, again!

I don't deserve any credit.. It is you and Brian that inspire us all! Just ask @charisma777... She sees it like we all do... I just happened to be the first that said what we all think... And that is that you two are special in our eyes!

I agree @davemccoy steemit is getting better with people like you and @@@lynncoyle1 as well aa many others I'm so glad to have met you both here

Many others like you @charisma777 !!

Thanks for doing this, @charisma777!

I didn't do anything but realize the love that is shared between two people they did the rest!!!

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