Hello World! #1 (Rewards for Response)

in #helloworld8 years ago (edited)

What will you tell the world if you have 5 minutes of complete media attention?

I'm experimenting with a series of low-barrier, bite-sized posts for wider community participation. It's for a long-term project to compile and showcase responses that we find interesting. All minimal - no clutter, no judgment. Only your response. Voters may want to look around and reward comments. Also, feel free to link-up if you have already made a relevant post.
Mascot design by @kyriacos

Follow me @kevinwong


I'd say:

I heed the ADVICE of the HOPI ELDERS with whom I lived for a time on the mesas of northern Arizona:

Hopi Elder wisdom - the place is here the time is now. Use your will.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

This is rather surreal (and surprising). Moreso that it's been said a long time ago..

I'd just say listen and give the world 5 minutes of silence.

I'll say: Shut up and listen to the silence.

Awesome response. Thanks!

I'd tell them that cannabis is a super-food and a medicine. That for the past 70+ years the power of this herb has been with-held from the people by their own governments due to corporate interest and that it's one of the biggest crimes against humanity, globally that I have witnessed in my life time.

Probably, heard many accounts that can say what you've said, and I'd tend to agree even with my limited exp with cannabis, as a med at least - thanks for the response @rebeccaryan appreciate it :)

I literally can speak about this particular topic for 2 hours...to my last breath I will advocate for this plant to be "free" for all people.

Hi we are all the same, do not let religions, governments and elitists separate you via hate and distrust.

wise words @kyusho, thanks for the response :)

Obsessing about your own security makes you less secure.

Boom! Nice man, appreciate the response :)

I'd start by introducing myself. I'd then ramble on about how I did not have a speech prepared. Something funny would pop into my head, so I'd say that. People would laugh. I'd listen closely for the most unique laugh, point at them and do my best impression of the sound they make with the hopes of making that person laugh hysterically. Laughter is contagious, people would start laughing at the sound of laughter alone. Everyone will go crazy, my five minutes will be up, I will say thank you and drop the mic.

I would tell them that their time is running out and that my patience was wearing thin with them and their capricious ways.

@meesterboom, am going through the comments and then yours - made me laugh

If I can make one person laugh a day that's not myself I am a happy man :0)

@meesterboom - you always make me laugh :D
thank you - I need that - sick now and yet Steemiting hahhaha are you on a break or already at home?

Lol, I am at work but on a coffee break, then I am out tonight on the lash as we say here!! Sore heads tomorrow!!!

Great article.

I would discuss the dire need for people to do their own research. In this age of information, the truth is right at your fingertips. Anyone can go online and become their own investigative journalist. The more people that are out there trying to find the truth the better. We need a massive number of investigative journalists to be investigating the high crimes of our own Governments and MNC's and central banks. The media has been bought and is silent on too many matters and we have all this information readily available, but only a few real researchers looking.

Peace @KevinWong up-voted.

I think what's needed are funds for field work and some reliable parties for double / triple confirmation. Thanks for the response @titusfrost, appreciate it :)

Mine would be very short : "Sex is the answer"

But not everyone gets, or can get laid.. lol (my friend had a theory bout ppl like hitler)
Interesting answer, maybe i'd even tend to agree - thanks for the response @thebluepanda :)

well it's the healthiest way to increase serotonin production in the brain :)

"You get up and howl about America and Democracy, there is no America, there is no Democracy. The world is a college of corporations inexpertly determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business."

Because of such beliefs we are constantly separated by class, education, color, culture etc.
Bigotry is nothing more than a disease continually propagated by the 1% (those in power) via media outlets and the like to make us believe that the few are greater than the many.
They manipulate our perception of the world to make us feel trapped in a perpetual state of economic slavery, leading us to believe that there is no freedom from this bondage because they don't believe us entitled to bounties freely given by this beautiful planet.
Most importantly they know that keeping us trapped in a constant state of fight or flight by showcasing our fears, worries and stresses will make it exceedingly more difficult for us to unite under one banner and demand that we to share equally in the fruits of our labors.
They are considerably blinded by their opulence and avarice that even those who think they're helping the people are in fact part of the biggest problem.
The injustices we face will never know salvation till the day we all stand united, regardless of the aforementioned and obvious differences amongst us that matter not and declare that we are all one and the same and as such we all deserve equality.

Is it a conscious decision of powers-to-be to cause all these step-by-step, or more of a symptom of failing systems?

Thanks for the response @viktocapulet :)

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