Casual Deck Building: Jade Rogue

in #hearthstone5 years ago

         Despite of my busy schedule, I still manage to squeeze in some Hearthstone games every couple of days. I play Wild format for the most part that's where I can have the most creative freedom.

         I am not a competitive player, so I do not grind for ranks. I log in, do my quests, and exit the game.
Sometimes, I play a few rounds of Arena for kicks and giggles. This approach still puts me between rank 10 to rank 5 depending on the meta and my choices of decks.

         As such, I have a tendency to play off-meta decks. I figured if I wasn't going for Legend, I can play whatever shenanigan I want and win with them.

         Today, I present you with one of the decks I use in my Wild ventures: Jade Rogue

Jade 1.2.png

Deck code: AAEBAYO6AgTEAfMR4KwClL0CDc0DmwWIB90IxBbLFvmrAtyvAs+8Avm9Avq9At7EAtvjAgA=


         The goal of this deck is to overwhelm your opponent by summoning "a bigger man" each turn.

General Strategies

         Against aggressive decks, you want to look for Fan of Knives and Mistress of Mixtures. Don't be afraid to use Eviscerate without the Combo. As long as you survive, the rest will take care of itself.

         Against slower decks, you may want to take your time and summon the Jade Golems at max value. N'zoth, the Corruptor will generally seal the game when you drop him on the board. That is, if you have taken some time to build up your Deathrattles. Save a Shadowcaster for him if you fear your opponent may outvalue you.

         Against combo/mill decks, you need to speed up and put pressure on your opponent. In the best scenario, you want to have Deathrattles along with Golems on board. This will make board clears difficult.

Tech Cards

Dark Iron Skulker - for Baku Paladins and wide, aggressive, boards in general.

Sap - while useful in denying your opponent tempo, this is your key to victory against Big Priests. They cannot resurrect anything if they aren't dead. This is also a lifesaver against Mechs.

Vanish - another Big Priest tech, gives you some breathing room. It's also great before playing down N'Zoth the turn after.

Other Considerations

Backstab - for when you are in an extreme aggressive meta

Vilespine Slayer - extra removal.

Skulking Geist - tech against Jade Druids and sometimes mages due to plethora of cheap spells.

Shadowstep - for the times when you need extra N'Zoths to win.

Any Silence effect - aimed at Magnetizing Mechs.

Final Thoughts

         Most players do not expect Jade Rogues in Wild. Many rogues are usually the aggressive versions with or without King's Bane. Other times, you find Thief Rogues and Mill Rogues. You have the element of surprise on your side.

         This deck is vulnerable to almost all aggressive decks, and holds its own against combos. The matchup would still favor the combo deck if you can't put up enough pressure. Control and other slower decks are your best matchups. The only things you would need to be aware of are large burst damage and instant win conditions.

         In rare mirror matchups, the rogue that ramps up their Jade Golems first and then N'Zoth wins the game.

         At 5280 dust, this version of Jade Rogue is not particularly expensive. But, I would not recommend it if you are pushing for rank 5 and above each month. Of the three Jade classes, rogues have the weakest support. If you want a more well-rounded Jade deck, I would suggest you go for druid instead.


Aren't playing games to addictive @enforcer48?

I'm to scared to try to play any, since I'm also very short on time and I'm afraid to end up being "hooked up" :)


It can be.

But, my personal circumstances made it possible to enjoy some solid game time every now and then.

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