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RE: I give the start first steemit charity challenge #heartgoodnesschallenge
I would love to see what they will answer you. If they can't do just one good deed. They are not worthy, those windfall profits that we give them. They are motivated by only selfishness and lust for easy money.
You understand me not correctly
do you know what we do off of Steemit?
do you seriously believe that we have a need to publicize every good thing we do on Steemit, just to win public applause and make ourselves APPEAR as a good person...?
do you seriously think you know anyone on here well-enough to accurately, truthfully state you know what their motivations are - especially without having read their entire collection of work?
or is it just easier to make superficial judgements about a person's "lust for money" without having to expend any energy in understanding who they are, what they're truly about, how much hard work has gone into the creation of their money, and what they might have done outside of the public spotlight to give back...?