Heart Eye AwakeningsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #hearteyespace6 years ago (edited)

@intuitivejakob (Hi!!) said in his reply to one of my posts:

"Holding the space for the kind of peace that blows us away in the galactic heart chakra way, like I've been seeing it. I call it my heart eye awakening. It's how I see this happening and I'm ready to embody it, too!"

Then I ran into this today, on Facebook:

"Ascension is about lifting, balancing and harmonizing your vibrational patterns so that the many facets of your Divine Self can descend and take dominion within your Sacred Heart core. As you delve more deeply into the wisdom of the cosmos, it is of vital importance that you maintain a state of mindful awareness.

Ascension of the mind means to stop thinking with your mind and start feeling with your heart. When this happens the quiet mind produces the most wise thoughts and the illuminated heart radiates the most love. When they connect a cosmic ray can be sent to all that are around you, then you become glowing star energy which you are a part of shine bright.

We are immortal multidimensional beings with the ability to perceive consciousness on different planes of existence. From this liquid density of 3d physicality to the subtlest etheric vibration of ‘spirit’ in higher dimensional realms. There are so many different beings within this realm and also the etheric guiding us, and awaiting our awareness to match their frequency.

Your Lightbody is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe. It connects you to your encoded data through high electrical currents that assist you in translating and manifesting your hidden talents and soul purpose.

Your energetic field is in a state of change and expansion. You have begun to vibrate at higher levels as your consciousness moves more in alignment with your Higher Self. You are one of the forerunners working towards Ascension for the consciousness of the planet. The changes you are experiencing are not always comfortable, but they are necessary for your continued growth. The true beauty of your soul is just beginning to show.

Coming into this world with the assignment of Lightworker is not easy at times. It’s the most amazing gift and honor to be able to help others, that’s why we’re here. The ability to facilitate for others is first born through our own triumphs over the lessons our souls need. Go within and connect with your Source. Make it a priority to do so in whichever way works for you. Then you will be able to stay the strong Healer and Warrior of Light that You are."

link -
You are Healer and Warrior of Light


I was thinking about this when I read the Heart Eye Awakening comment.

Something I found years ago, in private healing process. I was thinking just how it never felt right to me, this idea of Ascension. In that most of the writing and teaching you find on it seems to imply an endless sense of going up, up and away. It seemed to be so ungrounded and unrealistic to me, yet the New Age "agenda" has latched on so hard to this idea.

Do you know what I mean?

I mean, people that are too spiritual for their own good? People who consider themselves "Lightworkers" but can't really tell the difference between loving light and just light. Or even cold, harsh loveless light. If you do lightwork, perhaps you know what I mean. Pay attention to this subtle difference when you see energy - it could make a huge difference in your personal growth and healing and learning process.

I think personally, that real lightwork means going into a LOT of darkness in order to heal. And that the purpose of the light is to shine 'understanding' and enlightenment into the darkness. Maybe even, keep us company and keep us feeling safe and protected while we wade in, to looking at and dealing with the issues the darkness within us contains. Also as The Right Use of Will material would say, the idea is to 'put love into The Gap' - a very dangerous and dark place that screams out for healing in the fabric of Consciousness.


I found this little excercise years ago, testing some of my energy and Ascension theories. Try this? Sit quietly, or find a meditative state, wherever or however you normally do it. Breath and relax and focus your attention. Try "dropping" the awareness of your HEAD, into your heart space.

What you may notice, or what I noticed when I did this was, truly. An eye or visual awareness coming from my heart. Like, I could SEE from someplace within. Its a little bit disorienting at first but I noticed with a little practice I could focus and see everything physically surrounding me as if I were looking through the eyes in my head. But at chest level. Also there was some... distortion in a sense. I got out of practice doing this but I feel now that the distortion was more like, the distortions from my head space or ... the 'commonly accepted spiritual goal of high vibration' - ITS distortion, of reality. Finding balance. The human heart in astrology is defined most often by Venus, and it is a planet of peace and balance.

My sense was, of dropping vibration into the heart space, rather than going higher in vibration for some spiritual connection or meditation outcome. The idea was, maybe its not so much about being at the top of the rainbow, but instead, to find your right place within the rainbow.



Thomas Dolby - Windpower

Switch off the mind
and let the heart decide
who you were meant to be

LR 4/25/2018

Another coincidence popping up right now is this transit of Chiron in Aries, a shift in sign that happened only a few days ago, from the sign of Pisces. This transit will be in effect for the next 8 years! I heard it recently referred to as a time for 'getting your head straight.' I'm thinking I may revisit this chart reading a few times before we get too far into it. But here's my first crack at it, if you are interested:

Chiron in Aries

OKAY... I just looked at the chart again, a quick look...

Get this. The issues facing us during this transit ... Chiron and Mercury (the planet of The Mind) close together (aka "conjunct") in Aries (the sign of birth and new beginnings) in the seventh house, the house of The Heart!!


Glad we found each other. This is a great post and my astrology teacher always said we are here to descend into our humanness, if that's even a word. I don't speak of ascension myself.

That is a GREAT way to see it, I will remember that. Me too on being glad to have connected!

Hi @mymoontao, thank you for mentioning my invocation about my Heart Eye exploration in my source code body. I really appreciate that shout out.

I'm writing about this in today's post regarding the Pink moon and my meditations. I will be shouting you out and posting back to you here.

Happy full moon!!

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