Chiron in AriessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)


I pulled this chart from my software the other day. Another amazingly beautiful chart ... in terms of the numbers and patterns being displayed. I suppose in many ways astrologers are like mathematicians who see magic and beauty in numbers and patterns. Things that most people simply aren't aware of.


I just happened to pull this the same day that Chiron shifted sign into Aries. This is a big shift. It is a planetary position that has not existed for at least 50 years (Chiron's orbit is erratic by nature, given that it spans the gap between two gas giants - Uranus and Saturn, and it is very small). I saw one of my astrologer friends state that Chiron's transit through the sign of Aries will last for the next eight years.

Chiron is the planet of the Wounded Healer. I feel that it may be THE MOST critical and important planet in the entire zodiac. It hasn't been fully recognized by the IAU (the International Astronomers Union) but give it time. Chiron was only discovered very recently: November 1, 1977.

In my personal work, this planet has revealed itself to be the symbol of the Rabbit. Maybe a sea rabbit? You know, like Cancer the Crab or Pisces the fishes. Also I believe it is ruled by the sign of Virgo. Virgo currently shares rulership by Mercury, with the sign of Gemini... but only until its true planetary rulership is revealed. Its symbol is a key. So there's another indication of its importance - its ability to unlock and heal the potential of the human soul.


Also I recently came to the conclusion that the true definition of The Wounded Healer, is the Risen Christ. It describes the healing journey and the "final" outcome - that is, once you've come to terms with your own history with death (that is, facing and healing your very deepest wounds), it describes your personal transformation and rebirth. In some cases, very literally. Chiron is very connected to mastery of the body, with its connection to the sixth house and the sign of Virgo. The difference or connection between Pluto/Scorpio and Chiron/Virgo is, Chiron puts us in touch with our actual physical healing process connected to owning a body, in order to transcend death.

As I said in another post, Chiron in Pisces encapsulates an entire paradigm of healing, since it is the last sign of the zodiac and it contains mastery of ALL the signs before it. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and as such, it describes birth and new beginnings, THE SELF; and also the head. I saw another astrologer on Facebook describe the transit of Chiron in Aries, facing us for the next eight years as, "getting your head straight."

One more thing about Chiron. Ruled by the sign of Virgo, "DISCERNMENT" is a key word. I'm talking about partnership and sharing with others in this reading; however there is definitely discernment to be found here. There is an importance around choices, as in, make the right ones and form 'the right' partnerships. Lessons from the past of having made wrong choices (and the consequences of that) should serve as good experience (especially after just finishing up Chiron in Pisces lessons of self mastery) for future choices. Think again of the Rabbit, he is hyper-vigilant and he has to be! In order to survive and not be absorbed by the food chain.

OKAY. To the chart now.

The most amazing thing in this chart is the numerology and the numerical patterns. First of all. All four stations on the compass, the Ascendant, Decendant, Midheaven and Nadir (yes, they form a cross, or a medicine wheel - the four directions) are all at TWENTY SEVEN degrees!! The fact that they all line up so perfectly says a LOT, for a grounding point in space and time. Also this number is an important number describing partnership. It means, nobody will be able to make it alone from here.

Another super significant numerological point on this chart is the Moon, at 22 degrees. I always watch out for this one - 22 is the most powerful Master Number, descriptive of important lessons facing us and great teachers around us that set examples. The Moon rules our needs. I said in the previous paragraph that I feel we have just crossed into a period of partnership where we will all be unable to make it on our own. In this chart, the Moon just crossed Venus. Both planets are in Taurus, indicating stability and beauty and just plain 'physical manifestation' energy. I feel that the Moon passing Venus triggered recognition for all of us of just HOW MUCH we need that certain 'other,' and with the opposition of these energies to Jupiter in Scorpio in this chart, the emphasis on these points cannot be overstated. Jupiter in Scorpio = embrace the lesson or die.

The other side of this (there are always paradoxes) is that Jupiter in Scorpio is also showing us the places and things we need to let go of, because they are killing us. I feel that this release part of the process integrates with the Jupiter opposition to the Moon and Venus and that fundamentally, partnership is the goal. But there may be some minor or MAJOR adjustments to make in our lives in order for us to grasp these new relationships showing up in our lives, and these adjustments are connected to those last shadows to resolve and release (that's Moon/Venus at 29 Pisces) as new beginnings in Aries are happening.

In addition, due to the house placements here - Jupiter in the second house of resources or what belongs to you, and the opposite eighth house of other people's resources, containing the Moon and Venus (also Uranus and the Sun) ... we are talking about the need to SHARE. Sharing of knowledge, sharing of wisdom, sharing of resources, you name it. What you have, you will need in order to expand your own ability to survive now. By sharing it and making exchanges with others and what they have. Venus in the mix always indicates balance to be found, as well as a tug on our heart strings for all future exchanges of energy.

Another Master Number! And in a very critical place. The North Node of the Moon or our collective path, in the sign of Leo at 11 degrees, in the house of our future. So yeah... what I've been saying all along about this Node position still holds, that we are creating our future in every step we take. There is no old timeline to hold us up anymore. I see Master Number 11 as describing genetic code self mastery. As in, the 144 thousand (the Indigos) being critical place holders for stabilizing reality and our future right now, it comes through our physical bodies. But also 11th house energy is social groups and communities. In Leo this is the ability to come together in unconditional love and even a childlike trust or a joyous, creative sense of looking forward.

The article I referenced at the bottom of this article says this about Master Number 11: "For instance, the 11 is a double 1; all about the self, creativity, initiation, independence, innovation, and self-confidence. Yet the foundational energy for the 11 is the 2, which is all about others, partnership, loving group dynamics, and being supportive and behind the scenes. So can you see how – if you’re on an 11 Life Path – you might feel ever-so conflicted most of the time?" Again, there is this amazing theme repeating itself in this chart, which happens when the Universe is trying to make a point. The relationship of self to partnership (seeing ourselves in others? Also seeing others in ourselves) and our need to expand our recognition that we are not alone.

Change has come!! Uranus conjunct the Sun. As in the last reading I did, the Sun is again showing up in a hidden place. Change is happening just under the surface, waiting for the perfect time to be revealed. Remember, the Sun shines the Light for us to see what it is illuminating. Also the Sun is unconditional. That is, it shines its light everywhere - there is no limiting it or hoarding its light for only a few to benefit from its energy. Also Uranus is just about to shift sign into Taurus from Aries, where its been for the last few years. Call it synchronicity, the shift of both of these important planets so close together in time.

Taurus is Fixed Earth. (Also secretly ruled by Niburu - The Twelfth Planet, once revealed). It is an energy of PERMANENCE. I've written about New Earth, and I feel this energy describes the 'settling' and comfort zones ... and AMAZING BEAUTY to be found here. It is a sign of permanent stability, something very long term. So the Moon and Venus conjunction in Taurus with Master Number 22 in this chart is an important precursor to this planetary shift with Uranus, happening about the middle of next month or May 2018.

Look at that! CHIRON itself just popping up to sit on the horizon at zero degrees Aries. In the seventh house of partnership. Again, that repeating theme of partnership and self.

A quote from 'A Course In Miracles' comes to mind, "you cannot get to Heaven alone." This is the issue here, in a nutshell. This next eight year transit will focus on healing of the balance of self and relationships. And the mind. Mercury is conjunct Chiron here at 5 degrees Aries. It is transformed, resurrected self, and how we interact or find our place in the grand scheme of community and love. Mercury also defines contracts, so I feel that this is a time for making new contracts with the self and the significant other. Also the New Earth. Really, it is cosmic marriage potential in its full glory.

Neptune is in Pisces in the sixth house. Neptune is always vague. I myself have my natal Neptune in this house. Speaking of experience I feel that this placement describes the fact that our bodies are capable of a great deal more than we have been taught. We may not need the status quo - medical system that is a conflict of interest and that treats the human body like an economy or a means of exploitation on behalf of what has called itself 'healing' in our day and age. Er, any longer. Or for very much longer. I feel that it describes mastery of self and body, and the ability to throw off things like, prescription drugs and hopeless diagnoses. In favor of miracles and perfect health being available by letting go of limiting belief systems and the availability of alternative forms of medicine and healing. Also. Since Chiron itself is a primary healing energy for the body, its transit can indicate a need to cleanse, detox, or put one's house in order. Neptune, being represented by water and flow in this house certainly points to this. Wash it all away. Let things flow.

Last point. Capricorn stellium of planets in the fourth house: Saturn, Mars and Pluto. I feel this energy is the collective guilt, responsibility, and judgments of those who consider themselves in control of this picture. The ones that have been keeping it all a secret - New Earth. This energy can indicate safe boundaries and a very constructive "constructive" (building) energy! However... Mars is creeping ever closer to Pluto and these energies together are always volatile. By the end of this month, April 2018, I fully expect to see the hidden picture come into clear view. For the lid to be blown off it, so to speak. For those paying attention. Something that has been wrongfully brittle and unbending that will finally break.

Again, with that energy of self vs. partnerships and Mars crossing Pluto. Mars is the ruler of Aries, the sign of SELF. Crossing Pluto, it indicates a transformation in terms of how we see ourselves if we think we are going to make it all alone and blocked off from others. I think it indicates responsibility for change being found, as well as this entire theme of letting go of the dead self inside each of us and being able to fully embrace this transformation and rebirth. Lets just say that these Capricorn planets indicate where everyone is still holding on to the old order. Call it DENIAL. Things are changing in a very big way for those that can embrace it. These are the last few issues that keep us tied to the old picture, being worked out. The bottom line? With Gemini on the 10th house cusp at 27 degrees, all 'working' power structures are based now on duality and partnership. No more elite control of the world - a beginning of the end of Capricorn's dark side of power, authority, control and false judgments. No more absolute power for anyone.

One saving grace here? This conflict of power or authority and its own self interest. There is an aspect here called a quincunx, between these Capricorn planets and the North Node of the Moon. What I said about creating our own future. The potential now is AMAZING. This aspect indicates curiosity and an adjustment being made. In other words, the old power/authority structure may find itself being so curious, in terms of the possibilities. Which are pretty much wide open. We have the ability to create anything here. And yes, I mean ANYTHING. Your imagination is the limit ... so open your senses and your imagination to magic and miracles. You are about to be very surprised, in a good way.

There is a lot of good stuff here, to look forward to.


LR 4/20/2018

  • Who was Chiron the god of?

Chiron, in Greek mythology, one of the Centaurs, the son of the Titan Cronus and Philyra, an Oceanid or sea nymph. Chiron lived at the foot of Mount Pelion in Thessaly. Unlike other Centaurs, who were violent and savage, he was famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine. Feb 8, 2018. From Google.

The wicker rabbit image was taken from a Facebook art post, years ago now. Its one of my favorites to refer back to.

The Chiron symbol and key came from Google Images.

One more thing. As I'm getting ready to hit the Post button. A sudden flash of intuition. The Chiron in Aries transit is an eight year transit. Eight is another very important number - the one of death and transformation. Also deep karma and final exams. This next eight years will make us or break us, in terms of humanity's future. We need to get this - the reality that there is no more "alone," there is no such thing. Our need for other people and the protection of Love. It is the last and only lesson.

Edit/addition: I just realized that the first day of Chiron in Aries happened to be Syrian Independence Day! April 17, 1946, Syria gained Independence from France.

Interesting Facts About Syria's Independence Day


WOW! How insightful @mymoontao!!
I had never thought about the possibility of Chiron ruling Virgo.. I think you really might be onto something.

Personally, I believe the key is the perfect symbol for Chiron, because once someone has mastered how to draw strength from their weakness, they transcend themselves and are able to access the outer generational planets on a more personal level.

I have the 11 Life Path number, so this was very informative for me. I'm also a Taurus sun & moon, so the idea of being ruled by another planet is interesting. I need to research Niburu.

Thank you for this thought provoking post!!
Much love sent your way

Hey! Thanks. There is a lot more to say about Chiron, I think. I've been working with it as a Virgo rulership for many years, and researching it, there are others who feel it has the same rulership - I've seen it referenced before. I was glad for the confirmation.

I have an 11 life path number as well on my North Node. Also a 22 degree 9th house Moon. Is yours with your Sun? Also I am a second house Sun person so it colors me in a lot of ways as a Taurus, although I'm water - Cancerian. I bet you are very grounded with that conjunction. What is it that is same sun/same Moon? A New Moon? Yes, I think that's right - Full Moons are opposition Sun and Moon. So, were you born right before the New Moon, or right after? There's a lot of information there about yourself!

Astrologer Linda Goodman says that Taurus will turn out to be ruled by Vulcan once it is discovered, Vulcan, Marduk, Niburu and the 12th planet are all names for the same thing! (Hm... maybe its a good subject for another article)?

Thanks for the great reply! Blessings to you. <3

My Sun and Moon are about 12 degrees apart. If I were roughly 11 hours later, I would be a Gemini. My Mercury in Gemini is conjunct my sun, so I've got a lot of that energy anyway. I've still been working on owning my Taurus energy. My Sun, Moon, and Mercury are also in my 11th house (so many elevens!!), so it's a little less grounded than expected. However, in crisis I am an A+ person to have around. I've found that I am usually not calm, but people tend to stay calm around me.

My Ascendant is Cancer, so we have a little bit more in common :)

I absolutely support you writing an article about Vulcan! I've been studying astrology for a while and its something I've never heard someone else talk about. Do you have a reference of Linda Goodman talking about Vulcan that you wouldn't mind sharing? I'm really interested in this idea and want to explore it more.

Well, I'm going to have to track it down... that reference. I will use it for an article on this as long as I don't get sidetracked! I will be looking in either, Linda Goodman's Sun Signs or else Love Signs, under Taurus explanations but I think I originally found it in the first one. She does cross reference herself though. So its going to take me a little bit of looking.

I'm thinking that you are just out of the New Moon? On the new beginnings side of it rather than the old endings side of it. Is that right? Its a difference between birth and manifestation beginnings or else letting go of old stuff - conclusions. Help me out here if you can.

11th house planets. What comes to mind: are you a bridge? Aquarius indicates a foot in both worlds...

Keep in touch! P.S. I just started a Pluto Retrograde chart on my blog and I would LOVE some input!

I would say I'm a bridge. I'm actually Aquarius dominant due to my 11th house placements, and I definitely feel. I have second sight abilities that have grown stronger since I was a child. It's super helpful when helping people with timelines. Whenever I see people, I usually can tell what their energy and looks will be like when they're older. It used to freak me out but I'm pretty accustomed to it now :)

I'm really not sure whether my moon is at the ending or beginning phase. It would be interesting if it was at the beginning, because my sun sign is at the anaretic degree, so I would be at both the end and the beginning of Taurus.

I actually just bought Linda Goodman's Sun Sign's so I can look there!

Can't wait to check out your pluto retrograde post. I've been super busy the past few days. Thank you for pointing me to it, because I would have been sad to miss it. I should have a post about Saturn Retrograde this evening if you want to take a look.

Oh yes... that thing about Aquarius having a foot in both worlds!! I have an Aquarius Moon so I'm familiar with this one as well. I hadn't thought about Moon phases in a birthchart. That would be interesting information. I did my garden last year according to the Moon phases and it really put me in touch.

Cool! You found LG's book! Let me know if you find her references. I was just getting ready to start looking for this myself but I do have other projects in the way.

I saw your awesome Saturn post!! I resteemed it so I can read over it again.

Chiron's wound in Aries manifests itself in a heavy sense of self-doubt and a deep sense of unworthiness, worthlessness and, perhaps, even undeserved existence itself. Self-denial. When you have Chiron in Aries, you will feel that you are not appreciated, not appreciated and not appreciated. This can lead to feelings of disorientation and lack of focus. You may also feel that you lack confidence. You can learn a lot more with .

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