First Vlog: Why I am removing my fillings & a thank you to @teamsteem & @gardenofeden for potentially saving a life! WARNING: Thrilling content inside.

in #healthyasfork7 years ago

I used to think I was too ugly to Vlog, until I bought a FuckToken & gave it away...


Positive affirmations right? Well then I am



Excuse the sound, this was impromptu all I had on me was my phone. I had to pause a few times because of stalkers.

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More photo's of the view





I take people's health seriously, and if it wasn't for the post by @gardenofeden & the wisdom of @teamsteem, I wouldn't look at health the way I do now, & I am so happy about it.

Original Post about Amalgam Fillings - By @gardenofeden

See you soon when these silver forkers are gone.

A big shout out also to my dearest Steem Friend - @geechidan, I see you!

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Kay x


Wow...First time VLOG...and one thing the mercury hasn't done is take away your sense of humor. :) As serious as your conversation with us was, I couldn't help but to burst out in laughter at your sarcasm..."That's apparently safe once they put it in our mouths"...SMH...Love your humor. The winking at the're a silly billy like me. LOL. But on a serious note...How about I think I have mercury fillings as well...I know...I know...and I'm scared as hell to even think about getting them out. It's something that I know I will have to do. Remember when I told you that my aunt had them...Well, I don't have that kind of money and so.....yeah...SMH. It's crazy...Think about the industrial products used to build things and make products back in the day. I'm reading more and more stories about how these things have now caused cancer in older people from that generation. Thank you sooo much for sharing with us what's going on. I'm sometimes too positive I guess...I honestly downplayed how long you had been dealing with this. I looked at the video like...WOH, she's still stick...DAM...I'm so sorry Kay. I'm noting to continue praying for you again tonight. But you know'll be fine. I just feel it. And yes, it would be educational for you to show us what this whole thing is like after the toxic metals are removed. My aunt explained to me that she still felt a bit convoluted if that makes sense. She's much better now and back to her regular self. I'm going to be more acttive beginning by the end of this weak, so bear with me. Still handling a few things but I have to revive "the cut". Some people seem to have dispersed and I have to go knocking on Steem doors. Miss you Kay. Take care. Talk to you soon.

I am going to reply to this soon. Miss you too!

Mercury (and heavy metals) are kind of like smoking, they used to say Smoking didn't cause cancer, just like now they say mercury doesn't make you sick. There is so much more to this than I mentioned in the video, unfortunately one of my most hated symptoms of the last 6 months is losing a lot of my memory & ability to articulate properly. For an MC that's bad news, BUT I know I'm going to get better, back to what I consider a normal human state to be in which is HEALTHY! This health thing is a huge rabbit hole huh. I am so glad your Aunt is feeling better. No need to worry too much, you can take it slow and get em out slowly over time which is actually the best for your health. I need to do some more vlogs on the different genes & why some people react so bad, and how to chelate safely, when I have some brain space, which happens about half an hour a week at the moment hahaha. At the end of the video when I said "be a normal human again" I didn't mean it, i'll never be normal, mercury or not * shrugs * just gotta accept it I guess LOL. You're hilarious! Love ya. It'd be dope to join forces & spread this message further with you & @teamsteem. See you soon @geechidan <3

It's almost like they put that stuff in our heads on purpose... But I'm just a conspiracy theorist lol


Considering what I have seen and learnt the past 6 months. I AGREE WITH YOU 100%!!! Putting mercury right under your brain? Great idea ;)
Thank you!

hey!!! great vlog! I dont have any fillings, saying that, I have classic f**ked up british teeth!!! We get these heavy metals rom many different sources tho init! Looking forward to seeing if you notice any short term changes!!!
(view is amazing!!!) Peace out!!!!!!

Thanks for checking in @termitemusic - much love to you!

straight back at ya!!!

I think “they” do
Amalgan fillings in Austria are free but others are not. I wonder why

All I will say is, we are born with everything 'we' need.

Exactly the same in New Zealand.

Good to know that things are underway. and hopefully soon you will be feeling a whole lot better. You prob know all this already, cos it sounds like you've researched it well (and we may have already talked about it) but just want to be sure you know about all the safety precautions like dental dams, oxygen and vitamin C.

Hi @kiwideb - Thanks for all of your support from when I first started freaking out about my health. You guys have all helped me - something no doctor has done. I have found a great Dentist in the North Shore of Auckland who uses the safe protocol. He is with me on the same level I feel very lucky. I am going to try the Andy Cutler protocol with very low dose. So Vit C, Zinc, selenium & also adrenal support. So important for people to know, it's easy to get very sick doing things too fast without knowing as much as possible. I'd like amalgams to be banned in NZ.

I'm lucky enough not to have any fillings . . .

Is your name Japanese? Is that by marriage or birth? I only ask because you look like you have some Japanese in you but I couldn't tell listening to you :-)


Super lucky!
Yes my name is Japanese, Kunoichi is my MC name. I could have Japanese in me, that I don't know about ;)

flow n upbot me ,,i already do your

super boss,,,

id name--

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