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RE: One simple, quick & effortless technique to make you feel calm and clear in seconds!

in #healthchallenge6 years ago

mmmm im getting hungry now! YEs sourodugh is the best.. IF you can get the good stuff.. i dont have the desire to make it.. what with no oven and all.. probably i should just dip carrots and eat them.. OR falaffel but i cant make them every day!


You need a sourdough baker slave 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I'd go for that myself. Where can I find one? ;-)

Have you considered a solar oven? There are some great commercial ones, if you want to go that route, and they pay for themselves fairly quickly when making sourdough and gluten free breads.

And they are not difficult to build, with plans all over the internet, though clearly the best ones will require some research.

And of course there's always the trusty cob ovens, which are easy but rather labor intensive to build, but awesome to use once finished.

I have considerd it but i like to be inside my kichen and also dont want to rely on there being sun when often there is none in the places that i live. Id happily go for natural methame but decided to skip the whole oven approach as ill be too tempted to eat way more bread and cakes
And things that im trying to give up.
Thank for the suggestion though!

Any time.

We'll probably be putting in a solar oven here in the not-too-distant future, along with a solar dryer for vegetables, but we're in Middle Tennessee, with loads of available sun.

I realize that not all places share that advantage.

I'll be posting about our progress as we make our improvements. ;-)

Great! I look forward to seeing what u do!

that's a fab idea, but I think @eco-alex is too busy eating hummous...

You could be right. And, as hummus lover myself, I can totally get behind the impulse.

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