Cryptogee Workouts: Three Killer Exercises


When I was younger I was always quite sporty and healthy. However at the age of around 35 I started to develop knee problems and therefore used that as an excuse to drop off. This lasted for a few years until somebody reminded me of something I said to them in my mid-twenties:

*"I intend to roar into my forties!

- Cryptogee

So I started roaring :-)

I want to share with you now 3 exercises that have given me the most physical health, and aesthetic benefits. I will link some AthleanX videos below because a few years ago I stopped following everyone else and concentrated on this channel.

If you've read my The Curious Case Of Cryptogee - The 20 Year Old Born 46 Years Ago!
article then you'll know that this has benefited me greatly and has given me physical fitness stats of somebody less than half my age!

Goblet Squat

Most people perform squat exercises incorrectly, once I heard this I checked to see if I was one of those people. Indeed I was, basically the common mistake is to load far too much weight which causes something called 'butt wink'.

This is where your tailbone (coccyx) tucks down as you near the bottom of your squat. This causes undue strain on your lower back and can cause injury.

The way to make sure this doesn't happen to you is to practice squatting first with no weight at all and following these guidelines:

  • Make sure as you descend, you are doing so by first hinging the hips. You can do this slightly and use your fingers to check for a crease in between your waist and the top of your legs.

I have recommended Esther Gokhale's 8 Steps To A Healthy Back, and she demonstrates the best way to bend down. Also AthleanX's Jeff Cavaliere is very big on doing this exercise properly.

  • Use a light weight: Once you have mastered going up and down in the right plane. Use a weight (preferably a dumbbell) held underneath your chin and perform your squats.

You should not even think about doing a barbell squat until you can squat half your body weight doing a goblet squat.

  • Concentrate on form: Basically if you have been doing this exercise incorrectly, you'll find that when you use proper form it is much harder. Therefore it is form you should concentrate on and don't bother about heavy weight. Leave your ego at the door!

Star Crunches

This is a killer ab exercise, especially if you're the sort of person who can wrack off a couple of hundred normal sit ups with not much problem.


  • As you curl up make sure you are breathing out and tensing your abdominal muscles. This will get you nice tight trim looking abs and will avoid bloating.

  • Do not go back down to a full resting position in betwen each one. Keep the tension in your abs for more rocking results!

  • You can build up to the full version by doing a knees bent crunch, slowly extending as you get stronger.

Hammer Curls

I've just been doing this one recently and oh boy-oh-boy does it work! If you want wider, fuller looking biceps and you really want to fill those T-shirt sleeves then this is the exercise for you.

Top Tip:

  • This is harder than a standard curl, so start off with a lighter weight than you would usually do.


Title image: Wesley Quinn on Unsplash



Thanks for the recommended channel.

No problem, enjoy! :-)


You are actually roaring and naughty at [email protected] . :) its motivating... And inspiring to take care our health and body and start with exercises... i just go for walk and sometimes cycling.... Is this sufficient for late 20's??i am 5.5" and 44 kgs.. Hope my BMI is good

The Curious Case Of Cryptogee - The 20 Year Old Born 46 Years Ago!

Your this blog is also quite interesting... Good job:)

i just go for walk and sometimes cycling.... Is this sufficient for late 20's??i am 5.5" and 44 kgs.. Hope my BMI is good

It is good, however it all depends on the rest of your lifestyle. If like me you sit at the computer a lot. Then you need to raise your heart rate to a decent level at least 4 times a week for half an hour each time.

High intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to have really amazing benefits. So 45 seconds of intense exercise then 15 seconds rest in chunks of 6-12 minutes. Three to four sessions of those per week and you'll be fit as a fiddle!

As long as you're not munching on super fatty food for the rest of the time :-)

But yes, you sound fit and healthy :-D


Oops... Yeah thanx for the tips.. I stand for long like in. Lab and sit at computer too.. so i guess still need to go for HIIT... Really appreciate your advice.. So thanx again gee... In India we add ji for respect so thanx.. gee.. Sounds similar like ji😉.. I hate fatty stuffs but munch on potato chips when I watch movie..

Very good information friend @cryptogee, saludos desde Venezuela.

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