The Curious Case Of Cryptogee - The 20 Year Old Born 46 Years Ago!


Today I finally got a health MOT (check-up) at my health centre, it has been something I've been meaning to do for a while now, but time and also the gym's computer system crashing have conspired against me.

The whole test takes about 30-40 minutes and I was extremely pleased with the results, and the physical trainer (PT) testing me was quite shocked by the results.

Ageing Backwards

I'm not going to limp into my 40s, I will roar into them!

Cryptogee circa 2005

I remember at around the age of 35, I said to my friend that I had decided to start ageing backwards. She laughed of course, but I told her I was serious, I believed through a combination of physical exercise and sheer will I could make it happen.

For a time it did not seem as if that was the case, however a couple of years ago at the biological age of 44 I started to follow the AthleanX fitness channel on Youtube.

It is run by Jeff Cavalier a PT who claims to put the 'science back into fitness', and I highly recommend it, my physical gains, not just in size but in strength have been incredible.

As you may know if you follow this blog, I have recently giving up smoking the 'erb, however I always felt that being physically active practically nullified the negative effects of smoking.

Turned out I was right!

Weight To Height Ratio


When I was 25 I was 88 kilos, today as you can see from the graphic I am 91, which is fine by me as I've put on a lot of muscle in the past couple of years.

At 6'4" or 1.94 metres this is a good weight range for me to be in.

Body Mass Index


My BMI as it is known, is healthy at less than 25, though I would like to get this down to around 22-23, I think that is possible now, simply because I won't be getting the munchies every 5 minutes.

Hip To Weight Ratio

Waist to hip_3_750.png

I was never really worried about this as I'm naturally slim, however even slim people get heart disease so it was good to find out that my ratio was healthy for a man of my age or even slightly younger.

Blood Pressure


My BP has always been around 80 over 120, it was a little high today, but my PT said that there could be other factors and wasn't overly worried.

I'll keep an eye on this one.

VO2 Max Aerobic Fitness


OK, this is where I blew my PT away, he couldn't actually believe it. Apparently I have the aerobic capacity of an elite athlete!

Woohoo! As you can see by the chart, if I was under 25 (over 20 years younger) greater than 62 would be amazing, 68 as my PT said; 'is off the chart!'

I must admit this one surprised me; whilst I feel stronger than I've ever done before, I didn't think my aerobic capacity was particularly special, especially as I've smoked (weed) most of my life.

Resting Heart Rate


As far back as I can remember I've always had a resting heart rate (RHR) of 60 bpm, today it was 62 so pretty much the same, and I'm sure if I took a reading now it would be closer to 60.



I have never had this measured however this was more cause for my PT to start wowing and muttering praises under his breath, apparently my levels are great for somebody in their 20s let alone mid-to-late 40s.

Blood Sugar Levels

Blood glucose_7_750.png

I had in fact eaten within the two hours and drunk a smoothie, the reason being my appointment was put back from 1 p.m. to 2:30 and I hadn't had anything to eat and was famished!

So there's every likelihood my blood sugar levels are even better than the healthy 4.4 mmol/L registered. Next time I won't eat and will get a more accurate reading.

Hydration Alcohol Caffeine & Sleep

These are metrics which rely on the user, and so I answered as honestly as I could. For instance I don't drink enough water and get 6 hours of pretty good sleep (not withstanding last night!) a night.

Alcohol I always find hard to answer, I had a drink on the weekend and sometimes I drink in the week, however it is not uncommon for me to go a couple of weeks without an alcoholic drink. So I made this about 3-6 units per week, a unit is about a half pint (approx 250ml) of beer.

Final Score

final score_12_750.png

Wowzer bobowzer!! A score of 88 takes me to the top 10% of people tested by the one hundred and eleven Nuffield Fitness & Wellness Centres across England & Wales.

Awesome, I'm aiming to get that to greater than 92, as that would put me in the top 10% for people under 20 years old (greater than 16).

Keep Going!

The moral of the story here is you're never too old to keep yourself in good shape regardless of your lifestyle. There are healthier things you can do like stopping smoking, not drinking so much and spending time each day around nature.

However the biggest impact on your life will always be physical exercise, and it only takes a few weeks to turn it into a habit.

Age is but a number and I can't wait till I'm 50, as I just feel like I'm getting stronger and fitter with each year passing, if I can do it at 46; then so can you!!


I want to get to plus 90 fitness score, and I want to be able to do a 'flag', which is holding myself horizontally on a pole with my arms extended, just grabbing on with my hands. I'd like to be able to do this within 12 months.



Title Image: Kate Trysh on Unsplash



Your blood pressure is 143/83? Wow that's not bad at all, well I think aging backward is like a paradox if you ask, but your health conditions are quite stable I think with the excersise rate and right food, you may even be 50 and still age backwards,

Yeah it's ok, it usually sits at 120/80 so I was a little disappointed in that one.

It is paradoxical, I'm hoping I can hold out till technology supersedes the need for healthy living! Lolz :-)


Well I think by then there will be pills to live for eternity 😀😀😁😂

Well, you have such an incredible result.

I wish I can be that committed when it comes to exercising my muscles too, I abandoned it after trying for few days...

The key is to start small and leave your ego at the gym door. When we try and blast heavy weights and hardcore exercises straight away, it makes our bodies hurt and our brains recoil in horror, therefore we stop.

Try again, watch the AthleanX channel on Youtube, just put in AthleanX and then a body part you want to train, like AthleanX Chest and see what you get.

Good luck!


Thanks so much, I will try to see some of the videos. I think I learn best with video instructions...

Well done, CG!!! you are doing it!!! Before too long they can pop our brain into a robot!

Hopefully! Barring accident I intend on emulating two of my great grandparents and living beyond 100 years, so fingers crossed! :-)

...and if not, at least I'll be the fittest man in the graveyard!! :-D


Well, i must confess before reading this, i am not the kind of person who really bothers about checking up regularly..
As long as am hydrated and my tummy is fat free... I believe i am fine..
But it just occured to me that knowing basically how your system runs and exeecising often is pretty important too.

Thanks @cryptogee, thats a tip for the week!

Exactly, healthy is happy! :-D


I am little fat and want to loose some weight. Also i am little bit lazy

Wow! Really lazy!! You made that comment within seconds of posting, so too lazy to read beyond the title it would seem.

I can help you with that if you want...


Hahahahah, very hilarious.

Lolz, and true! :-D


Wow that guy deserves the laziness medal, I thought it was only me that saw it.

Of cause, it is difficult to scam smart people... Lol

I read the last line and first two para 😀

I will like you to read the whole content, you will be inspired, trust me.

How can a man in his late 40 with some of the dirty stuff he has done in the past has such an incredible result?
Just try to read for yourself and you will see what I'm talking about...

This story is really similar to Benjamin Button's story, as you have linked here at the end of the article.
I really like reading this your post.

This story is really similar to Benjamin Button's story

Apart from the fact I wasn't born old though! Lol :-)


I used work out but i got lazy. I guess my size is deceiving me, lol.

I try to do some long walks sometimes and eat healthy as well.. I do not know if that is enough.

when I was doing my boxing that time my body was fit but because of some reason I have to leave my boxing line and from that time my body becomes fat your information are really interesting for me thanks for your post love it

You can always get it back, start training again today! :-)


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