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RE: Master Cleanse...Day 1

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Hi @in2itiveart , you GET IT. (FIRST WARNING -- I AM NOT a Doctor or GIVING ANY ADVICE AT ALL, this was my experience and my thoughts and I COULD VERY WELL BE WRONG!!)

The longer after the first 3 Days the more effective, and I BELIEVE (no hard evidence myself) that its those days beyond day 30 that YOUR BODY JUST goes into OVERDRIVE, that was the feeling I got from many youtube people who as they went further in time on the water fast, they felt the effects in a sense more. This I think was verified by a doctor in some study. Pretty much the way I understood it after looking into it was, that our digestive system uses the majority of our fuel we burn, when we stop eating we stop needing all that energy and so instead the body uses the energy to rejuvenate itself and starts a "self cleaning cycle" after about the first 3 days. The first 3 days the body uses your organs reserves and a small anount of MUSCLE loss I believe to keep energizing itself, then after those 3 days you are good to go, hunger pretty much GONE!

It is after 3 days that you pretty much LOSE ALL sensation for HUNGER, in fact food smelled REPULSIVE to me around Day 10-20 or so. I was pretty careful because I had never done it before but if you read up on the subject for maybe a week or two and get to the EARLY researchers in stead of the BULLSHIT which tells you you need like crazy staff on hand to help you through haha.

I was tired but not CRAZY tired. I lost almost 40 lbs from 235 I think to 195 or so, and only stopped because my brother was nervous for me and I was REALLY bored, you end up with ALOT of time not needing to go to the bathroom often and not needing to prepare, shop, or take time to eat.

The key with the water and I think some juice fasts probably stay within and others do not is that their is a point in calorie intake where you "RESTART " your digestive engine by consuming a certain minimum number of calories which I took to be about 100. Once digestion STARTS it WILL TAKE ANOTHER 3 days period to go into ketosis state.

Last there is one old doctor from WAAY back that was famous here in The U.S., I forgot his name , but reading his information was what got me to do it and I am glad I did. I'll find it and post it for you. Thats a start, if you have questions beyond feel free to ask, I feel like sense you did 10 day juice you pretty much know whats going on, but maybe something here will help.

I couldn't remember his name haha-- HERE he is Dr. Herbert Shelton (I REALLY like this dude for some reason) and I almost forgot to mention this one the reasons given for why some animals and many fish animals naturally STOP eating when injured or sick,to help themselves HEAL, aafter my experience I believe this to be TRUE!! stomach ulcer got MUCH better too.

Last I think research it yourself and see if it seems like iit will be worth it, I am REALLY INTERESTED in doing it again (my eating habits I did not fix and are horrible) so I am now 220 when I should be 170 or even much light at 5'11 haha goodluck!


Yes WE ARE JUST SHARING OUR EXPERIENCE here... thanks for the link I will check it out. You know the real reason I did this fast is because @dwinblood, who is my age-ish and lives up the road from me, said he would not be posting for a while because he has high blood pressure and had made an appt with the DOCTOR. And it just scared the crap out of me - that coupled with the guy I was caregiving for who, was 73 and dying of cancer - he ate well, but WHAT HE ATE - was all GMO, processed CRAP and he chewed tobacco etc etc - it freaked me out. I realized that I have a short time left before it will be really bad and I will be prone to all the poisons around us and I need to get healthy. I have been trying to give up meat for a long time unsuccessfully, so I realized if I do this fast then I will be off meat and I won't be able to just jump back into eating that way after the cleanse. Maybe I will need less and I can do what the guy who invented this diet said in the back about what to eat. Or maybe I can follow Dr. Morse's diet and eat mostly fruit, nuts and berries. Maybe I am wrong about the amino acids in meat that I think I need and maybe I can get it from other food once I kill the parasites... so yes keep sharing stuff and maybe you will jump on the cleanse - I did not realize you did a just water fast. That would be H-A-R-D! I am over the hump - this is the 3rd day. Whew!

I have cats as pets so when I think about eating meat I think about killing my cats for food and then it does not seem so enticing. The first 3 days are annoying of a water fast but after that it is pretty easy, just boring, I am pretty sure fasting is HUGE for diabities, blood pressure problems all kinds of stuff, there is one dude who water fasted for like 9 months or so, he was crazy over weight so just STOPPED eating haha. Cool stuff. I am pretty sure our bodies produce everything necessary if you eat reasonably (i do not lol) but maybe things help things along so people had to start taking amino's for some reason

Well first of all, I have a dog and it has taken me a while to see it that way because she is a carnivore and I feed her raw chicken... so I just kept looking at her face and looking at cows faces and finally realized that animals are animals. I had also listened to Mark Passio's talk on carnism. It was just literally very hard for me to switch over - I am very undisciplined and the planning that goes in to being a vegetarian or a vegan on a low budget was impossible for me to grasp - still is sort of - but I have taken some time to reorganize my priorities. You ought to go down the rabbit hole of blood type some time - it actually goes back to human origins. If we take all the "myths" as fact for example, it is likely that about 400k years ago some aliens showed up on this planet and decided to make a slave race from the hominids that were here - and that became homo sapiens - that we were genetically modified and dumbed down from telepathic fugivores to what we are today. Then some of those "gods" liked the creatures that they made and mated with them - and created another hybrid race that had more alien DNA than the slave species and those were set to rule over us, although the aliens are still here as well... that strain of human are the el-ites, and they have passed their type O negative blood down - they are the meat-eaters - and the others are natural vegetarians and can take it or leave it alone. I am type O negative - on my mother's side and probably on my father's side - so meat has always made me feel grounded in a way no other food has. I am going to see if I can live without that - even though I have NO earth signs in my chart at all - but still - maybe I can do it - I have not been able to just "go vegan" so the cleanse is my way of attempting to do a hard reboot of the system.

Yeah, my view is NOT rational in the animal world at all right. I AGREE strongly that I could be wrong on my "moral" basis that I look at it. It could be a NATURAL part of life. As far as undisciplined so am I lol. There are a ton of things I WANT to do but FAIL at even attempting, lots to learn.

Yes regarding bloodtypes there is lots we don't know right? I used to NOT think that way before I came to believe earth is flat (did I mention that already?) it wss just 10 months ago I learned about flat earth and it changed my life. I think now that the earth really is ONLY 6,000 years old. I am not sure I believe in aliens but I do noyt deny people have really seen things, just not sure who or what is behind it. I believe God is real, and there is a FREAKING DOME over our heads just like in the truman show. Right now, I am lerning how to free myself from the slavery system, hope to not be EXTOTED for my money "tax" for 2018!! F the gov

Well, I have seen aliens so ... I have that as part of my point of view - and yes I think I remember you mentioning flat earth. Yes free your mind from the slavery system - we all can do that - and raise our consciousness...

My brother saw a ufo with his buddy 25 years ago, I do think the dome makes aliens seem unlikely, but I have no interest in denying what people have seen, I am more confused than I sound.

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