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RE: Don't put on your skin what you wouldn't put in your mouth <3

in #health6 years ago

I heard this saying before and I totally agree with it. These days I don't use deodorant, no shampoo, I shower with water only, no skin creme or whatsoever. As I am hypersensitive to all kind of stuff, I soon found out that I felt better when I didn't use anything over using chemicals and I definitely don't smell worse these days.

P.S. I used to use all kind of crap. What boy doesn't go through an AXE period? I used loads of different gels and waxes and whatever in my hear for years and also eau de cologne, for a while, but did it make me feel good, not really.


Totally agreed, ahahaha the AXE phase, right! I never really loved the smell but I used it for years on end.

Since I stopped showering with shower gel regularly my hair has been much healthier and less greasy. I smell good without the chemicals. that said, I'll sometimes still use deodorant and shower gel, but that's super rare these days, and always for the convenience of other people (when riding on a train for a long time or something like that.)

I feel much better knowing all that stuff doesn't need to be worked through by my kidneys and liver, and the body can handle mostly anything if we don't constantly use it on a day-to-day basis. As you said, moderation is key!

Cheers my friend

I copy almost everything you say. Perhaps my luck is my hyperreactivity, as it tells me immediately what isn't good for my body. Something that doesn't seem to be the case with some people. Either that or they just totally ignore it.

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