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RE: One photo every day: Sore throat, bad cough. (57/365)

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Oh man... Finland is cold even in the middle of the summer. Hope you get well soon! However, I'd change all that medicine for the Velimir Sick Juice: 3 dl Water, 1 Fresh lemon squeezed, 2 full tea spoons of powder Vitamin C and some baking soda to kill the sourness. Sip every 5 mins a little sip. Also, have a warm tea always ready. :D


It's late August already. The sun already sets at about 9 pm already. Nights are getting cool. Autumn equinox is only a month from now. But I suspect people tend to catch the cold this time of the year because of the schools having started recently. It's a potlatch of various viruses and other pathogens encountered by everyone during the summer.

Yeah, we swim in the sea until the October, some stop even later :D So to me it's the middle of the summer :D But you re right about schools...

Sry just saw your reply. I was away moto blogging for 2 days. "Here" is in Croatia. I publish a lot about Croatia so I assumed Jaro knows, and now you do as well! :D

I attended European Go Congress in Croatia in 2002. It was held in Zagreb. The Adriatic coast is very beautiful. We visited the island of Krk near Rijeka.

Nice :-) I'm a go player myself. No club or pro stuff like you guys. I played a lot with my dad as a kid.

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