Addiction - 13 Reasons Why Social Media is Bad for Your Business & Health

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Social Media Dangerous.jpg

Social media has become one of the greatest time sucks worse than Netflix. People outside are so glued to their smartphones that they will run into you like they are blind.

If you are not famous or a business owner with at least 10.000 people interested in your stuff then you are wasting your time on social media. Here are the 13 reasons why.

1. Social Media Steals Energy

You are a consumer instead of a creator, so invest your energy and build something of worth! You want to leave a mark on this world and that ain't happening if you waste your time on social media.

(I am not talking about you babe.)

2. You Will be More Creative Without Social Media

You only see things but you don't understand them because you are wasting your time consuming mediocre things instead of using your fantasy. Everything is already there for you on social media, you stop being creative.

3. You Will Be Focused Like a Madman

When you get rid of bullshit you will be more focused, it is really that simple.

4. You Become Addicted to That Shit

You will become addicted to likes, follows & comments. Suddenly you are happy about every like, follow, and answer and read all the bullshit comments of people who don't get shit done.

(Got some upvotes, comments or follows?)

5. It Ruins your Patience

You eagerly await the next fucking notification like a fucking crack junkie (I know I did).

6. You can not Advertise on Social Media Until You are Known

If you are not known you are wasting your time there. If you want to be known you have to create great work first.

7. After you Quit Your Work Ethic Will Become Better

You stop refreshing your social media like a crack junkie hustling for his next rock. You will have more time and you will be less distracted.

8. You Will Look Better After you Quit

If you are using your social media you will get a better stance because you are not always looking downwards on your phone like a shy person.

9. You Get Smarter

There are smart people like Illimitable Man, Paul Waggener, and Jack Donovan but they are just posting short passages. If you want real knowledge you read books instead of short passages.


10. You Will Suddenly Feel Free

Suddenly you stop looking on your phone and refreshing social media all the time to get your next rock. You start seeing things around you and you start noticing people & the weather.

11. It Causes Depression

Seeing the good life of people makes you depressed because you are not living it. Besides that, these people worked hard to get there and they sure as fuck didn't waste their time on social media to get there.

12. Most People There are Timewasters

Either you have an audience or you don't. And if you have no audience then you are just a timewaster on social media. You don't want to argue or talk with time wasters.

(Don't be a time wasting couch potatoe)

13. You don't get Money like on Steemit!

The funny thing is that you don't even get money for it like on Steemit! But you also have to be careful here on Steemit because there is a lot of Spam and people that don't take Steemit serious. This is why I suggest that you only follow quality people who help you in some way or make you smarter.


How to quit social media

Delete your accounts, problem solved. If you are successful you hire a social media manager to deal with social media. If you are not successful but have a good amount of followers who buy your stuff (there is no other reason to be on social media) then you have enough money to pay a media manager.

The traffic you get from social media is often just 1%!! and from these 1% how many do buy? Consider that.
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great blog very informative @valorforfreedom

Do you have more reasons why social media is dangerous? :)

very very dengerous .i concur.

Excellent post, very well articulated. thank you so much.

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