Herbs for a healthier birth!

in #health7 years ago


I am 100% for natural medicines, herbal remedies, and homeopathic alternatives. I am always eager to find the natural solution for all health related problems. 

At the end of both of my pregnancies, I took the Polly-Jean Five Week Antenatal Formula, which are encapsulated herbs. The pills contain ten different herbs, all of which are meant for specific purposes to aid in birth and recovery. I had fantastic results with both births. I am actually still taking the pills postpartum because I think they are helping to balance my hormones and heal my hormonal acne!


My first birth was very, very long. Sixty three hours, to be exact. Even though the herbs did not help to speed up my first birth, I am very confident they assisted in preventing preterm labor, preventing premature rupture of the membranes, helping in postpartum bleeding, helping in uterine healing, etc. I didn't have as good of an experience my first time because I wound up going to the hospital where I was given an episiotomy against my consent, which was excruciating to heal from. (UGH, why are episiotomies so normal in non-emergent situations?).

My second birth was amazing! It was fast, I didn't tear, I didn't bleed too much, I healed extremely fast, and I felt great! I know that the herbs helped a lot. I also drank pregnancy tea and chowed down on lots of eggs and avocados, all of which I believe helped as well!

The Polly-Jean Five-Week Antenatal Formula contains the following herbs:

Squawvine (Diuretic; helps to make childbirth wonderfully easy—especially when used with red raspberry leaves; good for uterine troubles, female complaints.)
Blue Cohosh (Regulates menstrual flow; brings on effective labor contractions; for chronic uterine trouble; leukorrhea, which is a discharge, sometimes profuse, of whitish or yellowish mucus from the vagina; and inflammation of the vagina.)
Blessed Thistle (Great power in purifying and circulating of the blood; strengthens the heart; lifts spirits; excellent in puberty; aids in the production of quality mother’s milk.)
Red Raspberry leaf (Antacid; decreases menstrual flow; soothes—doesn’t excite; mild laxative; assists in parturition.) 
False Unicorn (Female herbal director: balances the direction of female changes, puts functions of reproductive organs in right perspective. If fetus is malformed, or an uncorrectable problem exists, false unicorn will encourage spontaneous miscarriage in early stage of pregnancy; if all is well and some other cause has threatened miscarriage, false unicorn will change directions to retain fetus in utero to successful conclusion of pregnancy. Assists in the discharge of retained placenta and membrane fragments after delivery.)
Motherwort (Nervine, hepatic -for liver problems; good for suppressed urine: excellent pregnancy herb.)
Wild Ginger (Enhances other herbs in their action upon the system; good for diarrhea which sometimes precedes labor; prevents griping; especially good for action in lower parts of the body.)
Lobelia (Antispasmodic, nervine; improves oxygenation of blood; wonderful for help with pain.)
Wild Yam (Good to combine with squawvine; in frequent, small doses allays nausea; relaxing and soothing to nerves; one of best herbs for pain in childbirth; good for discomfort in late pregnancy; combine with ginger to prevent miscarriage.)
Bayberry Root bark (Astringent properties suppress bleeding; aids in the separation of the placenta; increases flow of urine; for relief of cramps when uterus is contracting; stimulates the uterus to function properly.)

Quoted from Birthjunkie.com

I am thrilled with my herbal experience. I believe in the power of herbs!


This is a great post! I have heard herbs worked great for labor. I wish I had known about them when I was having my kids. Thanks for sharing this info.

Very nice to be doing a post you thank you for sharing a nice post in us

so nice posting...
thank you for sharing

i have been asking myself if natural medicine works its good to know there are people who literally use it.

Yes, natural medicine works!

Herbs work faster that some medications we take I think. Thanks for sharing your experience

Herbs during and after birth are definitely Mother Natures gentle helpers. Most Midwives carry a wide variety in our little bag of tricks. They actually help with women's health throughout the entire life span. My favorite herbalist is Susan Weed. I highly recommend anyone to check out her Wise Woman ways. I learned so much from her :)

I will look her up! Thank you! :)

I took St. John's wort tincture and wild oat tee to help me fight postpartum depression after my third. It was quite literally life-saving.

That's great that you found natural remedies to help you!

This is fantastic! I'm glad to have found yet another person on here that's an advocate for natures medicine! Ohh gosh tho, your first birth was so long! That's not ideal but you made up time with your second!!! Your brew here is an impressive one!

My wife and I are avid supporters of alternative/holistic healing and use many different types of herbs and minerals on a daily basis. Right now is an important time for my wife as she is days away from giving birth to our second son. The plethora of dried herbs and tinctures she's on, as well as the mineral supplements is astounding (one of her tinctures is very similar to your capsules above). She did the same with our first son Charlie and her birth and recovery was impressive. Loads of iron to recover the blood loss (tissue salts & iron phosphate) and plenty of wholesome & nutritious foods. The only thing she's going to do different this time is placenta encapsulation.

Anyway, I'm new here and have just found your blog so a big follow to you! I look forward to reading more of your stuff!



Thank you for your comment! It is so good to have fellow natural medicine appreciators!
I hope your wife's second birth is beautiful! ❤️

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